Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Empire

The modern successor of the Galactic Empire, inheritors of the legacy and traditions of the former Imperial hegemon.

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Major Faction Owner Election


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It is said that NO KING RULES FOREVER.

Even the great Tsar Simeon.

It’s been a helluva blast and definitely my favorite time spent roleplaying on Chaos has been here with the NIO/Empire. However, real life responsibilities are taking over my time the older I get leaving me unable to roleplay as a whole, let alone drive a faction.

The person I nominate to take the reigns off me is Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , a fellow faction admin who has always been enthusiastic to help the faction and its members at all times.

However, of course, if you feel that you'd prefer a different candidate you may nominate and vote for that person in the replies below.

This will run for 5 days and double as a nomination + voting thread.

Godspeed, Imperials.
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It is said that NO KING RULES FOREVER.

Even the great Tsar Simeon.

It’s been a helluva blast and definitely my favorite time spent roleplaying on Chaos has been here with the NIO/Empire. However, real life responsibilities are taking over my time the older I get leaving me unable to roleplay as a whole, let alone drive a faction.

The person I nominate to take the reigns off me is Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , a fellow faction admin who has always been enthusiastic to help the faction and its members at all times.

However, of course, if you feel that you'd prefer a different candidate you may nominate and vote for that person in the replies below.

This will run for 1 week and double as a nomination + voting thread.

Godspeed, Imperials.

I nominate Ignacious as well, and uhhhh remove myself from being chosen if it would've happened. Empire is in great hands with him.

stating for the record: not so sure how I feel about this,

but with that being said, if this is all set in stone-
thirded for Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Good luck in your endeavours, Zef. You'll most-certainly be missed around here, mate.

I must say this is not expected. Much love to Zef Halo Zef Halo and all he has done for this faction.

Should the election result in my becoming the next FO, I shall endeavor to continue in his footsteps. Thank you all for your confidence in nominating me, as well as those who have thus far voted.

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