Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Banshee Tech


Banshee Tech is a small scale manufacturing company started from Viktor Corvus's base of operations within the Ashes of Korr, eventually expanding out in scale and complexity to encompass both asteroid belts within the Horuset System and a small satelite facility on Korriban itself. Due to the desire for limiting visibility on the operations of Banshee Tech, all major production and research facilities were opted to be built inside asteroids, further cloaking them with sensor scramblers and visual cloaking systems. While small in scale and size, Banshee Tech supports a large variety of manufacturing capabilities, focusing on modular production lines that can quickly switch between different types and classes of technologies. Within its own classification system, Banshee Tech is comprised of (40) production mods which break-down to the following modularized factories:

Production Mods​
Monthly Factory Output​
Armortech or Weaponstech​
1 Production Mod​
120 armor sets or weapons per month​
Light Vehicles​
2 Production Mods​
24 Light Vehicles per month​
Heavy Vehicles or Starfighters​
4 Production Mods​
12 Heavy Vehicles or 12 Starfighters per month​
Light Freighters​
6 Production Mods​
4 Light Freighters per month​
20 Production Mods​
1 Corvette per month​

The designs Banshee Tech utilizes are largely of Viktor Corvus's creation and while the company technically allows for external contracting for its manufacturing capabilities, it is highly disincentivize with an extreme barrier to entry, charging exorbiant fees to maintain the secrecy of its operations. Instead, it largely produces and sells its own merchandise to the public. Sold from its public access point on Korriban, the small satelite facility largely is warehousial in nature, storing all available public stockpiles of commercial goods. Fearing for issues of reproduction and intellectual theft, every asset created by Banshee Tech comes with an extreme encryption system, a purposefully highly complicated internal design built with unique parts and pieces, and finally, a fail-safe measure for any attempts at tampering or reverse engineering--an initial expulsion of lethal, city-leveling amounts of Candorian Plague contained in a Sith Alchemized Orichalum Vessel, immediately followed by a forced reactor explosion along side strategically placed chepatite impact explosives to destroy any intellectual property. This makes any produced product nearly impossible to repair without eliciting self-destruction, and makes the vessels themselves highly dangerous space debris in the case of failure. Thus, each product is built with extreme reliability and durability in mind, requiring a significantly increased amount of manpower and industrial capacity to produce a single product over its peers.

Banshee Tech was created as the brain child of Viktor Corvus in the desire to revitalize old Sith Empire starship specifications and retrofit them with modern technologies. Investing in expanding out the infrastructure of the two asteroid belts outside of Korriban, Viktor Corvus developed hidden shipyards and manufacturing complexes within the largest asteroid bodies. Located primarily within the Ashes of Korr with secondary, less vital production within Korriba Scar, all possible asteroids were surveyed for their structural integrity and size before being installed with pre-build production "mods" and the remaining surface-level of the asteroid being built with various sensor scrambling, defensive and anti-fighter weapon systems. Due to the insufficient size of most asteroids within the belts, manufacturing is severely limited at the benefit of keeping the company's production and operations covert and discrete. And at the heart of the company is a vicious dogma of vindictiveness, which is built into each layer of Banshee Tech.

Production Scale​
20/40/80/120/200/400* Ash Coins
60/80/160/240/400/800* Ash Coins
600 Ash Coins
60 Ash Coins per Missile​

*Pricing scales based on the class of the starship class, falling under the following divisions: Small Craft/Corvette/Frigate/Cruiser/Star Destroyer/Battlecruiser+. Any purchase includes full fabrication, delivery to buyer's location of choice, and an exclusive, short-term contract with Banshee Tech, leasing out certified Zuguruk Engineers to manage installations.
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