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New Star League Remnants

The New Star League Remnants are a highly militarized exile group who travel the galaxy bringing aid to those in need.

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Arla's Thread

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a Clan Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors unit
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Role: Recon Infantry
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Clan Rodarch
  • Unit Name: Desert Panther Death Commandos
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Classification: Shock Infantry
  • Description: Each is heavily and visibly armed at all times, and they are known for their dedication, obedience, and loyalty. They appear as helmeted armoured Mandalorians equipped with advanced technologies. They individually work to maintain a fearful appearance to make them appear as dangerous and frightening as possible. Trophies, kill marks, and other martial decorations like blood and skulls are common.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Beskar'gam, Jetpack, Ghost Stalker, Barve Stopper, Beskad, Claw and Fang (Dagger), Sonic Weapon
  • Combat Function: Close Combat
    Though equipped for ranged fighting they are at their most deadly up close, whether with side arm or melee weapons. They are a fearsome foe, often utilizing sound as a psychological weapon.
  • Particularly good melee fighters
  • Lack Heavy Weapons

On the Mandalorian home world, called Manda'yaim, after the calling card left by Darth Carnifex which was the total ruination of the northern hemisphere, the rest of the world was made an even more brutal and harsh environment. Though mostly a wasteland, it is hardly uniform, with deserts, barren rock, fused glass, great fissures, caverns, and craters, and even some areas that are heavily vegetated, thick dark and dangerous.

Though they hail from the deep deserts of the south, from which they take their name, the DPDC are well able to adapt to any environment. They are survivors all, mostly made up of desert dwellers of Clan Rodarch, rarely seen by others unless they're attacking, and even then they opt for stealth as much as speed and ferocity in their approach to war.

Each soldier is a confident, experienced and capable fighter, able to work alone, behind enemy lines, in whatever capacity is called for. Though individually capable, they work best in teams when they can coordinate their activities for maximum effect on the enemy.

Armed with rifle and pistol, they are also all experienced with the traditional Clan Rodarch weapons of claw and fang, and have all earned their beskar. Though capable with their ranged weapons, they all far prefer to get in close, and will take any opportunity to do so, quick, cunning, and harsh.

The unit is also well trained in psychological warfare. As stated though they prefer stealth, they can and will use battle cries and noise for morale boosting, enemy demoralizing, or other distraction or diversionary purposes.

The unit is primarily based in the Rodarch lands to the south of Keldabe. They have worked all over what remains of Mand'yaim, but after the Clan's participation in the battle in Sundari, they have begun to work offworld as well as on Mandalore itself.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating a Clan Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors unit
  • Image Credit: source
  • Role: Infiltrators
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Clan Rodarch
  • Unit Name: Rodarch Cuy'val Dar
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Classification: Scout
  • Description: Black clad, slightly built, quiet individuals. They are rarely seen, which is both their nature, and their job description. They are scouts, infiltrators, watchers, their job is to see and hear.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Mimetic Suit, Vibroblade, DC-19 , Thermal Distorter, Voidstone
  • Combat Function: Stealth - Running and hiding and seeking help is preferable to facing a threat alone. Each RCVD can fight, but they don't like to do it alone. Their role is eyes and ears, not fists. Their best tactic is to break contact, firing only when necessary.
  • Well equipped for sneaking
  • No heavy arms

Clan Rodarch's main settlement is an underground cavern, in the deep southern desert wastes on Mandalore. As the desert rodarch protect their home on the surface, in many cases the cave rodarch protect it underground.

The cave dwellers developed their own unique culture, and even a strong dialect that can be difficult for outsiders to understand; but well suited to their life in the deep dark, often tight places beneath Mandalore's much battered surface. Among them are some of the greatest scouts in the Clan, and comparable to the best of all the vode.

The best of these may be honoured to be part of the Rodarch Cuy'val Dar, those who do not exist, the Invisibles. Equipped with mimetic suits and carrying only concealable compact weapons, they are first and foremost infiltrators.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Worldbuilding a location for the Journeyman Protectors on Mandalore
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Journeyman Protectors
  • Military Base Name: Journeyman Protector HQ
  • Classification: Army Base/Fort
  • Location: Mandalore
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Population: Moderate - Hundreds, up to Thousands
  • Demographics: Journeyman Protectors may be of any species
  • Accessibility: While the base is visible from anywhere in Keldabe, access is strictly forbidden to anyone outside of the Journeyman Protectors, or the Mand'alor. Outsiders may be invited but must remain under escort at all times. No outsider will be allowed to visit or know about the lower levels.
  • Description: A dark citadel located at the top of a high tower in the middle of the city of Keldabe.

Citadel - The fortress itself is a state of the art military base, providing residence, training, and support for over a thousand Journeyman Protectors. Spanning many levels from balcony floor to the upper dock, it has wide corridors, high ceilings, and plenty of open internal spaces.

Citadel Balcony - A huge open deck running the outside of the lowest level of the citadel, this links the four landing pads as well as providing access to the citadel. The citadel is not accessible from the ground or from within the tower itself. Secure entrances, with security scanners and defense grids are located here. This area also provides panoramic views of Keldabe and the surrounding land.

Lowest Levels - Accessible only from inside the facility, these deep bunkers provide a hidden redoubt as well as holding significant provisions, supplies, arms and ammunition to support any future conflict.

Marshal's Quarters - Arla Rodarch's private residence. As befits the commanding officer it is more spacious than the other quarters, though understated and spartan in design and layout.

Upper Dock - Able to load and unload large ships efficiently and quickly this is a fully functioning port facility. Also located here are the main cargo warehouses holding supplies for the base and garrison.


Fortified military base with CIWS defensive turrets, shields and heavily armed residents.


