Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Final Eclipse | GA Annihilation of Exegol

"Do you not know how rude it is to ask for someone's name without giving your own first?"

Danton flourished his lightsaber with a cold laugh. The girl had spunk. Even covered head to toe in mud, suffering from fatigue and a host of wounds, she didn't hesitate to talk down to him in that snooty, privileged tone of hers. He found it all too amusing.

"Of course," he said. "My utmost apologies. Where are my manners?" He curtseyed like a royal lady in court, the gesture exaggerated and mocking. "You may call me Danton."

He rose just as the other Jedi she was with pushed her away, sending her into the arms of some nameless Alliance agent, all while blocking his path. Danton grimaced in annoyance. He'd really hoped to make the girl suffer for her sass, but fine. He was content with letting her just watch as he killed her friend.

Danton eyed the other Jedi up and down, reaching out with the Force, hoping to pierce his mind. "Jand Talo? How incredibly boring." Another laugh. "Sounds like to me you are nothing more than another empty-headed padawan who thinks they can—"

He paused. When he tried breaking past the boy's mental barrier, he was surprised by how easily he was repulsed. It was like walking into a brick wall.

"Jand Talo," he repeated again, now with a little more respect in his voice. No wonder he'd managed to fend off the mad Dathomiri witch, Starfall. This boy was stronger than he looked. "Isn't that interesting. Who is your master, Jedi?"

He tilted his head. Whatever the padawan's answer, he supposed it didn't matter. They were going to die anyway, right? Who cared about who trained him?

Danton lifted his hand. Fingers outstretched, he smiled, channeling the Dark Side before he unleashed a wave of Force Lightning, threatening to fry the Jedi where he stood.

Enemies: Jand Talo Jand Talo , Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
Objective: Kill the Jedi.​
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ



[ Equipment | Lightsaber ]


With the removal of other outside influences or thought, Jand's mind was like a beskar trap.


Corazona was with the Agent, and both allies were away from threat. There was nothing else to consider. Now it came down to kill or be killed, and that was where Jand excelled. His life had been honed around combat, engaging enemies mentally and physically, and now that other concerns had been removed from the situation...

"Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor," Jand said simply, as he stared with cold gray eyes. "One of the strongest combatants of the Jedi Order. And he has taught me well."

The Mawite - Danton - launched into a barrage of Force Lightning, which Jand grimaced at, as he angled his pair of lightsaber blades to intercept the attack. Similar to Malum Marr, the bright and burning electrical trail was met against the blue plasma. Unlike the prior engagement, Danton's attack was more potent, and Jand clenched his teeth as excessive energy began to bleed through - and pinned in place, defending, Jand's body began to draw in the sparks and tendrils that weren't blocked outright.


Force energy.

Drawing amounts in, replenishing the Force reserves Jand's body naturally lacked.

"Sith... dark siders... you are so reliant on lightning."

Fortunate that Jand was the learner of a combat specialist; though, whether that meant Jand could maintain the effort, in his fatigued state, remained to be seen...

But if he could absorb enough energy with Tutaminis, enough to give him a chance, that could just be the difference.

Danton was impressed, in a way that slightly widened his eyes, at the success of the Jedi in blocking and absorbing his Force lightning. But where they had training, Danton had experience. Tutaminis was a fickle sword and chipped under the slightest pressure. All the Sith warrior needed to do was turn up the temperature.

He bared his teeth and took a step towards the Padawan. Then another. With each step closer, his lighting grew more intense and erratic. Bolts were not just sucked into Jand's palms, but struck the ground next to him, carving miniature trenches that mirrored those that scarred the planet around them.

The barrage was draining to unleash, but Tutaminis had its limits. The boy would not be able to absorb all of it, and the more he took in, the more likely it would be that he would lose control of the colossal dark energy he was taking into himself. The injuries would be... severe, and delightfully so.

Danton, on the other hand, was not feeling the fatigue of his onslaught so much as the ache in his hands and arms brought on a euphoria of dark madness. He flashed a smirk at Jand, the haunted eyes under his mask now a sickly yellow thanks to unbridled power he was drawing from the dark side.

"And you Jedi," he said through gritted teeth, "are too self-righteous and overconfident. The younger you are, the worse it is. Do you think you can take all of my lightning? Can a mere Padawan inhale so much darkness without consequence? You will fall like the rest, and even if the Maw is finished, the Sith will remain. They will endure."

Whatever the Jedi's answer, it would not matter. The closer Danton drew to Jand, the closer he got into striking range. He was willing to wager which of them would be more tired when that point in time came. Jand had to know too. If he didn't, his arrogance would cost him more than this fight. It would cost him his life.

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ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

The lightning began to mix with the cacophony of events around the pair.

Even as Jand felt his body absorb the excess energy, he felt the ground tremble, as the dry mass beneath the mud cracked and split. The Padawan's balance shifted, he fell to one knee, before he stepped up and to one side. The deluge of mud began to recede, drawn into the cracks and splits and rumbles of Exegol, even as the lightning flared and sparked and burnt.

