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Public The New Viceroy

Reginald Rymkin Sr.




Open to Interaction

Reginald strode confidently through the grand hall of the Kuat Drive Yards, his opulent figure cutting through the sea of elegantly dressed guests like a sleek starship slicing through space. The Trade Federation had spared no expense in hosting this lavish party, and the atmosphere was one of opulence and extravagance.
Greeting each guest with a charming smile and a firm handshake, his silver eyes glinting with cunning as he exchanged pleasantries and small talk with the various dignitaries and businessmen in attendance. The Viceroy was a master of diplomacy, and his easygoing manner belied the ruthless ambition that lay beneath the surface.
As he made his way through the crowd, Rymkin's sharp gaze fell upon a group of Twi'lek dancers, their lekku swaying seductively as they performed an exotic dance for the guests. Intrigued, the Viceroy made his way over to them, his eyes bright with interest as he watched the graceful movements of the dancers.
"Beautiful performance, my friends," Rymkin said, his voice smooth and honeyed. "You truly capture the essence of the Outer Rim in your artistry."
The lead dancer, a stunning Twi'lek with vibrant green skin and piercing yellow eyes, smiled at the Viceroy. "Thank you, Viceroy Rymkin," she said, her voice sultry and inviting. "We are honored to perform for such a distinguished audience."
Rimkin nodded graciously, his gaze lingering on the dancer for a moment longer than strictly necessary. "Please, continue with your performance. I find it quite...enchanting."
With a graceful bow, the Twi'lek resumed her dance, her movements hypnotic and mesmerizing. Rymkin watched with rapt attention, his thoughts drifting to the possibilities that lay ahead for the Trade Federation in this sector of the galaxy.
As the evening wore on, Rymkin continued to mingle with the guests, his charisma and charm drawing people to him like moths to a flame. He shared drinks and laughs with influential politicians and wealthy business owners, planting the seeds of future alliances and partnerships with each smiling conversation.
"An enthralling display of scheming and manipulation, truly captivating to behold"
He proclaimed, glancing around for any other person of interest to interact with.

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Lowball glass in hand, Judah swirled the liquid around for a moment,not watching the Twi'lek dancers. They were beautiful, naturally, but he wasn't here to ogle women. Instead his ocean gaze was locked firmly on the new Viceroy. If he didn't quite trust the last one, he definitely didn't trust this one. This new figurehead reminded him of a sleezy used speeder salesman who retired to one of those senior communities that used colored loofa sponges to indicate sexual preferences.

Now he was out of retirement, lingering around like a skeev, gaze lingering far too long. Apparently the Viceroy never learned the art of the subtle look when it came to the object of his desires.

Eyebrow raised, Judah debated heading out on the balcony for a cigarillo. This was typically the time he would exit to do such a thing, normally finding a few like minded individuals doing the same and striking up conversation. He wasn't sure if he should do that today. First, his son had rubbed the Trade Federation the wrong way by taking up a contract with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Not that Judah minded, he had no allegiance to the Trade Federation, but he also didn't need any problems either.

Second was Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau .They did arrive together, even if it was an awkward and unusual dynamic between them, the Trade Queen was still his closest and dearest friend. As such he was keeping an eye out for her, especially with the Viceroy hanging around. Of course the redhead could look out for herself, but old habits died hard, and he wondered if the kath hounds were still circling around the now widow.

A small sigh and sip of his drink. At least this would be over in a few hours.


Reginald Rymkin Sr.



Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

The soft pull of the data googles around Rymkin's eyes told him all he needed to know about how the party was going. The music was playing in lively rhythms, enveloping the room in a vibrant atmosphere. Amidst the energetic tunes, the twi'lek dancers gracefully swayed, their movements reflecting a sense of freedom and joy.
Not a care was in sight as the festivities unfolded, shielding the attendees momentarily from the grim realities beyond.
The galaxy, despite its impending conflicts and wars, seemed momentarily distanced from the revelry, offering a temporary respite from the looming shadows of unrest as this 'New Empire' or Dark Empire was planning on challenging the superpower of the decade, The Old Galactic Alliance which had survived the New Imperial Order and the Brotherhood of the Maw.
They would fail in the end, as long as the New Jedi Order continued to brandish their lightsabers and recklessly engage in battles on behalf of an indifferent government.
The Federation had no choice but to adjust to these conditions, ultimately selecting a new leader to guide them towards a prosperous era of wealth and power reminiscent of the time when Gat Tambor first established the corporation.
"My my, what do I spy on the balcony. Its the man, the myth and the legend of the old scrappers." Reginald exclaimed to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .
There was not a person alive in the corporate world that did not know of the excellent services provided by his scrap empire.
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Cigarrillo in one hand, lowball glass in the other, Judah had been persueded by a few fellow business men around his age to join them on the balcony for a smoke. Talk of business quickly turned personal.