With the ongoing restoration of Mandalore by the Mandalorian Protectors under Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel, the city of Keldabe has again become a going concern. Key to the rebuilding has been the company MandalMotors, with their tower being one of the first buildings rebuilt, after the Oyu'baat tapcafe.

Protectors HQ was established in Keldabe, and soon relocated to a citadel built at the summit of the MandalMotors tower, which rises high above the regenerating Keldabe cityscape. The tower isn't visually appealing, having been mainly constructed from recycled debris from the previous iteration, with assistance and labor provided by a local workforce.

The citadel functions as the primary military base for the Journeyman Protectors, as well as providing a security garrison for the city of Keldabe, which is constantly growing. The tower itself is the main commercial and industrial concern housing MandalMotors and many other businesses. As such it is well protected by having a fortress atop it.

The base of the citadel is surrounded by a balcony with four turrets which comprise landing pads and CIWS defensive emplacements. The high walls above are thickly armoured and protected by energy shields. Inside are the Journeyman Protectors' barracks, armoury, training facilities, and intelligence gathering center. At the top level is a cargo handling facility as well as a docking emplacement where a capital ship can be secured.

Deep shafts sink through the center of the tower and deep beneath the planetary surface, linking the citadel with its lowest levels, the bunker complex and siege storage. The existence of the extra lower bunkers are kept a closely guarded secret known only to the Journeyman Protectors.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To worldbuild the home of Clan Rodarch on Mandalore
  • Image Credit: Town, City, Caves, Tower, the Mandalorian TV show (disney)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • City Name: Rodarch Yaim
  • Classification: Market Town/Hidden City
  • Location: Mandalore
  • Affiliation: Clan Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Population: Heavy The entire city complex is home to hundreds of thousands of Clan Rodarch, and there is room to house much of the diaspora, up to ten times the number of residents.
  • Demographics: Clan Rodarch makes no distinction for species race or gender, as is the Mandalorian way. Countless species are represented, with a mix similar to galactic standards, with humans being the largest group represented without being near a majority. There are no non Mandalorians.
  • Wealth: High Clan Rodarch prizes efficiency and sustainability along with ingenuity. These virtues as well as the hard work and generosity of the many members of the Clan ensures their home city is a good place.
  • Stability: High A safe and secure society, with good wealth distribution, and a cooperative spirit. Mandalorians not of the Clan Rodarch are welcomed or at least tolerated. Non Mandalorians are not tolerated.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The mood is relaxed and open, for there are very few outsiders here, and those here must be trusted vode. The mood for a non-mandalorian would be the extreme opposite, their presence not tolerated.
  • Description: The surface town is a collection of rock hewn and sand tent dwellings spread out in a canyon valley, masked from the outside on almost all sides by high peaks and cliffs, surrounded outwardly by a seemingly endless desert. This is the face that Clan Rodarch shows to the galaxy. Spies and satellites will see only a small village.

    Artfully concealed within a small cave is the main entrance to the true city, and once underground, this is where visitors are often struck dumb by the green oasis hidden away. Buildings linked by trees and gardens are dimly lit by shafts of light, a whole underground plant city beneath the surface, stretching down into the depths.

    This city is both ancient and modern, with rock hewn galleries dating back thousands of years filled with the most advanced and new equipment. Here the population need not hide their numbers, and the size and breadth of the main cavern system is able to house many thousands of Mandalorians.


Surface Town - A small settlement in a rocky ravine, surrounded by desert on all sides. The place is difficult to spot from the air or from space, and difficult to approach on the ground. An aboveground village, quite safe, well within the Clan's territory, and physically shielded by the high rocks around them.

Homes, markets and businesses are located here, mostly catering to the desert rodarch, and any visitors. Here also are more newly built garages and hangars, artfully concealed inside the rock formations, to house the speeders and spacecraft of any visitors. Inside the town, visitors are often taken by its simplicity and efficiency, with dwellings positioned to take advantage of the cover provided by the rock formations. There are wells that take advantage of natural springs, and shade is provided both by the high wall-like rock faces and the trees here and there.

Plant City - Concealed beneath Mandalore's much abused and barren looking surface, a large cityscape extends into deep caverns. The beating heart of Clan Rodarch, this is the home of the Alor, and many of the Clan from onworld and offworld. Aided by the finest hydroponic technologies, the city is very green with trees, plants, hedges, vines, and green in every direction.

The city includes marketplaces, factories and housing districts, which serve to support the activities of many different families. Located at the lowest levels of the city where the cave system begins are the beskar mines, which employ many local families. The many support industries for manufacturing and production are also located in the lower levels.


Restoration Tower - A terraforming plant that provides oxygen and nitrogen to improve the local atmospheric conditions. This also provides additional water in the form of a light misting rain that simulates precipitation. In addition the presence of the atmospheric purifiers here deals with much of the output from the forges and mines below, so that the air quality is not affected, and the telltale smoke of industrial output is concealed.

Cave System - A labyrinth of tunnels and shafts surrounding and below the main city, this is the habitat of the Cave Rodarch, who live and work down in the darkness. They scout the tunnels, and secure the area against predators of which there are many. Beyond the city, tunnels lead off in all directions into the complicated maze of passages, dead ends, flooded and collapsed ways, caverns both natural and unnatural, and the deep darkness of Mandalore's underground. The creatures that live underground beyond the Clan's city are wild, dangerous, and deadly.


Seed Vault - A biological and ecological preserve, this area contains laboratories for ongoing research, farming, and development. Even during times of hardship the plant growth programs keep going, and the vaults are always ready to help regrow Mandalore.



This is the well established home of an entire extended family of Mandalorians, the Clan Rodarch. They tolerate their vode. They do not tolerate outsiders. They are all armed, and many of them are violent and unyielding in the protection of their home. Two thirds of the Clan is dedicated to a life of protecting their home.

