Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Dark Council Nominations + Vote: Grand Adjudicator

Who should be the Grand Adjudicator?

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Grand Adjudicator -

Given access to the police, courts, prisons, and the final decision in all legal judgements of the Empire - the Grand Adjudicator is not a position to scoff at. On peer scope, they are often charged with the peace of the population - both as their tyrannical ruler and their benevolent savior; able to give exclusions to crimes empire wide. There is little that escapes their jurisdiction within the scope of the Empire - and often, their reach is not stopped by the borders that contain more regular imperial forces.

In this thread, we will consider nominations and vote for the position - to give more opportunities for the faction members overall while also adding some official flair to the matter. If you are nominating yourself, please copy and paste the following application below - and if you are voting, please do so under the listed poll.

Name of Character:​
Do you feel you are skilled at creating storylines?:
Do you feel you are skilled at worldbuilding for your position?:​
IC Rationale As to Why they should be considered:​
Name of Character: Darth Athora
Do you feel you are skilled at creating storylines?: Yes
Do you feel you are skilled at worldbuilding for your position?: Yes
IC Rationale As to Why they should be considered: Athora served as the Pyramid of Civil Administration before and has served as a high ranking Admiral in the Imperial Armada so she is accustomed to the administrating of those beneath her and has had her hand in multiple ventures within the Empire that would make her the perfect candidate for this position.

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