"I hear your boy is marrying the Arceneau girl. How much did you pay for that to happen Judah?"

"...we all know he must have gave up a good stake of Salacia for it to happen. I'd estimate at least thirty percent."

"Thirty percent? Not in this 'verse. We all know how Danger is, I will bet all of you she has forty-nine percent ownership now."

Judah listened as they volleyed potential numbers back and forth, debating the merits and pitfalls of such a union.

"No, nothing. It's not even a business transaction, we didn't set it up. They love each other. Danger and I had no hand in it."

"Love?!" A round of laughter. "Okay Judah. We've seen your boy. Talked to him. He's fine enough but not for an Arceneau."

Before he could reply, the newest Viceroy was greeting him. Apparently already familiar with his face too.

"Viceroy Rymkin. A pleasure to finally meet you."

Lowball glass was set on the balcony ledge. Free hand now outstretched in greeting.

"Congratulations on your position. I must say it came as a shock when the previous Viceroy stepped down. However, I'm positive you will take charge with ease."

Reginald Rymkin Sr.


Reginald Rymkin Sr.



Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"Oh no, my friend. It is my utmost pleasure to have the opportunity to revel in the magnificence of the esteemed Salvage King, Judah Dashiell."
He spoke with a confident smile, warmly grasping Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's hand with genuine enthusiasm. Appreciating the power of flattery in building connections, Rymkin realized the importance of incorporating the same strategy in all his interactions.
Each handshake and smile was carefully crafted to charm the minds and captivate the hearts of his prospective business partners at the party, showcasing the Trade Federation's renewed interest in creating strong bonds through subtle gestures and genuine interest in their well-being.
The Old Viceroy was far too concerned with logical numbers, and data driven approaches to see the advantage of style and class.
"You know how the corporate world is, where one moment you are in a favorable position and the next moment the shareholders are rearranging the executive deck in your favor. However, let's not dwell on such tedious matters. The New Federation firmly upholds the values of Honesty, Integrity, and, of course, Profits.."
He spoke while extending his hand, as if casting a spell and anticipating the words to materialize above them.

Who was this guy?

Judah wasn't sure if Viceroy Reginald Rymkin Sr. was trying to sleep with him, flatter him into a favor, or was just naturally a flatterer for no reason. Confused expression would cross his face as their hands shook, trying to figure out the dynamic of the new Viceroy. Perhaps the new figurehead was merely trying to butter everyone up into warm and fuzzy feelings for a grander scheme of things. War was on the horizon in the Core, perhaps the new Viceroy was already trying to establish connections to line the coffers.

It would make sense.

"Hmn, yes, the tides of business can be very fickle."

Yet the new Viceroy didn't want to dwell on such matters. Why not? They were all business beings, well...most of them, this was all in the realm of doing business. Very curious. Yet he followed the lead of his host, moving away from the subject of power drifting in and out. Instead, he would have his own joke. Not a good one, but none the less.

"Honesty and integrity? I don't think those two words exist in a government."


Reginald Rymkin Sr.



Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"Hah!, Certainly not, Certainly not my friend. It is highly unlikely that governments possess the ability to comprehend, let alone articulate, such beautifully crafted words such as Honesty and Integrity."
He said with a hefty but soft laugh at the poor joke, trying to make Judah Dashiell feel better about saying it, offering a slight twirl of the body, white robes with golden accents flowing in the movement as the Viceroy had the opportunity to impress the man before him.
The Trade Federation boasted numerous subordinate companies operating under its unified emblem; however, none of these entities were solely fixated on capitalizing on the potential wealth derived from the consequences of the Galactic Government's disputes concerning planet's and resources as scrap was bound to be left behind.
Glancing back at the main room, which was filled with a mix of laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses, creating a lively atmosphere that added to the grandeur of the event.
The Viceroy's eyes wandered from one group to another, catching snippets of conversations and exchanging polite nods with familiar faces. Despite the jovial ambiance, there was an underlying sense of tension as alliances were formed and rivalries simmered beneath the surface.
"Now I'd hate to get into business, so soon after being selected to lead the Federation. However, I have an extraordinary opportunity that will revolutionize the salvage industry. Brace yourself for an unprecedented influx of credits, if you catch my drift."
He mustered all the persuasive abilities within him to offer Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Grand Hall of the Kuat Drive Yards
| Dress x & x | x | x | x | x | x |