Any attacker would require an army numbering in the low millions to assault the city. These forces could easily wipe out the surface town, but would take very heavy casualties when moving underground. The main entrance is heavily fortified, and can be collapsed. There are tunnels and caves which can be breached, but these will be used to funnel and bottleneck enemy forces before they too are collapsed. Even with a full assault from above and below ground, the Clan will be able to evacuate through the underground, and hold out for years with the cached supplies and hidden bunkers.



The settlement which Clan Rodarch calls home dates all the way back to the Taung's arrival on Mandalore, though records from this period are nonexistent. Like most all permanent structures on Mandalore, it has been ruined, partially or nearly completely on more than one occasion as cataclysm and destruction has been visited upon the world by Mandalore's enemies.

The city, when it had to have a name, was referred to as Yaim by the Clan Rodarch, and Rodarch to the outsider Mando'ade who had been honoured to visit.

Clan Rodarch always returns, to rebuild, recruit, and restore what was lost. Supply caches and seed vaults have provided a way for the Clan to begin again each time. The most recent iteration of the city has been established for decades, since the time before the Civil War. Much of the expansion has been below ground, aiding in the Clan's baslan shevla during the times of troubles.

The underground works are supervised by those called cave Rodarch, who are descended from those who have never left, having survived everything that has been done to the homeworld, living their lives underground. The cave dialect of Mando'a being particularly difficult for outsiders, even vode, to understand, but they work well with their desert dwelling family, each protecting and defending the home.

Following the battle of Mandalore the Clan unmasked to the galaxy again, and became less serious about hiding their numbers and their presence; though they still take the security of their home not lightly. Those who had traveled to the Clan's home by ship or speeder are met at the edge of the canyon, so their craft could be quickly camoflagued.

After the fight at Sundari, Clan Rodarch was making a great show of trust and inclusiveness, solidarity with the Protectors and the other Clans, by opening their home up to the other residents of Mandalore. Once Everyone wore beskar'gam, there were no aruetiise in a place like this. Even a group of vode was a rare sight.

This went against the grain for some of the arch-conservative types, but the wisdom in building ties took the majority, and swayed the Alor to sanction Arla's request. Several elders including Archimedes spoke in favour of the proposal to invite their vode to visit and enjoy their hospitality, and partake in the hunt. They would share food and drink, and share the dangers and wonders of their home.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: A team-portable artillery-grade weapon system for Clan Gargon and other Mandalorian Protectors
  • Image Source: link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Gravity Bomb
  • Manufacturer: PKA
  • Affiliation: PKA, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: IAS-2
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, Artillery Components
  • Classification: Portable Artillery System
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type: Bombs
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Designed for ease of assembly and disassembly
  • Fires high-yield gravity bombs
  • Provides the firepower of field artillery in a portable design
  • Very high damage potentia
  • Moves very slowly when under its own power
  • Requires set up and disassembly time before its troops can engage with it or depart their position

The design teams at Panther's Arsenal were contracted to design and produce a solution to Clan Gargon's request for a suitable artillery system for mountain troops. The Mobile High Altitude Artillery System project took in design cues from past artillery systems from across the galaxy.

Built of light but durable materiels, the system is engineered to be carried in man portable loads and assembled quickly onsite by troops, who can easily divide the burden among many. Quick and easy assembly by the troopers can bring the artillery piece to firing readiness in minutes. Once in place the system can move under its own power, though only slowly, allowing for it a limited relocation capability without requiring disassembly.

Testing using untrained personnel showed that the system can be transported successfully across great distances by a small number of soldiers, and the same soldiers can set up and fire the weapon within minutes of arrival. Deconstruction only took up a similar amount of time. The weapon proved capably accurate, and though constructed of ultralight materials and being engineered for a modular design which lends itself to portability, proved durable enough for field conditions.

The weapon itself is a super velocity railgun, which launches the custom built gravity bomb projectiles. Even with the finest dampening technologies, there is a kickback to such a colossal acceleration force, which prevents the gun from firing while on the move.

The finished design is produced in manufacturing facilities on Mandalore, as well as being licenced out to partner companies for distribution among any Protectors military units which require an infantry support solution.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To worldbuild on restoring Mandalore, and the Mandalorian Protectors
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Canon: Clan Rodarch
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: House Rodarch
  • Classification: expanded Mandalorian Clan
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Organization Symbol: Asharl Panther
  • Description: The house is a loose affiliation between the various chapters of Clan Rodarch which reside on other planets than Mandalore. This organization came about from a need to expand and establish new enclaves, so that Rodarchs might never be driven to near extinction ever again.

    Within the House, each chapter refers to itself as Clan Rodarch, while labeling other chapters with the world of origin, such as Clan Rodarch of Axxila, or Clan Rodarch of Qena. The house for the time being is only made up of the one Clan from an official standpoint, though those of other Clans are welcome to join with House Rodarch.
  • Headquarters: Mandalore
  • Domain: Based around their underground city, the Clan generally keeps to itself and its own lands. A third of the clan is traditionally dedicated to exploring this area while another third is dedicated to defending and protecting it. It's a small area on a big planet, but they look after it.

    House Rodarch has established its enclaves on other worlds of the Mandalore System, notably the base on Tracyn. In addition there are new established colonies on Qena, Krownest, Shu-Torun, and Axxila.
  • Notable Assets: Well established colonies in the Qena, Eshan, Shu-Torun, Krownest, and Axxila systems.
  • Hierarchy: The Clan operates based mainly on a mix of tradition and common sense. The Alor is the chief, with any elder, warrior, or any other adult able to speak on or raise any issue. The issued raised is usually then debated with the Alor settling anything that can't be worked out by general assent. The reality is far more democratic than the strict hierarchy practised by other Clans with the Alor role being almost but not quite ceremonial among this Clan.
  • Membership: Though much smaller than other Clans or Houses who can number in the tens of millions, there are a lot more Rodarch than might be apparent to the galaxy.

