Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Accounting for Rumors


Thread Context
Location: Jakku Jedi Enclave
Equipment: Outfit - Missing Left Arm
Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

A message from the core worlds had reached her datapad on Naboo.

The Zeltron letting the humor of the whole thing settle in as she tapped out her reply with care. While a potentially missing artifact was certainly a worrying thing, she was entirely sure that the situation and the suggestion of the Jakku Jedi Enclave providing padawans with Dark Side artifacts to play with was a fabrication. Never mind that the artifact would have made it's way out of the temple altogether. The recent emergence of the Sith Order, and the revival of the Maw as the Dark Empire who had pressed into the core worlds to let their anger known had prompted the Enclave to ensure what was present remained so.

The Eremite Anchorites had been informed to further restrict the handling of the artifacts to the place of storage, and that no item would be removed from the room, even so far as requiring those asking to examine or study the item remain under constant watch.

Lossa herself had gone in person to speak with the Anchorites after the assault on Jakku by that unknown being to question the safety of the Enclave. Gathering those senior members present to discuss how to handle the items they had been entrusted with. And this bit of news about a group of what amounted to kids, playing with a dark side artifact in the wilds of the galaxy, flagrantly showing their carelessness, tickled her in a very particular fashion.

It was ridiculous.

She did not express how ridiculous the idea was however in her message back. Expressing concern and stating in no short way a willingness to cooperate on the matter. Extending an invitation to this Jalen Kai'el to meet her on Jakku to examine the list of items they had in their care. Politely worded as her noble instructors had forcibly instructed her over the months and with no shadow of a doubt able to be cast on her words. Checking that her message to Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren had sent, informing her cousin that she would be making a trip to Jakku to clarify a rumor before anything more could come of it.

She was escorted once more by SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" . At least until they entered the Enclave proper, and Lossa was met by an Anchorite that greeted her kindly with a slow nod.

"You know pain." They spoke plainly after observing her, eyes shifting to her missing arm as she glanced between the absent limb and the man before her.

"Hubris that has shown me humility. A harsh lesson, but one I have long needed." Her words concise and lacking emotion as the Anchorite absorbed the meaning with a nod.

"Pain is the universal teacher. Not simply a feeling, if we pay heed to it's wisdom." The only rebuttal as the two waited for their guest to arrive beside the turbolift from the landing area.

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Jakku Jedi Enclave
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus



Jalen clutched the Sith Holocron he had confiscated from the 'Jakku Enclave Padawan' in his hand, being sure to hold it in a secure fashion. This wasn't a trip he had expected to make. He was pretty sure that the whole 'Jakku Enclave' thing had been a bluff from a Sith acolyte who thought they were a genious, given they had no idea who Romi Jade was, but the Enclave had picked up on the event and wanted to touch base to ensure nothing had been taken from their own archives.

That was fair. It was better to air on the side of caution, right? It was an opportunity to get away from the war for a while, so the young medic wasn't going to complain to much. He stepped into the lobby, taking in the aura of this new place. The walls spoke in a different way, similar to Coruscant but distinct, flowing with it's own personality. It didn't reach out to him to lead his path the same way. Jalen reasoned that he would need to spend some time here before the Enclave He'd have to stick with the tour of the academy for the time being...

It wasn't long before two auras became clear to him. The one that was notable to him was that of a woman in her twenties, clearly force sensitive. He assumed it was Lossa. That was likely who would be waiting for him, right?

"Hubris that has shown me humility. A harsh lesson, but one I have long needed."

"Pain is the universal teacher. Not simply a feeling, if we pay heed to it's wisdom."

Ah, of course he'd walk in in the middle of a conversation he had no context for. That was a great start. Jalen gave an awkward cough to make his presence known as he entered

"Uh, sorry to intrude..." Jalen chimed in. "Jalen Kai'el..."



Thread Context
Location: Jakku Jedi Enclave
Equipment: Outfit - Missing Left Arm
Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

It wasn't long before the two were joined by another.

The cough drawing both of their attentions away from further diving into the subtle nuance of the Eremite scriptures and studies. The one joining them was someone she hadn't seen even in passing guessed that they were the one she had messaged from the Core. The color of his eyes drawing her gaze briefly as she looked over him with a smile.

"Uh, sorry to intrude..." Jalen chimed in. "Jalen Kai'el..."

"You weren't intruding but I appreciate the gesture. Welcome to Jakku, Jalen. I hope your trip was an easy one. I am Lossa Darcuhl and this is-" Her words trailing off as she shifted to address the Eremite who had yet to introduce himself. The man gave a bow before speaking to either.

"Torbal." His voice carrying like wind over the desert in its tone. Even if her guess at Jalen perhaps being unable to physical see was correct, she turned back to speak again.

"Do you have a preference for how you like to be addressed? As an example, just call me Lossa." Waiting for his reply before Torbal spoke again.

"Ms. Darcuhl has informed us that an issue arose due to a Jakku padawan using a Sith Artifact? Were you present for this incident, if I may ask?" Torbal kept his voice to a calm curiosity, ignoring the perturbed look from the head of Enclave beside him.

"Torbal will be accompanying us to review the logs as his people are the ones who most often handle and catalog the items we have." A strained patience coming across in her tone as Torbal continued to ignore the look she was giving him.


Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus



"Ms. Darcuhl has informed us that an issue arose due to a Jakku padawan using a Sith Artifact? Were you present for this incident, if I may ask?"

