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Classical Music

A strangely mixed bag of Force Energy.
I'm sure almost everyone has at least one favorite classical music piece.

Share what piece you like most here.

For me, it's a tie between the Love theme from "Romeo and Juliet" and the classic guitar version of the Godfather theme
A strangely mixed bag of Force Energy.
Felix Dunst said:
I'm not sure if I want to punch you or admonish you for not properly understanding the difference between Classical music as a genre and classic pieces of music AND then punch you.
Seeing how so much music is lyrical these days, it'd be a wasted punch as I'm encompassing instrumentals in my example and I know this.
Teto Gravos said:
I know this.
Clearly not since you consider The Godfather theme a piece of Classical music, which I'm unaware of if it's because you don't grasp the difference between Classic and Classical or if your English skills need sharpening up. Also, just because something is instrumental only does not make it either a Classic or part of the Classical Genre. For example, "Love of my life" by Queen is considered a Classic and it is not a purely instrumental song. If being purely instrumental would be the only criteria for a piece to be considered a Classic, than this monstrosity would rival the 9th Symphony.
Love classical music. Bach, Beethoven and Wagner are my favorite composers.

I'm constantly alternating between Baroque and Romantic as my favorite periods. They're both widely divergent stylistically speaking, and I like them for different reasons. I can never decide which I like more.

Here's my favorite Bach Cello Suite. It's a popular one.​

Ferian Adair

Layna Akhora said:
Chopin- Nocturne in C minor

I want it played at my funeral wake.
All the Nocturnes, backgrounded by rain/rainstorms. Basically, put them all to play with rainymood on at the same time. It's... wonderfully relaxing.
If we're speaking of the genre: Ben Johnston, String Quartet #4. Based on Amazing Grace, uses just intonation. Incredibly beautiful, all the feels.

If we're speaking of the era (that is, anything composed in the "Classical" style mostly between ~1750-~1820), then probably something by Haydn. He's a hilarious guy if you get the musical jokes.

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