    As with most mandalorian clans, one can be born into Clan Rodarch, or adopted. Some are adopted as foundlings, some as adults, who may have lost their own Clan or otherwise. There is some mistrust of force users, with what the Sith did to Mandalore.

    Any adult, over thirteen and having been recognized as such, is considered a full member of the Clan, expected to contribute, but also respected as any other.

    With the abundant genetic and species diversity generally found among Mandalorians, there is little need to marry outside the Clan, though it is not forbidden, it is uncommon. The Clan practices a little known tradition of sha'kajir riduurok, literally 'treaty marriage'.

    This tradition weds a younger male or female to an elder male or female. It is implicitly understood that there will be no biological children from the union, which is platonic in nature. The arrangement serves primarily to educate the younger partner on the trials of running a family and raising children. In this tradition the partners will adopt one or more foundlings and provide a family unit. The children get two dedicated parents, the younger partner learns how to be part of a family, and how to raise children, and the elder has a dedicated life partner who will provide companionship until their time of death.

    Though there are no enforced marriages or anything of the sort; what Mandalorian would tolerate such a thing? the tradition is encouraged as a duty to younger members of the Clan who might wish to have a family of their own in the future.

    Though all of the Clan are united, and share a common gruff aspect, there are many types of Mandalorian among Clan Rodarch. Mandalorians being as unique as any other beings, but all are brave warriors who are loyal to their people.

    The Clan is made up of those who understand survival against all odds. These are the survivors of the purge, the cataclysm, and all the many travails visited upon the Mandalorian people. They have endured, and they have built to endure.

    Even with all that has been done to them, the Clan has existed unbroken for thousands of years. They have rebuilt and recruited well, thoughtfully, quietly, and efficiently. Though they show few numbers to the galaxy and therefore to any enemies of Mandalore, there are far more Rodarch living on Manda'yaim than any might expect or know.

    OOC : Anyone of any species can be a Rodarch character. Force user or no. This clan creation is just to serve as an idea starter for others who might want to play this kind of Mandalorian.
  • Climate: A Mandalorian not of the Clan will find a gruff welcome. Clan Rodarch makes an effort to be a good host and part of the greater vode, but they mistrust outsiders. A non Mandalorian would not be tolerated inside the clan's lands. Knowledge of their home is closely guarded.
  • Reputation: Neutral. Clan Rodarch members go out of their way to avoid courting controversy or having too close ties outside the Clan that might draw them into compromising situations.
  • Curios: n/a
  • Rules: The Resol'nare
  • Goals: To continue to grow, be part of the rebuilding of the home world, expand to new locations across the galaxy. Maintain the best traditions of the Mando'ade.
(Clan Rodarch of Mandalore)


Clan Rodarch of Mandalore

Clan Rodarch of Mandalore is the founding chapter, houses the Alor of the Clan, and watches over the ancient home world of the Mandalorians. From here come the desert warriors and cave scouts, as well as those from Keldabe and other towns.

Clan Rodarch are based as they have been for some time in the Clan's home city on Keldabe, and have long established outposts and installations all across Manda'yaim and the system. Beyond the bounds of the Mandalore System, exist multiple chapters, also known to themselves as Clan Rodarch, but designated by their system of residence.

Clan Rodarch of Axxila

Clan Rodarch of Axxila are less traditionalist to the Rodarchs of Mandalore, and more resemblent of a swoop gang with a heavily fortified headquarters. They are tightly involved with the local crime networks, and have many arrangements with local and planetary law enforcement organizations.

Their Clan Citadel 'the cube' is located at the heart of Axxila's ecumenopolis in a upper-scale district. A somewhat plain and unadorned black cube shaped building, which doesn't really stand out among some of the gaudier and more ornate buildings around it.

The building itself is a fortress, with concealed armour plating in the walls. Shield generators allow the entire building to be covered in their protection. Within is space enough to house the entire planetary population of Clan Rodarch, and then some. The citadel contains supplies enough to last years without resupply in time of siege.

Clan Rodarch of Eshan

Easily the smallest of the enclaves with a population of new recruits and survivors of the Moon Guard. They prize intelligence and knowledge, and are well educated in philosophy as well as combat; which they view as an art form.

Heavily influenced by Echani culture, they are conversely quite traditonal, though to their own traditions rather than those of Clan Rodarch or the Mando'ade. Unique among the enclaves, this chapter lives and works among the locals. Their headquarters is a simple meeting house, though it retains the usual Rodarch fortifications and siege supplies.

Clan Rodarch of Krownest

A much smaller chapter than some of the larger enclaves, this group keeps the ancient Clan Rodarch tradition of raising and training the Asharl Panthers. They have a good many other beasts among their training cadres, for use as combat mounts, or companions.

There are many outposts and settlements dotted across the world, some permanent, some seasonal, with the home base used mainly as a reserve. Most of the clan live in cave dwellings or surface villages far from the headquarters. The headquarters is located in a polar fortress beneath the southern polar ice cap of Krownest. It is garrisoned by a skeleton force, and kept hidden and preserved for when it might be needed.

Renowned among the rest of Clan Rodarch, and even among the other Mandalorians for their knowledge of ancient lore, only the desert Rodarch of Mandalore can even compare to the Krownest Rodarch's mastery of animal husbandry. On Krownest, in the deepest vaults, lay some of the most ancient and precious treasures from Mandalorian history. Relics, datacrons, and other items of note, with the history and details kept by the lorekeepers of the Clan.