"Thank you, Lord Bivmo," Danger purred, her husky twang wrapping around the words as she smiled at the Kuati nobleman. They'd been discussing the finer points of local politics, family matters, and his latest acquisition -- a rare 843ABY Cabernet from Chandrilla that had survived the Omega War. It was all typical business for such a social hour. They reached an agreement: she would procure additional exotic wines for his collection, and he would contract raw materials for his manufacturing plant from MaraTibx while Danger would be distributing his products through Arceneau Trade centers and the Southern Systems Business Bazaar.

"It was a pleasure,"
she said, inclining her head in farewell.

"But of course, Mrs. Arceneau, the pleasure was all mine,"
Lord Bivmo replied, his formal tone softened by a ghost of a smile.

With her farewell, Danger began a slow amble around the room. She wore a black cocktail dress, still marking her period of mourning, though the dark hue only enhanced the vibrancy of her auburn hair and the emerald fire in her eyes.

A quick survey of the room brought Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell into view, standing next to Reginald Rymkin Sr., the new Trade Federation Viceroy. Her eyes widened subtly in surprise, but decades of experience smoothed her expression into one of cordial greeting. Her last dealings with the former Viceroy, Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , had gone well. While she didn't have the Trade Federation's full support yet, their agreements on pharmaceutical distribution and manufacturing were promising steps toward a more intimate partnership.

As a beverage droid passed, Danger motioned for it to stop. She selected a lowball glass of whiskey, then sashayed over to the pair, her cherry-red lips curved in a wide smile. "Good evenin', gentlemen. I do hope you are enjoyin' yourselves this fine evenin'."


Eyebrow raised at the mention of business prospects. So soon into the celebration? Oh, there was plenty of business being conducted, but mainly between his fellow business sentients. He had heard conversations as he passed through the crowds earlier. Promises of favors, use of hyperlanes, the buying of goods. All things he was used to at these types of events.

Typically, if one wanted to do business with the Viceroy, they would be called back for a private meeting in the future. At least, this had always been his experience for the big contracts. A little wining and dining, all under the guise of friendship and getting to know others better. Rarely that was the case, it was all show.

"May I inquire what this salvage opportunity is, or is it being saved for the future?"

Before he could ask more follow-up questions, Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had arrived. Despite her being a household name throughout the 'verse, it was only right to introduce the redhead to Reginald Rymkin Sr. .He did have manners, after all, despite what Danger may think as of late. He could still play the game well, this was easy in comparison to his personal life.

"Viceroy Rymkin, Danger Arceneau of Arceneau Trade."
He looked to the redhead. "The Viceroy and I were just discussing the future of salvage. I trust your evening is going equally well?"


Reginald Rymkin Sr.



Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
The first rule of any potential business agreement was a strong hook, to make the other party interested in whatever you were selling. This initial step was crucial in establishing a connection and piquing their curiosity. It was like casting a line out into the vast ocean of opportunities, hoping to reel in a big catch.
Once caught, they would be more than willing to listen and consider the venture you had in mind even if you swindled them for everything they had on hand.
With a smile on his face, he watched as the hook finally caught onto the prize, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , who was eager to acquire further details about the mentioned endeavor.
However, before any substantial information could be shared, the voice of Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau resonated through the air with such power and style that it had the ability to knock him down, reminiscent of the force pushes frequently employed by the New Jedi Order.
"Such small details will be given in time, my friend. However, I am currently distracted by the beauty and intelligence of the Queen of Trade, Mistress of Stars, whose eyes shine like a pristine ocean."
He expressed with a sweeping motion, lowering himself in respect to the Head of Arceneau Trade as if a humble servant to royalty. Plans for salvage would need to be postponed until the Viceroy had the opportunity to observe the most formidable and influential female business leader in the entire galaxy.
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Grand Hall of the Kuat Drive Yards
| Dress x & x | x | x | x | x | x |

As smooth as an Orbak whisperer, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell made the standard introductions, his backwater charm evident despite the underlying tension between them. Decades of history lay between them, but neither would show their discomfort in public or in front of their children. Navigating their complex relationship was just part of the madness. One of the reasons why Danger took a lighter approach towards whatever might ail Judah.

