Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Faction Direction Poll

What should the GA's future entail?

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Hey everyone,

There's some debate among the faction's staff over the ideal direction for the faction across the next little while. So, with the Alliance being "for the people, by the people," it's only right that we put it up to polling. Let us know what you think.

Do not vote with multiple alts.

*CLARIFICATION: The PVE & PVP stuff can be about anything, those are just examples. Just trying to discern if people are into more chill options, some light conflict vs other writers / factions unrelated to the map game, or full-blown invasions.
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As an addendum to the PVP stories or Invasions, we'd be interested in hearing who you'd like to engage with, and your reasoning. Please feel free to use the space below to expand on your choice.
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Elias Vati

Considering our tensions with the Confederacy especially with their expansion into the Starbird Trade Spine, I think this would give our characters the chance to have some skirmishing, proxy fights, and clandestine operations. The systems along the hyperlane are up for grabs making it a good playground for some wild stuff to happen
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