Clan Rodarch of Qena

The first of the Rodarch enclaves to be established beyond Mandalore, this group are very mercantile in nature, focused on trade and legitimate businesses. They are technophiles and enjoy state of the art technology, and employ same in battle, with their heavy use of drones and battle droids of particular note.

Their legitimate status gives them a welcome home within the wealthy and prosperous and highly secure Qena System, where they function as part of the system's security reserve. They are also by far the wealthiest of the chapters thanks to their many corporate interests and love of trade, as well as their penchant for advanced technology.

While less aggressive than other chapters, they are far from incapable, training hard, and with constant opportunities for experience with their role in system security. The original enclave on one of the systems outermost moons remains active, but there are several more bases on the planet Qena itself and elsewhere within the system.

Clan Rodarch of Shu-Torun

Founded by a group of mercenaries of Clan Rodarch who were hired and then betrayed by one of the planet's ore dukes, this chapter are ostensibly a noble house part of the planet's monarchic feudal government.

Such a strange occurence came about as a direct result of a Duke's failure to pay his mercenaries. The captain of the mercenaries killed and succeeded his former employer, establishing ownership of the unfortunate duke's holdings in payment. Though suspect, this met with acceptance under local law.

The chapter makes a great deal of wealth through its industrial holdings on the planet. Over time it has used this wealth to slowly gain effective control over the rival ore-dukes, all of whom have made multiple attempts to wipe out Clan Rodarch on the planet.

As a form of defending themselves from said attempts, the Mandalorians' covert but acknowledged control grew over time to the point where the balance of power between the royal family and nobles shifted heavily in favour of the latter.

This has effectively led to a quiet and benevolent but absolute control of Shu-Toran by Clan Rodarch which makes them quite unique among the other chapters, who vary in size and influence, but do not effectively own and operate entire planets. The royal family still rules, the nobles still advise and debate, but meaningful decisions about Shu-Torun are made in the Clan's planetary headquaters.

The headquarters of this strange but loyal and effective branch of Clan Rodarch is the former ducal palace, a castle located over a giant lava waterfall. The facilities have long been converted to the Clan's use, fortified, and well equipped as a fortress redoubt. The design of which was slavisly copied for the Clan's base on Tracyn in the Mandalore System.


Many records have been lost and or destroyed, but it is known that Clan Rodarch existed thousands of years ago during the time of Valkorion's Sith Emprie. There are many known examples of Mandalorians fighting under that name during that Great Galactic War.

It was during this bygone era that the clan's residents on the homeworld separated into three disparate but united tribes. Those who protected the home, those who explored the underground, and those who served the Clan outside the home.

In modern times, Clan Rodarch resided on Mandalore, but in diaspora as well. Each group remained small, in keeping with the clan tradition of hiding their true numbers from outsiders. The Clan were present for both major cataclysms that impacted on the home world, and many thousands died in both catastrophes.

Following the Sith devastation, the Clan reunited into a single group, and relocated from desolated lands to a region in the south, far from the carnage. In time they settled on a canyon with significant natural barriers and the deep caverns beneath, as well as the area still possessing some plant life that had survived despite the travails of the world. As under any of their previous hardships, the Clan rebuilt, recruited, and adopted war orphans of which there was no shortage

Those who followed the path of protecting home became the desert Rodarch, the survivalists and sentinels. Despite the desert Rodarch's prowess in scouting, the the most intrepid and talented scouts came about of the cave Rodarch. The cave dwellers developed what appeared and sounded to outsiders as their own unique language. In fact, the monotone, soft but fast-paced speech is actually Mando'a but spoken in such a way as to make it unintelligible even to native Mando'a speakers.

Along with the desert dwellers, the cave dwellers seldom decide to live away from the Clan's home below the deserts of Mandalore. Those who went out into the galaxy became known inside the Clan as the city Rodarch. In time their numbers grew to the point that they could look to expand beyond Mandalore. Following the Battle of Sundari, this expansion became an imperative, as it was made clear that Manda'yaim was once again a target.

In more recent times with the unmasking following the aforementioned battle, Clan Rodarch has dropped its previously held public mask of being a small number of vagrants. With this the Clan has voted to establish several enclave colonies, beginning with the planet of Qena.

With the success of the Qena enclave project, further groups were established. These new groups were named chapters, and each quickly grew their numbers, and developed within their newfound freedom to build their own rules, laws, culture and customs. The Clan has taken to using the term House Rodarch to refer to the combined strength of its disparate chapters and independent enclaves, though each is still Clan Rodarch.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Worldbuilding a base for Clan Rodarch outside Mandalore itself
  • Image Credit: Wookieepedia
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Military Base Name: Tracyn Academy
  • Classification: Military Academy/Fortress
  • Location: Tracyn, Mandalore System
  • Affiliation: House Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Population: Heavy
    There are not many other places to live and work on Tracyn. There is a large faculty of instructors, and a student population of several thousand. In addition there are support staff from caterers to maintenance, as well as a droid contingent.

    To protect the above there is a strong garrison amounting to a division or so of troops, including armored and starfighter forces. Though not located within the base, the House Rodarch keeps fleet support on hand as part of the garrison. The design itself is copied from an ore-duke palace on Shu-Torun, which the Mandalorians are unaware was a copy of Darth Vader's ancient castle on Mustafar.

  • Demographics: Mixed human and alien, no particular dominant demographic.
  • Accessibility: The only obvious habitation on the planet Tracyn at this time, it is heavily guarded and the approaches are monitored locally and by the garrison fleet elements. The base and said fleet maintain a starfighter presence and patrols. Intruders are not welcomed, with little reason to be in the area which is otherwise uninhabited.
  • Description: Constructed of obsidian-coloured metal, the fortress rises to the sky above the lava fields and flows of the fiery surface of Tracyn. The citadel commands the surrounding area and provides a secure military base for Clan Rodarch.

