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Approved Lore Clan Tabalhar

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Organization Template


  • Intent: Cement the nature of Clan Tabalhar and their role in the galaxy, especially with their siding with the Outer Rim Coalition, Underground, and Alliance-in-Exile, bringing in the D&D/Dunedain Rangers into a more tech-focused Star Wars role, both for NPCs to serve as assistants, plot-givers, and an organization for PCs to be involved with
  • ​Image Credit: NA
  • ​Links: Clan Tabalhar
    Kyle Farnes
  • Company Submission: NA

  • Organization Name: Tabalhar Clan
  • Classification: Mandalorian Clans
  • Loyalties: Clan Tabalhar
  • Organization Symbol: None
  • Description: A small Mandalorian clan of individuals founded to serve as guardians and protectors of people in the Outer Rim, primarily as light infantry and wilderness experts.

  • Headquarters: Transient
  • Realm: Primarily the Outer Rim
  • Domain: None
  • Notable Assets: None

  • Hierarchy: Aldara Sunfell is the Alor, Kiyron is the Alor'ad, and everyone else is either a Ranger or a Pathfinder. Rangers are fully initiated members of the clan and have proven their competencies. Pathfinders are newer members who are still in training.
  • Membership: Approximately 30-40 individuals, primarily of the Ranger rank, but a smaller contingent of Pathfinders. To be promoted to Ranger, a Pathfinder must accomplish the Initiation Test, which usually involves living in the wilderness alone for a month and accomplishing either a very difficult hunt or some other specified task. To become a member, potential clan members must be adopted by a member with the rank of Ranger, undergo Mandalorian training, survival skills, and help accomplish at least five missions before attempting their initiation test.
  • Influence: None, no roots in any settled location as of yet
  • Climate: Small, clandestine do-gooders, loosely connected
  • Reputation: As a Mandalorian clan, there's a certain amount of distrust from outsiders, but they have no reputation beyond that.
  • Rules: <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href=""href="" nare"="">Resol'nare, Supercommando Codex,
    Code of Tabalhar
    1. Never use your skills to oppress or terrorize civilians
    2. Carry yourself and act in such a way to bring respect to yourself and to the clan, and ultimately to the Mando'ade- be professional, never appear drunk in public, no reckless use of weapons, no endangerment of civilians, no hostages.
    3. No Sith- Oppose their schemes to the best of your ability
    4. No slavery- liberate those you can and bring justice where you can. Same with pirates.
    5. Adhere to the Supercommando Codex & Resol'nare
    6. Support the clan funds
    7. Always support a clan-member when asked
  • Doctrines: Fundamentally, the Tabalhar clan is dedicated to the protection of the people of the Outer Rim, and those who cannot help themselves. As a result, they work primarily as independent agents, taking contracts that each member feels best suited for.
  • Goals: It is a band of like-minded individuals who wish to use their skills and expertise in the protection and service of others.
Founder- @Kiyron
Alor- Aldara Sunfell Tabalhar (NPC)
Kyle Farnes
Cinara Vencu
Initially founded by Kiyron after finding that he and his philosophy did not mesh well with the preexisting Mandalorian clans, still prior to the Mandalorian Civil War and its transformation into the Mandalorian Empire. In his travels with various Special Forces, intelligence agencies, and bounty hunters, he had come across others like him. Those who pursued his line of work not for the money or glory or the thrill, but to use the skills they possessed in violence as a way of making the galaxy a better, safer place. These were often loners and nomads, roaming from one job to the next. Many even came from primitive worlds like he did, carrying the same skill in scouting and marksmanship.

The idea came to him to create a clan of his own as a way of forming these individuals together. A small group of individuals with great skill as individual light infantry soldiers, force-recon, and scouts. They operate independently for the most part, roaming about the galaxy as they see fit, aiming to do whatever good they can for the normal citizens of the galaxy. Tracking criminals, eliminate raiders, hunting dangerous predators. This was the basis of the name Kiyron chose- Tabalhar. Mandoa for patrol, he envisioned the clan as on a constant patrol and against evil throughout the galaxy, with the clan members as the patrol officers who stand between those threats and the ordinary citizens of the galaxy, writing down a code of behavior that he added to the Resol'nare and Supercommando Codex.

Before I approve this (and the topic gets locked), would you like to fix the tag to the Kyle Farnes account in 'Noteable members'? Since it's tagging the wrong Kyle.


[member="Irajah Ven"]

I went and just linked to character profiles to fix the tagging issue.
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