"Oh, Viceroy Rymkin, you'll make a woman blush," Danger smiled broadly at Reginald Rymkin Sr., extending her hand after he gave a small bow. So this Viceroy was the charismatic type, quite different from the stoic but data driven intellectual that was Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . She hoped the new Viceroy would be as forthright in business dealings as his predecessor. Danger respected the Skakoan for that.

"Danger Arceneau, at your service, Viceroy. A pleasure to make your acquaintance," she drawled, her voice husky and sweet as Kashyyyk molasses.

"I see you've already met one of my longtime business partners, Judah Dashiell of Salacia Consolidated." She gestured towards Judah with her glass of whiskey, maintaining her cordial smile.

"I do hope I haven't interrupted an important discourse," Danger said, her feline green gaze drifting from the Viceroy to Judah, her head tilted slightly in inquiry. She brought her glass to her lips, savoring the smooth burn of the liquor. Quality whiskey, indeed. It seemed the new Viceroy was keen on making a strong impression.

Color me intrigued, Danger mused, waiting for the gentlemen's responses.


I am currently distracted by the beauty and intelligence of the Queen of Trade, Mistress of Stars, whose eyes shine like a pristine ocean

Looking to the 'Mistress of Stars', Judah truly hoped Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau wasn't falling for these horrible lines. The shaggy salvager gave her a look as if to say really before putting the cigarillo back to his lips before he said something out of line. They were at a business event after all, and he was back on his good behavior for the most part, beyond the lame joke about governments.

Despite the fact he and Danger were on the rocks, it was important to keep up appearances that nothing was amiss between the two. They had been friends and business partners for two decades now. Additionally, their children were set to marry. It was prudent that no cracks were visible in the foundation that was their relationship. It wouldn't bode well if tension was picked up and used against the companies.

He was doing his best to repair the damage, but no matter how much mortar one put in to repair the crack, it was still going to be visible. From here on out it was just going to take a lot of time.

"Beyond congratulating the Viceroy on his new position, nothing important at all. Just salvage, which isn't terribly exciting to most."

Judah wasn't too keen on playing games with the Viceroy. Either Reginald Rymkin Sr. would inform him of the opportunity or he wouldn't, there was no need to pry further. With as much war going on in the Core, he was plenty busy.


Reginald Rymkin Sr.



Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
"Back in my prime, they used to call me the Blush Supremo. Hah hah."
Rymkin eagerly shook Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau 's hand once it was offered, wearing a bright smile as the quite horrible pickup lines were warmly accepted by the Queen of Trade. The enthusiasm was evident as they exchanged short pleasantries, aiming to create a favorable initial impression.
He exuded a strong sense of assurance that the Head of Arceneau Trade would be open to conducting friendly business dealings with the Trade Federation beyond their current agreements.
However, it seemed that his potential business partner Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell was less enthusiatic about the interaction. His expression remained stoic, giving the Viceroy some subtle indication that he may be jealous of his more forthcoming nature and would have to work harder to win him over.
Nevertheless, Rymkin was resolute in his determination to establish a positive relationship and cultivate a successful collaboration with both parties.
"Where's the excitement my friend, we are talking about salvage, the king of moneymaking and an excellent source for retirement. Anyway, as I was trying to explain to you, the Trade Federation would like to commission your company to break down some old Imperial Star Destroyers from the Former New Imperial Order that we have in drydocks."
The Viceroy quickly shifted the conversation back to business, hinting at the Trade Federation's eagerness to engage other companies possessing the necessary expertise and skill to dismantle the outdated Imperial surplus occupying space in their drydocks.
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Grand Hall of the Kuat Drive Yards
| Dress x & x | x | x | x | x | x |

Reginald Rymkin Sr. was a whirlwind storm in and of himself. Oh, he was good. The kind of used luxury speeder car type of individual that could carry himself well with the highbrow with the boldness and confidence of having the entire backing of the Trade Federation and its affiliated members and businesses behind him.