    The base is home to thousands of the Clan's warriors, and houses their most elite training schools. The finest recruits are handpicked from all over the Mandalorian diaspora to come and train here. Many former students elect to come back and teach, passing on what they have learned to the next generation of elite warriors.


Academy - The academy is situated within a large military installation, which protects it well. The base and heights of the citadel are reinforced and shielded, with defensive and offensive systems all powered to a near unlimited degree by the wealth of geothermal power provided by the location. The training facilities, recreation areas and barracks are all state of the art. In addition the library and support staff are second to none.

Citadel - The base of the tower is made up of high sloping and sheer walls which combine ruggedness and make assault difficult. There are landing pads higher up to service the base, and a plethora of concealed and overt weapons turrets and missile batteries. The command centers and barracks are all separated from the hangars and ammunition magazines by shielded baffles, preventing secondary explosions from causing large casualties.

Palace - Though mostly unused, the base has recreated the executive quarters and suites at the tower's uppermost levels. This luxurious residential area is mostly kept sealed and abandoned, though it is listed for use by visiting VIPs if and when any choose to visit this out of the way place.


This is a military installation built for the purposes of protecting the military academy that it contains. It is a fortress which is equipped to protect itself with significant infantry, armored, and air power as well as nearby supporting fleets. In addition to all this, the nearby planet of Mandalore has historically taken a very dim view of intruders and will stand ready to support any attack on Tracyn.


The base was established following the Battle of Sundari where the forces of Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel engaged the Sith of Darth Carnifex in the ruined city. During the battle, Clan Rodarch answered the call to arms, revealing its true numbers and riding to war.

With the need to train new generations of fighters, many different training programs were established on Mandalore. The most elite facility would be located offworld on the nearby planet of Tracyn, also within the Mandalore System.

First established as a colony, the rapid construction of the citadel allowed for the quick establishment of the academy for which the extensive military fortifications would secure. Rapid growth of the population established a simple and effective divide between garrison and academy duties, and the elite academy went into operation.

In a short time, the academy had established a positive reputation among some Mando'ade for training some of the best and brightest warriors of the Mandalorian Protectors. Word spread quickly, and the brutal but fair selection process continued to provide a wide range of applicants a chance to prove themselves. Wearing the Tracyn patch quickly became a badge of respect among the Mandalorians who were aware of its reputation for excellence.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Creating better crushgaunts for Mandalorian Protectors to use
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source:
  • Manufacturer: PKA
  • Affiliation: PKA, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Beskar, Technical Components
  • Classification: Melee + Gravitic/Pressor Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Bombs
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Can crush what it grips to powder thanks to micromotors
  • Mass and Gravity modulation and output
  • Greatly amplifies a user's striking power
  • Provides a limited ranged push ability
  • Considerably tricky to remove in combat should that prove necessary
    Users hands may become quite sweaty especially with prolonged use

While shockboxing is known across the galaxy, and the like named shockboxing gloves used in the sport are widely familiar, the concept has seldom been tried in a battlefield role. This changed with the inception of the gravitic gauntlets developed by Panther's Arsenal of Keldabe.

Incorporating gravity and mass manipulation technologies the resulting gauntlets are based on a standard pair of shukurok, Mandaloran crushgaunts. The gravitic gauntlets maintain the ability to manually crush to powder with their standard crushgaunt function. They add to this the ability to generate gravity fields and manipulate their own mass.

In battle the user can greatly customize and change the output of the weapons on the fly. In the simple mode the weight and power of blows can be increased by orders of magnitude by adding mass and gravitic force. In more advanced user hands, the gravity field can be blasted forward ahead of the user, giving a Mandalorian a comparable ability to a Force User's telekinesis; though crude and limited in range. This effect can also be decreased in range to impact with the user's punches, magnifying blows still further.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Manufacturer: PKA
  • Affiliation: PKA, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Technical Components
  • Classification: Mine Launcher
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Mine
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small (1)
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very Low
  • Simple design
  • Capable of immense destruction at battlefield range
  • Inaccurate
  • Indiscriminate damage
  • Single shot weapon, must be carefully reloaded between shots

Though they had made some more standard infantry fare for the market with their pistols, rifles, and artillery systems, PKA had yet to develop anything that might be considered exotic or dangerous on a comparable scale. The project which produced the Voidbringer weapon corrected this oversight.

Developed using certain Yuuzhan Vong biotics provided to Clan Rodarch in secret by Clan Larraq, borne from a dying worldship in deep space, the launcher is a simple but deadly adaptation. Configured much like a standard rocket launcher, the launcher fires deadly singularity mines capable of indiscriminate destruction.

Due to the nature of the weapon the aiming and firing mechanisms are somewhat crude, but these are tradeoffs for the potential destruction which it is capable of causing.

The weapon fires one mine at a time, propelled by pressurised gas. This mechanism is essential to prevent premature detonation of the mine which would be catastrophic. The mines are quite sensitive and detonate on contact, producing a short duration singularity with an event horizon approximately two meters in diameter.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Manufacturer: PKA
  • Affiliation: PKA, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: PHW-66
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Cryoban, Baradium, Technical Components
  • Classification: Repeating Fusion Scattergun
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Drum (Canister Shot)
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Large (500)
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: High
  • Custom canister rounds with supercooled chamber
  • Integrated drum magazine
  • Internal fusion reactor
  • Magnetic accelerator barrel
  • Absurd levels of fire power at battlefield range
  • Excellent ammunition capacity
  • High recoil, making it tough to keep on target
  • Very heavy and large, difficult to wield effectively for normal folk

A beast of a weapon, necessitated by the design qualifications for a weapon with a massive damage output and enough ammunition capacity for even the most profligate of soldiers. Larger than average, and certainly much heavier than its peers, it excels in what it does which is allow the wielder to kill everything in sight.

