Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Does It Come With A Popcorn Bucket?

"Oh, the clubs are like sticks with a wedge-like structure on the end. Not clubs like one is in the middle of a riot. You'll see once we spend a day out on the green."

A reasonable mistake to make, he assumed. Clubs did have more than one meaning, no matter how amusing the mix up was. It seemed he would be teaching Braze Braze the gentleman's sport of golf and the teenager would be teaching him the gentleman's sport of beating the crap out of someone. Perhaps not entirely true, what he saw of fencing it was more poking at someone then going in for the kill. Like a predator toying with its prey.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want my face messed up before my wedding, the missus would never forgive me, which is why my first lesson can be after. "

Was he going to incur the wrath of Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau if he hurt himself before the big day? No. Being extra cautious he didn't mess up his face because of a fencing accident may seem stupid to others, but made perfect sense to himself. Plenty of time to injure himself in a few short weeks.

" Iko Vel Iko Vel ? I know him, thats my sisters boyfriend. Interesting kid. Figured he would have took you up on the offer considering he's oddly obsessed with swords for a Jedi. Lightsaber, sword, I guess that makes sense. I don't know the first thing about such matters so it's best I just don't ask questions and nod. Its not a big deal in my world."

Swords?Lightsabers? All the same, one was just hotter than the other.



TAGS: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Braze leaned back with a casual smile. "Sounds like a funny-looking club, but alright, I'll trust your expertise in the matter," he said simply. His eyes widened slightly as he continued, "A girlfriend? I didn't know Iko Vel had a girlfriend... Maybe that's why I haven't seen him around; traditionally, Jedi aren't known for their outstanding relationships."

His attention shifted as dessert arrived, and he eagerly took a bite before asking, "So you're getting married? Are you excited? Do you loooove her?" He teased, emphasizing the word with a grin. "Are you guys gonna have lots of cute grand kids for miss Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ?"

Pausing to reflect, Braze added, "I have a friend... that's a girl... kinda. I dunno if she wants to be my girlfriend though... I'm not sure she knows what it means to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but we go on fun dates. I took her to dinner at a really fancy restaurant not too long ago. How did you meet your wife to be? When did you know you wanted to marry her? Did you ask her or did she ask you?"

"I would agree with that. A lot of Jedi seen pretty emotionally unavailable."

Just a general observation from his youth. He had been friends with quite a few, including some who got married as Jedi in their teens. Idly, he wondered what Zak Dymo and Theo Heavenshield were up to. Or if they were even alive at this point.

"Love of my life that girl. So, yes, we're both excited to get married and stuck with one another for the rest of our lives."

Amusement colored his tone as Braze Braze asked about plans for future children. No way was he going to talk to a teenager about this plans for family expansion, so he avoided that topic.

"We met as children and have been friends since then. As for when I knew I wanted to marry her, believe it or not, on our first official date. Never been so sure about anything in my life."

Makai left out the complicated, personal details. No one needed to know how angst ridden their teenage years were. Besides, it wasn't something he'd willingly disclose anyhow.

"No, I asked her. We decided not to have along engagement so here we are."

Fork cutting into his tart, Makai turned the questioning on the boy. Turnabout was fair play.

"You don't know if she wants to be your girlfriend? Did you ask? Has she dropped any hints? You're young, there's no reason to rush these things, most important part is to have fun."

Makai doubted any teenage boy would pick up hints on romance from a girl. Then again, Iko seemed to be doing fine. Maybe that had been a teenage him problem.



TAGS: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


"That sounds sweet," Braze offered, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Are you going to have a big fancy wedding with lots of good food and a big cake? Are you both going to wear white?"

When Makai asked his question, Braze shrugged, his expression turning thoughtful.

"I haven't asked... I'm not really sure if I love her that way either. I mean, I do love her. But I don't really know anything about relationships. Or really what I want in a life partner," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I view boyfriend and girlfriend stuff as a trial for a life partner, really."

He paused, his gaze distant as he reflected. "She doesn't want me to go anywhere; That much is clear. And I'm pretty sure she loves me just as much as I love her. I don't know if I'm interested in a real, committed relationship like that myself, but I do enjoy treating her to fun outings, giving her little tokens of my appreciation, and seeing her happy," Braze continued, a hint of warmth in his tone.

"I'm not even sure what I want in a partner, if I'm honest. I haven't really put thought towards that aspect of life. I'm not even sure where I should stand on certain things... She's not the same species as me but I don't think that those things would really matter unless I wanted kids of my own to continue my blood line...

I'm of the idea that whom ever I want as my life partner is going to be someone special. some one I would willingly worship. After all, to worship something is to give it power over you, and power should be met with eyes wide open, not blind reverence. If I were to devote myself to someone or something, it would be out of deep respect and admiration—someone I'd willingly endure hardship for, even to the point of sacrificing my life. I feel that, that kind of commitment is reserved for something truly special, something or someone that profoundly resonates with me, intimately."