"Just... call me Jalen," he began before explaining the situation. "It wasn't a Jakku padawan. They likely didn't even know Jakku had a Jedi Enclave. They certainly didn't know who Master Jade was, let alone that she was no longer present. They're still at large, but there's been no breech on your end from what I've gathered."

Jalen would present the Eremite with the Sith Holocron he had secured from the stranger.

"I doubt you have anything like this where students can easily access them," Jalen assumed.

He'd hand it over and tuck his hands into his pockets.

"Not that I'm knocking the precaution," the medic added. "Just giving my assessment."



Thread Context
Location: Jakku Jedi Enclave
Equipment: Outfit - Missing Left Arm
Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Torbal and Lossa both sighed.

Someone parading as a padawan of their gathering was troubling. An easy way to spread rumors and ill will among those that don't know better or have the means, or care, to check otherwise. Never mind that someone was brave enough to do such a thing while wielding an item like the holocron.

But the incident had an end at least, and was being looked into by his words.

"Troubling. But I thank you for quickly ending the farce and bringing this to our attention." Torbal accepted the item, turning it over and carefully examining the item that had brought so much trouble to everyone.

The notion someone did not know Romi was missing drew a sharp interest from Lossa.

"Didn't know Romi was missing? That's... strange." Hand rising to her lip as she chewed her nail in thought.

Given the news of Romi's absence was almost entirely broadcast to the wider galaxy, that both helped and hindered making a list of possibles for who was responsible for the matter. Torbal let Lossa worry about the people, while he remained focused on the item in hand.

"We do not keep such items within easy reach. Even the Master's of this Enclave are required to document their use, and are under supervision while they handle them. Come."

Torbal pulled his hand back, settling the holocron close to himself while gesturing to them both with the other hand.

"We will add this to the collection, and you may examine our system and logs to report back to the Core your findings and suggestions." Torbal led the way from the meeting room and through the halls.

All the while Lossa would explain the purpose behind each room they passed until they reached the lower storage area and more living auras came into view. Three auras altogether joined them, one vigilant outside the door while another stood just inside the closed room to check those leaving. The final aura moving about inside slowly and methodically as the first Eremite greeted them.

"This one has come from the Core to examine our stores, and brought a wayward item to join the collection." Torbal spoke matter of factly, and received a nod before the door opened for them. What greeted them was a mix of light and dark auras. Books and holocrons from various sources with minor artifacts that radiated dark side, kept in careful suspension above a small box that kept it aloft.

Lossa would guide Jalen inside, watching Torbal deposit the holocron with the Eremite currently assigned to the storage room before accepting the list Torbal returned to them with.

"While I know the items listed are present, you may check the registry as you please. Torbal and..." She cast her eyes to the Eremite that was currently stationed in the store room as they paused in examining the Sith Holocron from their table.

"Tythus." Tone gruff but attempting to be pleasant even with the disruption of his task.

"And Tythus will show you to the items location." The realization of their names being similar striking her after a moments thought, glancing between them in silent wonder if they would all be similarly named.


Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus



"Right," Jalen nodded.

He'd switch the datapad he had recieved into an audio format and began to listen to the list of artifacts and the locations they were assigned to. A lot of writings... Some instructional journals, some history, some prophetic... Some restricted. It wasn't super shocking to Jalen. He used to volunteer with the archives back on Coruscant. Intensive training with restricted artifact handling had more then prepared him for this sort of thing.

"Suppose we may as well start with the holocrons," he reasoned. "That would be the point of breech had there been one..."

It seemed reasonable enough to him. Jalen frowned, tilting his head as he continued to listen to the logs. It didn't take long for his mind to wander to the auras present in the room, taking in every person, every artifact... It gave him a chance to better understand the space at the very least.

And to let some curiosities fester in his mind.

"Is it... improper to ask how a padawan came to lead an academy?" the medic asked. "Not that I'm trying to question your skills... it's just not very common. You certainly carry yourself like a knight. I'd have assumed they'd have promoted you."



Thread Context
Location: Jakku Jedi Enclave
Equipment: Outfit - Missing Left Arm
Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Tythus moved and presented items or simply pointed them out as they went through the logs. Torbal assisting with the lifting and replacing of items back to their home as Lossa found a seat presented for her to rest on.

Surrounded by the presence of the Eremites, she relaxed, even letting down the disguise of her force signature that revealed a growing force presence in her belly. Jalen's question brought with it a jovial atmosphere to the presence around Lossa as she chuckled at the question.

"Not inappropriate at all. Many have questioned it and no doubt many more that haven't had a chance to ask directly." She leaned back in the chair, giving herself some relief as her back straightened.

"Ms. Darcuhl has been the point of scrutiny by many within the Enclave. No doubt the same can be said for those outside of the Enclave given Master Jade's unique decision." Torbal added, aiding Tythus with another item.

"Romi... I mean, Master Jade. She was the one who made the appointment of my leading the Enclave alongside Briana Sal-Soren. A sort of rite of passage for me and a way of preparing Briana for the future no doubt." Words flowing with ease as she explained further, shifting her legs to better accomplish her own comfort in the moment.

"This hasn't been without its troubles but, I probably ought to be a Knight at this point given my travels and studies." She smirked at the memories that came up. "But I'm not a typical case of a padawan learner. I've snubbed a lot of masters trying to teach me by simply ignoring or leaving their side."

"Ms. Darcuhl could be quite troublesome as we understood from Master Jade. Whims and feelings guiding her rather than reason." Torbal remarked. Getting a shake of Lossa's head at the remark.

"Master Jade saw potential, and asked me to remain here in her own way to grow and apply myself rather than expecting it."


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