This weapon's ammunition is contained in a supercooled canister which keeps the lethal substance inert. The ammunition drum contains up to five hundred canister rounds. On firing, each canister is broken and the contents of the barrel ejected in a cloud of subcritical shards.

This cloud of subfusioning shards magnetically blasted from the weapon immediately superheat on contact with atmosphere, and reach critical mass in fractions of a second, heating to a tremendous degree, only accelerated by oxidization in atmosphere. Anything these shards impact with suffers a small but devastating explosion which annihilates a small sphere around itself, in a similar fashion to a small thermal detonator.

With a rate of fire so low as to make mock of the designation of automatic fire, the weapon delivers up to five hundred repeating punches of distilled and merciless death to anything unfortunate enough to be in its firing arc.

The weapon comes with a tripod mount, known as the 'baby arms' by many of the users, who themselves are strong enough to carry this beast of a weapon in their own hands. The frame does however make the weapon accessible to those with more modest strength and it can function as an adequate squad support weapon in this immobile role. The gun is however primarily designed and intended to be carried into battle by warriors capable of wielding its awesome destructive firepower.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To worldbuild on the Mandalorian Protectors and describe the organization of the military
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Infantry Battle Companies of the Mandalorian Protectors
  • Classification: Semi-religious military order
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Organization Symbol: Kyr'bes (Mythosaur Skull) denoted by colour
  • Description: A collection of specialised infantry divisions, unified by a common training method and battle doctrine.
  • Headquarters: MandalMotors Tower, Keldabe, Mandalore
  • Domain: This organization is part of and subordinate to the Mandalorian Protectors armed forces
  • Notable Assets: Training facilities on Mandalore, Tracyn, Krownest, Gargon, Qena
  • Hierarchy: Each company of 100 is led by a Captain-grade officer. Above this they are subordinate to military officers placed over them.
  • Membership: Applications are open to any Mandalorian or aruetii willing to convert.
    Training is provided, as is equipment.
    Units maintain good operational security, but once training is complete soldiers are otherwise free to do as they wish when not on duty.
  • Climate: Hard training process, however this forms strong bonds, and each unit functions like a family group. The need to support the other parts of the whole is strong.
  • Reputation: Neutral, reliable soldiers who arent really known for war crimes
  • Curios: Each IBC trooper is very proud of their colour
  • Rules: The Resol'nare
  • Goals: Provide economically viable and renewable infantry to the Mandalorian Protectors

No PC Members currently


Following the restoration of Mandalore under Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel, and the rise of the Mandalorian Protectors, there was a wave of new recruits flocking to the banner. This intake needed to be measured, trained, and deployed effectively.

Arla of Clan Rodarch saw this early, and that need led to the establishment of training cadres across Mandalore and nearby planets, and the creation of the Infantry Battle Companies. In her role as Mandalore's fist, Arla took time to try to provide a training plan which she wrote as the Codex Oyu'baat, and provide the relevant supporting infrastructure. She would oversee the creation of the IBCs, and once they became operational, turn the entire affair over to the military.

"Organization of such disparate and eclectic warriors as Mandalorians is difficult at best, and imposing uniformity upon universal diversity goes not always well." - Arla Rodarch, Codex Oyu'baat

Most essential to what became the IBCs was the careful selection of trainers and training programs. The leaders needed to be those who saw the need for a future fighting force to support the Mandalorian Protectors. Arla provided each of them with a copy of the Codex, which would become the master training manual for the battle companies, their training cadres, and operational units.

Despite initial concerns, the discipline and professionalism of the handpicked trainers was imbued quickly upon the trainees, hard but fair, tough and uncompromising, and the battle companies quickly became a rousing success.

Though by no means the only intake stream, the battle companies are by far the largest. They are less widely deployed than the planetary militias which make up the Mandalorian Protectors reserve forces, but far outnumber them. Each battle company is made up of the same trained infantry, but specialised to a specific battlefield role. Each company takes great pride in their own role, and works seamlessly with the others, though a healthy interservice rivalry exists and is encouraged.

There are four distinct flavours of Infantry Battle Companies, denoted by their signature colour, and equipped and trained for a specific role. Though named Battle Companies, they contain many divisions' worth of troops.

The four IBCs are Blue, Red, Green and Black. These are each made up of many hundreds of companies, each of up to 100 troopers led by a Captain. These are denoted by number and colour, such as the 21st Reds or 45th Greens.

By training, organizing and deploying the infantry in this fashion, the way of war of the Mandalorian Protectors is maintained. This is achieved by creating organized numbers of standardized troops, ready to be placed under the command of more experienced, senior members of the military. These commanders will know what to expect of any of the IBCs, allowing them to command more effectively than with irregular troops.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
image source

  • Classification: Beam Drain Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: Low
  • Advanced Ssi-ruuk beam technology
  • Energy collection reservoir
  • Variable intensity settings
  • Deadly to living beings
  • Exotic method of attack
  • Completely useless against droids
  • Heavier than standard infantry weapons

Most weapons fire some sort of energy or projectile or other physical force at an opponent, the dastardly creation of Panther's Arsenal does the opposite. The e-beam drains the life energy from anyone it strikes, fairly sucking the energy away, and storing it for further use. This process is quite universally fatal to all sentient beings, along with being reputedly rather painful.

Thanks to Ssi-ruuvi perfection of their entechment technology, this particular weaponized adaptation was made possible. With a particular Mandalorian practicality and ruthlessness applied to the concept, the E-beam drain weapon was produced.