Braze sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I guess I'm just figuring things out as I go. Trying to understand what love and relationships mean to me. It's all a bit confusing, but I'm taking it one step at a time. Most of the Jedi I talk to don't have very broad experiences with relationships or don't talk about them or have some kinda dark trauma related to them. "


"No, classic tux for me. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she will probably be the girl in the white dress."
Makai couldn't help but laugh a little, continuing. "Big wedding? No,that's not us. We are much more private people, but of course there will be food and cake, any excuse to eat a slice is perfect in my opinion."

He couldn't see getting married in front of hundreds of people. Not that he would be nervous, to him it just lost the meaning. Granted, due to their status in the corporate world, they should have a huge blowout wedding inviting every business contact possible. Which just sounded exhausting and more of a show than two people joining their lives together.

"Yeah, you don't have to put much thought into that yet, you're fourteen. These things are good to think about, but at the end of the day, even if you try to view this person as your future spouse, there's a lot of living between now and adulthood. Both of you will grow and change. Take it easy and figure out what you like and don't like without hurting the other person, long as its not serious you don't have to know what you like. You're correct, don't commit to something unless you feel its special."

Makai could only give so much advice in this realm. He fell in love with his childhood best friend, things were a little different on his end. Braze Braze was thinking far beyond what he did at fourteen. Did he even have his first kiss yet? No. Let alone thinking about continuing his bloodline and the family name. He had other concerns at that point, not something that far into the future.

"You're going to be confused, its called being a teenage boy."

Another small laugh, as smart as the kid was, one couldn't escape the trials and tribulations of growing up.

"Dark trauma, everyone has trauma Braze. You don't fall in love with someone because they're good people. You fall in love with someone whose darkness you recognize. Love is found in the darkness, a candle in the night." He was paraphrasing one of his favorite quotes, trying to draw a point. "Its easy to love someone when the times are easy. Anyone can do that. If you can look into the dark and still love them, still be that light, then maybe you have something special after all."

Nuanced, it wouldn't make sense to Braze now. It would take some time. A little chewing on. A little growing.


Braze's thoughts drifted as he considered the talk on formal attire. "A tux would be nice, though I wonder if it will have coat tails or not," he mused aloud, picturing the elegance of such an outfit.

When the conversation shifted to a more personal topic, Braze's expression grew serious. "I don't think she has any real darkness... She's mostly light, the sweetest and kindest person I know. She's had a rough life, but I can't think of a time when she was mean or aggressive," he explained, his voice softening with affection.

He hesitated before continuing, choosing his words carefully. "She has very dark dreams, though... I see her dreams, and she sees mine. It's strange, mostly nightmares. But despite that, she's like a bright star in the night sky," Braze added, his tone filled with admiration and a hint of protectiveness.

As he spoke, Braze's thoughts lingered on the private nature of their shared dreams, deciding not to divulge the details out of respect for her privacy. The bond they shared through these dreams was unique.

Makai forgot these Jedi took 'darkness' quite literally, when his idea was much more abstract and nuanced. Either way, it seemed Braze Braze had gotten the overall theme of his idea, referring to his friend as a bright star in the night sky. Although he wasn't sure about this entire thing of 'shared dreams', seemed....intense, for such a young man. Then again, he had his own intense moments with Ellie at that age, so perhaps it was overall an experience of life, of growing up and becoming an adult.

"It sounds, that at the very least, you two are great friends and that is something to be treasured. A good friend is hard to find. No matter what shakes out between you two, maybe endeavor to at least always be friends."

Tart finished, he sat back, finishing up the rest of his whisky, giving his credcard to their hostess in order to settle the bill. It appeared the evening was winding down - business deal made, a treehouse deal made, and plans to continue to work together in the future.

"Anything else we need to discuss?"


"It sounds, that at the very least, you two are great friends and that is something to be treasured. A good friend is hard to find. No matter what shakes out between you two, maybe endeavor to at least always be friends."
Braze nodded thoughtfully. "I like that idea. I fully intend to be friends with Loomi Loomi forever, if I can help it," he declared, his commitment resonating clearly in his voice. A smile broke across his face, lightening his expression as he added, "You really do have some good advice and a decent bit of wisdom!" His tone was encouraging.

As they concluded their meal, Braze relaxed into his chair, content and reflective. He looked across the table with a genuine smile and posed a playful question, "Thank you for the wonderful meal. I have but one last question for you... What is your favorite color?"

"I'm a little smarter than I initially present as. Surprising, I know."

Eyebrow raised a little at the asking of his favorite color. The topics had been a little out there, especially for a first time business meeting. However, it has certainly be fun and memorable. Considering he typically wore blue suits, one might consider that to be his favorite color. A close second, and he really only wore blue as a compliment to his eyes and scales, if he was being honest.

"Stormy-gray is my favorite color."

Braze Braze


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