Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rizzla Empire

Total War for fun Role-Play. Star Wars Barbarian Crusaders. (Disclaimer: War crimes possible)

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Putting this one up for an idea. Player made planet. What do you folks think?
I don't think the planet has enough content to interact with. No government. Planet being pulled apart. Only beasts on a frozen world.

I think it be neat to do a story across a few threads where we take a planet and conquer it from a hostile force. Less sandbox overall, given we're writing specific story beats, but HOW we go about doing it and what lore we engage will make it a good time.

I'll look at planets for a suggestion.
I don't think the planet has enough content to interact with. No government. Planet being pulled apart. Only beasts on a frozen world.

I think it be neat to do a story across a few threads where we take a planet and conquer it from a hostile force. Less sandbox overall, given we're writing specific story beats, but HOW we go about doing it and what lore we engage will make it a good time.

I'll look at planets for a suggestion.
Awesome, looking forward to the ideas.
Alright, I've cooked up idea #1.

General idea:

Part 1 is Belkadan. We finish up our current thread, establishing that as the Emperor's base of operations.
Part 2 sees us go to Revyia. Here we will discover two crucial story points:
  1. The local Revwien population is dying en masse to a disease that infects them at seeding.
  2. A rogue fleet of some kind has blockaded the planet and is bombarding it with orbital strikes anytime someone gets close.
Part 3 sees a small group travel to the nearby Worlds Within to seek the cause of this plague, as well as determine a cure. Meanwhile, a small force of Rizzlan soldiers have broken through the blockade to provide relief to the creatures planetside, as well as wage horrific jungle warfare on the enemy army.
Part 4 sees a pitched naval battle as the Rizzlan Empire blitzes the blockade while a contingent of ground & pounders sneak aboard the ship dropping bombs and do the damn thing.


The Revwien people swear their fealty to Emperor Djinn Rizzla for freeing their people, and we explore some less-used planets and prepare for future war posting threads.

Djinn Rizzla Djinn Rizzla Hyperion Hyperion Legate Legate Kyros of Memnon Kyros of Memnon

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