The compliments were a little thick, but they served the type of charismatic, louder-than-life personality that would fool anyone into becoming comfortable. He had a way of looking you in the eye and likely being able to sell you ice even if you lived on Hoth. Danger could understand now why he had become the new Viceroy.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr had the numbers, the analytics, and the data sheets. He was methodical in his observations and research, and he could manipulate with a cold, calculating, but profit-focused discipline. Danger respected that and knew she would work with him well given enough time to prove Arceneau Trade, but Reginald... oh, Reginald would be the sort to truly provide the persona of an approachable, social individual and navigate the tricky lines between the various government entities.

It was a way to maintain face, build networks, and expand the Trade Federation in a way it perhaps had not been able to before.

Oh, this was going to be good.

Danger chuckled appropriately at the joke, her shoulders shuddering slightly as she laughed. "Well, you certainly still have the touch," Danger complimented him, nodding.

Danger was intrigued by the mention of having a salvage contract for Salacia already. "Then please, don't mind little ol' me gentlemen, continue." She added, taking another sip of her whiskey.

Emerald green eyes flickered over to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , who had briefly sent her a look that Danger chose to ignore and simply smiled. "Business is good, I hear. It's even increasin' as of late."

Then she added.

"What with Salacias and Aina Holdin's' new refineries? You are increasin' your output in salvaged materials, correct?"


Leave it to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau to just start parlaying back to Reginald Rymkin Sr. ,honeyed drawl working to entrap the new Viceroy in her clutches. He knew the redhead's game all too well, the facade she put on during business negotiations. Was the Viceroy just a facade as well or was this truly the man? All of them had a facade of some sort, but Judah was mindful to keep a portion of himself with it, made playing the part easier.

"Retirement? I can't see myself retiring...maybe when the grandchildren come along, I might get too busy spoiling, not even then. Maybe in twenty years or so, I've got a lot of plans left in me."

Despite what happened between them, Danger went ahead and subtly put his company out there, Makai's too. He knew the trick by now, not unlike what she had done for him twenty-plus years prior. To the untrained ear, it was merely the flow of conversation. To the wise, it was a small acknowledgement that his company was more than competent to get the job done.

Back to the topic at hand.

"Are you sure you don't want to sell the Star Destroyers whole, Viceroy? With all the Sith in the galaxy, the Empires of so-and-so popping up left and right, you may be able to make a tidy profit, even in their current state. Even more if you brought in a company to finish their construction."

Perhaps an angle the Viceroy hadn't thought of. Then again, perhaps these old Star Destroyers were in just horrible shape, beyond any hope of repair.

"Business has upticked, in thanks to the butting of heads in the Core and our recent expansion into the Centrality region. Not to mention our order for the Sifter-Class Mining Drones came in, speeding up the process in gathering all the wreckage out of the spacelanes. As for Aina, I cannot speak on Makai's behalf, he seems busy enough."

His son was recently getting into gemstone and rare ore mining, having acquired rights recently for rainbow gem minesm aggressively expanding on Gala, and a new venture on Terig for rare substances. Not to mention an agricultural project ongoing in the Core, centered around the Agricultural Circuit, its work tricky due to war.

"Did you hear that Miss Arceneau got into the grocery business? Thin margins, but I feel if anyone can pull it off. Should be easy when one owns nearly all the hyperlanes in the verse."

An exaggeration, but one he couldn't resist making.


Grand Hall of the Kuat Drive Yards
| Dress x & x | x | x | x | x | x |

Danger gave a subtle surprise, widening her eyes when Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell mentioned retiring, perhaps when he had grandchildren. Why was he putting that into the 'verse already? The kids hadn't even gotten married yet. For someone who was hot and bothered over Myra and Makai getting married so early, it served to be a hilarious hypocritical point to start making jokes about grandchildren.

Nonetheless, they were both doing the typical dance in talking each other's companies up to promote why it would be great to do business with one and the other.

With a humble smile, Danger leaned her head at Reginald Rymkin Sr. 's compliments and observations regarding the need for provisions for the upcoming battles ahead. The unfortunate side-effect of war, demand would grow as supplies dwindled. At the very least, Arceneau Trade and its subsidiaries could provide assistance with supplies to the Alliance and any other party if needed.

"Indeed, I am planning on increasing agricultural resources to be able to assist in the deployment of local provisions if necessary, including non-perishable goods. We are working with Moradin farmers and utilizin' new techniques that should enhance these provisions' nutrition and energy output and allow an increase in fresh products if necessary."


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