Jand clenched his jaw; his hands and arms felt numb, his body struggled.

Just a little longer...

Danton taunted; the masked dark sider spoke of the power Jand absorbed, of the Maw being finished, but the Sith remaining...

"My goal is not to drain more power than you have--"

Jand smirked, as he looked beyond Danton.

"--it is to wait for that."

And raging behind the Mawite, the wall of light tore toward the pair, as it consumed the circus town and rapidly approached the two combatants...


Allies: N/A
Enemies: Danton Danton
Engaging: Danton Danton
Danton felt his power begin to overwhelm the Padawan. Lightning snapped and crackled, threatening to tear through their defenses. Although the golden-haired girl had already fled, he could at least find some satisfaction in killing this Jedi.

Yet, as he neared him, smiling all the while, Jand's next words slid into him like a knife, and as his eyes wandered over Danton's shoulder, he followed their direction, all the way back to the Wall of Light rapidly closing in on them.

An odd sensation struck him, then. Doubt? Dread? Fear? He didn't know, because it had been so long since he felt something other than pure and unbridled hatred. Danton had thought what his master had taught him, that his own power, would be enough to protect him against the Light. But looking at it now, he felt like an insect against a tidal wave.

He felt utterly, foolishly and hopelessly weak.

"Shit," he said, just moments before the Light slammed into him.

How he did not turn to ash in that moment would stay as a wonder to him. The Dark Side was a pathway to many unnatural abilities, and Darth Hakan had taught him a great deal, but against the might of the Jedi, all of that paled in comparison. Perhaps it was luck, or the rise of the Avatars, now that the ritual had been finished. Or maybe it was because Danton was not all bad, not all vile hatred, but just a slave to the Dark.

It didn't matter now. When the Light hit him, the Dark left, and there, he heard a whisper, a little voice in the back of his skull. Survive, she said.

After that, it was over, and Danton crumpled into a heap as the ground beneath them trembled, the planet finally breaking apart.

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

The wave of light crashed against them, like an expanding wall.

Jand half-closed his eyes, the brightness too much, as he felt the buffeting and force of the wave flow over and around him - but ultimately remained unaffected. The Mawite wasn't so lucky, as Danton was knocked over and remained still on the shaking and cracking ground, seemingly unconscious.

Once it had passed, Jand stood and took stock.

The Padawan walked over, lightsabers active, as he briefly considered stabbing the Mawite through the chest...

But no, there was no honor in that act, not to mention the masked Danton had said something that also stayed Jand's strike.

"The Sith will remain," Jand mumbled, as he repeated the words. "They will endure."

Jand deactivated the lightsabers.

"You clearly know something about the Sith... and the Jedi will soon know that information, also."

Above, the roar of a transport engine was heard, likely one of the vessels called by the Agent to their position. It came in fast, thundering with repulsors and speed, as the world continued to crack and shake. Jand bent down and pulled Danton's arm over his shoulders, before he expended the built up Force energy inside to rejuvenate his body, and then half-lifted half-dragged the unconscious opponent toward the waiting transport.

"Planet is unstable, Jedi," called one of the Alliance troopers, as a pair of soldiers helped drag the masked Mawite inside the open side entry. "All forces are evac, the Maw did something, and it's gonna blow any moment."

"Understood," Jand hopped into the transport, even as he felt the final shudder of the planet beneath his boots. "Were my allies - Corazona von Ascania and Agent Guns Galore - retrieved from this area?"

"Yes, we have them."

"Good," Jand nodded as he strapped into one of the transport chairs. He motioned toward Danton. "That one is a Mawite, now a prisoner. Take us to the closest prison facility for Force Users... he knows something about the Sith."

"Copy that, Jedi," said the pilot, as the transport spun up and lifted off. "We're clear to bug out - good riddance, Exegol!"

The side hatch closed, and Jand sighed, as he eased into the seat backing and took a moment to be still...



Allies: N/A
Enemies: Danton Danton
Engaging: Danton Danton
Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

This would have been much easier if he was allowed to subjugate these animals to his will.

Damsy had been strict about it however.

Rio was not in the habit of disobeying orders from a Sith Lord. He valued his life a little too much for that. Plus, he missed that reflexive instinct to grab for more power, more authority, so the struggle and strife that came so natural for Sith? It was almost entirely absent in Rio. He just wanted to do a good job and become stronger.

Snap his chains by his own will without having to stamp all over someone's face.

That was so messy.

Somehow, Riordan wasn't entirely sure how, he managed to leap off the bucking back of one of the creatures. Instead landing on the roof of the ship, which Damsy would overhear by the sudden thunk of boots against the metal.

"Animals have been delivered." His voice loomed into her ears as Rio stared down at the creatures running amok. "Now we just need to somehow get them into the transport. Any ideas, my Lord?"

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