Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blood in the Ink (Teresa)


The Embrace lowered Him to the floor, where He fell to His knees. His breath came in ragged gasps, and both hands shook uncontrollably. Each session left Him like this, near on the verge of death and wracked with unspeakable agony. To others, this would have been a laborious torture, but to Him it was enlightenment. For only in the throes of deepest suffering could the mind open to the possibilities of truth, to know that which eludes the waking mind.

Attendants, beyond loyal, moved to drape a cooling shroud over the Dark Lord's hot skin. He sucked in air through His teeth at the sudden sensation, but welcomed it. He arose unsteadily, but walked without aid to the next room. There waited a Jedi Knight, bound and gagged, made to kneel upon the cold floor. They'd been captured during a recent ambush, the Kainate constantly targeting Jedi when they ventured beyond the borders of the Alliance.

He walked forward and placed His hand on the Jedi's face, who struggled against the sudden intrusion. Ethereal light rose from the Jedi's skin, flowing up the Dark Lord's arm before dissipating. The Jedi's body shriveled with each passing second, their vitality stripped away until they were little more than a desiccated husk. But the effect on the Dark Lord was immediately, His strength returning. When He pulled His hand away, the Jedi fell to their side and broke apart into bones and dust.

Dressing Himself in a wide velvety robe that left His broad chest exposed, the Dark Lord walked through the corridors of the manor house. Though it was made to resemble a terrestrial home, the manor was actually located on the Drepane; the personal flagship of Teresa Pelles, His concubine. He'd come to the Drepane because His concubine was near to labor, and He wanted to be close by for when the time came.

He swept into the main living quarter with a flourish of His cloak, bare feet crossing the cool marble floor within moments. His arms draped down across Teresa's shoulders from behind as she lounged, waited on hand and foot by an army of servants. His hands reached for her stomach, swollen with child, bare skin brushing against bare skin. The life within seemed to reach out, and the Dark Lord could sense that His child was strong.

"Not long now, is it my darling?"

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

All day Teresa had lounged in her couch partly reclined back and wings resting in the grooves. As she sat there the woman had been trying to keep occupied in any way with books being ferried from the library and holonet streaming sites just a reach away. Most of all the woman could do nothing more than relaxing the best she could. It wasn't just all day but since the start of the week since feeling more pressure, within the lower abdomen. Of course that has spooked the woman at first till the Valkyrie was told any day. Just knowing that fact made it exciting and nerve-wracking.

Her golden orange eyes lifted from the book that she was slowly reading feeling a delightful presence. One that was coming closer at speed. Smiling she'd put the book down on the small table besides the couch waiting expectantly. Shifting attention to the door, Komi had entered the room immediately and quickly delegating tasks in passing to the retainers below her.

Approaching Teresa the girl placed the cup on a saucer on the small table. "My Lady, Lord Carnifex is on approach," she informed her Mistress. Somehow looking at the womans face and that smile, the retainer had the feeling that her Mistress was already aware. "Is there anything else I can do for you right now?" Komi asked softly.

"Yes, have my chambers prepared and night clothes laid out ready for later. You can resume your normal duties after. If I require you I shall call," Teresa said as she reached for the hot chocolate. Watching the girl bow her head and head off with haste was amusing. Slowly the girl would develop an acquired taste Him, least Teresa hoped so. Quaking at the knee's around Kaine each time would be bothersome long term.

It was not much longer before that hiss of the door could be heard again. Except this time the foot steps that followed where heavy and so where those arms that came to rest on her shoulders. Feeling His large hands encompassed her round belly she'd giggle while reaching up to kiss the underside of His jaw. "Not long at all," She said chuckling softly. "I was told any time two days ago, so everything has been on standby ready."

The Valkyrie patted the empty space besides her in a gesture for Him to sit while turning to kiss Kaine's arm. "And ohhhh they have been kicking hard every few hours."




His lips graced her skin, kissing along her knuckles and forearm as He slipped into the seat beside her. Though she towered above many, He yet towered over her, and she was engulfed by His presence. That same sensation that brought terror to uncounted millions, that wrought death and destruction on a galactic scale, and inspired legions to cruelty and butcher, now offered a contradictory sense of comfort and security. He could have easily broke her as He had so many others, but He was gentle with her, He was patient with her, considerate and understanding.

