Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashlan Crusade

A gathering of religious fanatics, political extremists, mercenary bands, exiled armies, and others united under the goal of liberating their homeworlds occupied by the various Sith states.

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New Ashlan Leader

Ashlan Crusade Narrator


After a nail-biting voting race and a hard fought battle the votes have been counted and then recounted after suspicions were raised about 81000 last minute mail in votes for one of the candidates.

The results are a resounding win for

Pietro Demici Pietro Demici so we would like to formally offer him the role of leadership.

His opponent Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Will continue to serve loyally and has even offered him his own ride to the inauguration a private shuttle all to himself with no witnesses distractions while he operated to accept this role.

Congratulations Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Thoroughly deserved

Ashlan Crusade Narrator
I adapt, just a question on the regulation regardless of the results, is the vote valid with any percentage of voters? I expected more voters.
Just as with any election, results can only be based on those that turn out.

Participation is not compulsory by any means and several members including the two candidates made the decision not to participate for a variety of reasons. The RPJ overseeing it has accepted and is actioning the result.

Thank you for voting :)

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