The weapon barrel produces a focused Entechment field down a narrow beam, which will pull a target's life energy into the weapon itself. The energy is stored in capacitors and a battery bank. Additional batteries can be attached giving the weapon further storage if required.

The weapon is not, however, configured to power itself. It requires energy cells like most other weapons. It is not recommended by the manufacturer to deliberately lower the settings in order to draw out the pain and suffering of a target. This would be cruel and unusual use of an already awful weapon, and cannot be justified in any sense. As with many tools, the manufacturer in this case takes no responsibility for deliberate misuse of any weapons technology.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
SIH-4 "Overlight" Composite Beam Rifle

  • Classification: Beam Weapon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Custom Power Cells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average
  • Advanced Composite beam technology
  • Rugged Mandalorian Construction
  • Durable and reliable weapon
  • Extremely powerful energy beam
  • Firing mechanism is vulnerable when exposed for firing and quite fragile
    (Like if you managed to throw a stone into it while it is open it would break)
  • Heavier than standard infantry weapons
  • Prohibitively expensive for mass production
  • Uses non-standard high-capacity power cells

Some of the weapons projects of Panther's Arsenal prove to be successful, yet have unresolvable issues that prevent them from becoming full production run items. Such is the case with the extremely powerful, but prohibitively expensive SIH-4 composite beam rifle. The kyber crystals that focus the energy beams are not cheap or easy to acquire.

Dubbed the Overlight by the testers, the bright green beam of light the rifle produces is unsubtle, blasting from the dish-shaped emitter in a blinding stab of energy which flows at the speed of light towards and into anything it is targeted upon. Such a colossal energy blast makes light of any concepts of armour or shielding, as it is a significant magnitude of firepower to be repelled.

The rifle itself is rugged, tough, and heavy. This allows for a competitive rate of fire, range, and shot capacity, while allowing for an unprecedented scale of infantry energy weapon. The tough external construction is traditionally Mandalorian, but also necessary in this case as the weapon's firing mechanism is quite physically fragile, and is also put under considerable thermal stress when the beam is fired.

The vulnerabilities necessitated modification to the weapon's design where it can snap open to expose the firing chamber and let go its deadly blast. The weapon will automatically then close again, with a flush of coolant gas pumped into the mechanisms, to secure them for another shot.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Intent: To create a personal fighter for Arla Rodarch
Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source:

Manufacturer: PKA
Affiliation: Arla Rodarch
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Production: Unique
Material: Micronized beskar alloy, starfighter components

Classification: Starfighter
Length: 11 meters
Width: 4 meters
Height: 3 meters

Armament: Average
Four Quad-laser cannons
One rear Quad-laser turret
Two Tractor Beams
Defenses: High
Squadron Count: None: 1
Maneuverability Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Extreme
Hyperdrive: 1.0


Astromech Slot
Communications Suite
Scanner Package
Sublight Engines
Tractor Beams


High Capacity Shield Generator

Extremely fast
Very maneuverable

Lacking in missiles and torpedos


An old StarViper bought for parts by Panther's Arsenal, the fighter that would become the personal fighter for Arla Rodarch was refitted and overhauled completely before being rebuilt. The ship was armed with four forward quad laser cannons, and two heavy tractor beams, but this took up space that might have housed heavy munition launchers. In addition, a fifth quad-laser is mounted in a rear turret, controlled by the astromech.

The fighter's skin is a micronized beskar alloy, very resistant to damage, and this makes the compact fighter quite deadly in combat situations when added to its impressive shielding. The fighter truly excels with regard to its engine performance, and while its hyperdrive is standard, its sublight engines are pound for pound the best in their class.

While retaining the appearance of the original Starviper, the Schmetterling is something else entirely, with its orange and black paintjob, insanely powerful engines, and state of the art electronics. The ship is equipped to function as a command post for the pilot, and allow coordination of forces from the cockpit.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: To create a special vehicle for the Mandalorian Protectors Jetii'kotir
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Airspeeder
  • Role: Armoured Cargo Transport
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Armaments: None
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift
  • Minimum Crew: 0
  • Optimal Crew: 1
  • Passenger Capacity: 100
  • Cargo Capacity: Large
  • Concealed Repulsorlifts
  • Dual Cloaking Devices
  • Nutrient Frames
  • Able to fully conceal either itself or its contents from scans
  • Heavily protected from external damage
  • Use of either cloaking device will make occupants unable to see out (Cannot use both)
  • Far heavier than a standard cargo container

First envisioned as a smuggling technology, the heavily modified standard cargo container (VM-6) was noted and essentially copied into a military program at Panther's Arsenal which became the B model. The standard container was reproduced in a heavily resistant beskar frame, with a beskar alloy melded into the shell. This external protection made the container much heavier, but allowed for the power and technological systems that make it special.

Equipped with repulsorlifts that allow it to move under its own power, as well as its own integrated small reactor, the container functions as an airspeeder. Key to its function is a pair of hibridium-powered cloaking devices, one set to cloak the interior, one expanded to cloak the container itself. Both cannot be used at the same time due to the power requirements.

Scans of the uncloaked container will show what appears to be an advanced refrigerated container, but not reveal the cleverly concealed reinforcement of the design, or the extra technologies packed inside. Except for a detailed physical inspection, the container will otherwise pass muster as a standard cargo container, as it was designed to do.

The VM-6A was produced as originally intended as a smuggling aid, but the VM-6B has more than one significant difference. The B has the physical reinforcement with beskar, two cloaking devices, a much more powerful reactor, and repulsorlifts. Most important to the B are small mounting rails within the container, which appear innocuous enough to an untrained eye. These rails are designed to be the perfect size to hold and secure multiple nutrient frames. Were the container to be filled with Ysalamiri from Myrkr attached to such frames, it would then become a powerful battlefield unit for the Mandalorian Protectors.

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