The dark dichotomy of the Black Iron Tyrant, but such actions could never erase or subdue all the evil that He had done. He would forever be a monster, one who burned whole quadrants of the galaxy at a whim, a man who erased entire cultures and burned away centuries, even millennia, of history without remorse. But to Teresa, to the woman who was near to delivering the child of His which grew inside her, saw Him only through the eyes of total and immutable adoration and affection.

She loved Him, totally and without restraint.

His hand danced against her pregnant belly, feeling the life therein. "That is what they say. Our technology is advanced and our doctors skilled, but even then the child will emerge when they are ready, not before. I can sense her eagerness, my love. She is ready to experience the galaxy as we do, her ambition rivals our own. As she grows, she will be a formidable force." He bent down to kiss her stomach. "When the time comes, I will be by your side."

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Her gaze followed Kaine's movements as the towering figure positioned himself beside her. The tender kisses planted on her hand and arm elicited a sweet smile from the Valkyrie. Lately, His presence had taken on a new quality when they were alone, still imposing weight to it but no longer tinged with violence. Instead, it wrapped around her with a sense of comfort that ran deeper with more depth.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she squirmed slightly under His playful touch, His hand tracing across the large round bump of her belly. Despite the slight tickle, she relished in the warmth of His touch and the rough texture of His fingers against her skin.

"Hmm, naughty," Teresa cooed, watching Him shift. "You know I was waiting to find out."

As the Butcher King's lips and beard grazed her skin, another gentle tickle danced across her flesh. "I don't doubt it," the Blackened Valkyrie replied, feeling the gentle movement of their unborn child. "And you're right, she seems eager. Our little Galatea will be a warrior like us. But even if she chooses a different path, I'll support her desires just as I support you. After all, no one is as important to me as my handsome warrior, whom I love deeply."

Teresa's hand reached up, delicately running her fingers through His hair, her nails lightly grazing back and forth until He eventually sat back up. "Do you plan to spend the night here tonight?" she asked curiously, wondering about Carnifex's plans.


"Should nothing unexpected require my attention, yes. For the time being, I have assigned capable proxies to oversee my most immediate concerns." He again took her hand, kissing it gently and frequently. His breath was hot on her skin, a contrast to the radiating coldness that exuded out from His body; the chill of the Dark Side. He slipped one arm around her back, hoisting her up until she was practically in His lap. His lips then found her own, mingling together in hungry passion as His hands roamed where they would.

When He broke the kiss, He still held her fiercely close to Him. "Little Galatea will be a resplendent princess, my love, a shining jewel. As will be the others you bear in my name, as many as you can." It was a foregone conclusion that Teresa would be pregnant again after she gives birth to Galatea, although how long after was entirely up to her constitution and fortitude; though she did not lack for eagerness and conviction. Unlike other concubines, Teresa belonged to a select group that was allowed to continue mothering their children after birth, being a direct part of their child's life as they grew.

Other lesser concubines had their children taken to be raised by a special cadre of instructors not longer after birth, to be raised for specific purposes. It showed how much favor He bestowed upon Teresa, and that she was tracked to become one of His most cherished wives. Many concubines yearned to receive such an honor, but only a select few received it. Teresa was truly special in just how quickly she was advancing, a true sign of favor. Perhaps He would bestow this gift sooner than she thought.

He gently caressed her stomach once more, "Little Galatea Zambrano, my beloved princess."

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Her expression spoke volumes, a small grin playing on her lips and her eyes shining with happiness. "I'm glad. I like these moments of us more than anything this galaxy has to offer me," Teresa cooed, savoring the intimate, tender touches. As Kaine's arm moved behind her back, she adjusted her position, slipping her legs over his to make it easier to hoist her, also ensuring her enormous wings did not scrape against him. Her hands found their way to his chest, tracing the contours of his muscles as she felt the contrasting heat of his breath and the coldness radiating from his body.

She leaned into his embrace, her body melting against his as their lips met in a fervent kiss. She could feel his hands roaming, exploring, and she welcomed the sensation, losing herself in the moment. When the kiss broke, her eyes slowly opened to look into Kaine's. They widened slightly as she felt his hand caress her belly again. "I am sure there will be more... in... the," the Valkyrie exhaled hard and slow as a sharp pain started from the top and shredded downwards. It was not the first she had felt today, but this one certainly hurt much more than the rest.

