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The Vagrant Fleet

A ragtag collection of civilian starships, the Vagrant Fleet bands together for mutual protection as they journey across the galaxy.

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Chapter One: Wounds

Chapter One: Wounds

The Rimward Trade League has fallen, and the promise of a brighter, better Outer Rim has come to a fiery end. A massive, coordinated strike by the Sith Order across the League's member worlds has crippled its military and beheaded its government, with countless innocents killed in the crossfire. Those who survived see their homes falling under the shadow of the Order's tyrannical government. Their only hope is escape, but the odds are long.

In the weeks following the murder of the Executive Council on Susevfi, starships filled with ragged survivors have been trickling out of the rubble of the League's former member worlds. Many have found temporary safety on D'Qar, just coreward of the fallen capital, where the Rimward Rescue Service maintains a small lifesaving station. They know they can't stay there for long; if the Sith don't come to finish them off, pirates and slavers surely will.

As refugees and renegades gather, a Vagrant Fleet is born, adrift in a hostile galaxy.

Chapter Challenges:

  • The Scars We Carry (5% Fuel Progress): In a post or posts of 500+ words total, describe a harm that has stuck with your character over time. This could be an old injury which still pains them, the loss of a person or relationship that still hurts, an old failure or decision they regret, or any other kind of harm that still affects them to this day. This can be a blog post or part of an ongoing thread. When completed, post a link to the post or blog entry in this thread.

  • What We Leave Behind (5% Fuel Progress): In a post or posts of 500+ words total, describe something your character is leaving behind by joining the Vagrant Fleet. This could be a home, family, friends, pets, treasured possessions, memories, or anything else that remains stationary while your character moves forward. This can be a blog post or part of an ongoing thread. When completed, post a link to the post or blog entry in this thread.

  • Codex Challenge (5% Fuel Progress): Create an NPC who was forced to flee their home and join the Fleet due to the Sith Order's onslaught against the Rimward Trade League - or, instead, create a scoundrel who is taking advantage of the refugees in some way. Once submitted, post a link to your Codex entry in this thread.

  • Factory Challenge (5% Fuel Progress): Create a civilian starship that fled the Sith Order's attack on the Rimward Trade League and now flies with the Vagrant Fleet. It should be a specific starship, not a ship class. It should be a battered, quirky civilian ship, not a powerful military ship. Once submitted, post a link to your Factory entry in this thread.

  • Faction Thread Participation (5% Fuel Progress): Post at least three times to the Triage and Tribulations faction thread. When completed, post in this thread with links to your posts.


Top Contributors:
1. Monty Kassitor Monty Kassitor (1 Challenge, 5%)
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