Teresa's wing gently folded around them like a blanket, enveloping the two as both arms wrapped around his shoulders. "Little Galatea Zambrano definitely wants to say hello to Papa," she whispered, huffing a little against Carnifex's collarbone as her arms tightened around him. Her eyes shut tight waiting for this wave to end but in the next second flashed in her eyes. "I think my water broke, Kaine," she said, her voice trembling slightly form unfamiliar uncomfortable pain.

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"Then it is time."

With the same hands soaked in the blood of countless despoiled worlds, He gently scooped her up as though she weighed no more than a child. He rose from the couch and began to walk, carrying her out of the room and towards the nearby medical wing. Fortunately, one existed close to where Teresa had been sequestered in preparation for the birth, and already medical aides were coming to intercept them. They would not take Teresa from Him, as He would not relinquish her, but they did follow after them anxiously.

When He did set her down, it would be the the very bed that she would give birth in. He then stepped aside and let all the doctors and nurses move to replace Him. He would not leave the room, He would be present for this birth as He had been for so many others. Already, word would get out and a gathering would assemble outside the medical wing. Wives, concubines, and others of the Zambrano family would be waiting for the news. This was a recurring tradition.

Darth Carnifex would watch, not interfering with the doctor's work as they were trusted enough to do so. The head doctor was Doctor Jain, a sister of Doctor Vain; the Dark Lord's personal physician. In truth, they were all slightly modified clones of Doctor Irajah Ven, who used to work with the Dark Lord. When they had a falling out, the Dark Lord severed her arm and used it to create several replicas that would replace her. Besides Vain and Jain, there was also Bain, a male-gendered variant of Irajah.

In time, the word would be given.

Young Galatea was born.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


As the haze of pain began to clear, Teresa felt herself being lifted, cradled in Kaine's powerful arms. Teresa's vision was somewhat hazy, but she managed to focus on His face, finding strength in the unwavering determination etched into His features. "Mhm, finally right?" The Blackened Valkyrie's voice still trembled a little, but the excitement was more clear.

Komi and medical aides rushed to intercept them along the way, their anxiety palpable, but none dared to take Teresa from Kaine's grasp. She clung to Him, her fingers curling around the fabric of His cloak as He carried her towards the medical wing swiftly. A sterile scent of antiseptic clung to the air, and lights grew brighter, but His presence was a fortress against the gradually growing sensory overload.

As Kaine finally set her down, the professional and efficient movements of the medical team quickly surrounded her. Doctor Jain's calm, authoritative voice broke through the haze, giving orders and setting the room into a controlled frenzy. When Kaine stepped aside, His looming figure was a constant reminder of His power and presence in the room. She was glad He would not leave; His eyes followed every movement, a silent guardian over this pivotal moment.

The little head retainer rushed in the background getting more servants and trained retainers to assist in preparing for a large arrival. The training center was to be set to a safe environment for the youngest of the zambrano's to have a place to freely roam. Luckily chefs and kitchen staff had been running around the clock along with a minimal maids. They'd have to do for keeping the pipeline of those kinds of requests. All that was left was getting setting up blankets and pillows in the waiting lounge outside the Medical bay.

Teresa's grip tightened on the sheets as another wave of pain coursed through her. She did not hold back her growling screams, channeling the pain into the Force as contractions intensified over time. The minutes turned to hours, those hours dragged on, each an eternity of their own, until finally, a sharp cry filled the room.

Teresa's eyes opened, her exhaustion clear to see in her complexion. Doctor Jain held up the newborn, announcing the arrival of young Galatea. The nurses worked at drying off their child before wrapping her in a blanket. They placed Galatea in Teresa's arms, and the baby's cries quieted. Teresa looked down at her daughter, feeling an immediate, unbreakable bond. Galatea had Kaine's eyes; they were green little emeralds, and Teresa's naturally were red like rubies.

"Galatea," Teresa whispered, her voice a mixture of exhaustion and joy. "Our daughter. She's beautiful Kaine"

In that moment, the Blackened Valkyrie, the feared Sith, found a new purpose. She would fight for this child, for this family, with all the ferocity that defined her. Her path was set to be one as bloodied as the Butcher King himself. It took willpower to tear her eyes away from Galatea to Kaine. Her expression was certainly rare as nothing else could take away from this moment. There was no past in this room, only a seed of the future. "Want to hold her?"
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