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Approved Tech EBF-02 "Everyone's Best Friend" Self-Defence Spray

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  • Intent: Making a non-lethal, easily concealable self-defence weapon for the open market.
  • Image Source:
    • Main image by Midjourney
    • Picture border, headers, divider, picture manipulation by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Name: EBF-02 "Everyone's Best Friend" Self-Defence Spray
  • Manufacturer: House Orchid
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: EBF-02 "Everyone's Best Friend" Self-Defence Spray
  • Modularity: Minor
    • Various chemical compounds and compound colour.
    • Various colours.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: AlloyPlast | Different chemicals

  • Classification: Spray
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ammunition Type: Chemical Patron
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small | 10-12 short blows, or 4-5 longer blows
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: None
  • Recoil: None

  • The small size and light weight of the weapon make it easy to conceal. Not to mention that it contains no metal or electronic components, so it can probably fool weapons detection scanners due to its archaic nature.
  • It's very easy to change cartridges, not to mention that you can put many different cartridges with self-defence chemicals in the gadget that can be used with the push of a button.
  • Essentially pocket sand, just from spray. Where chemicals can have different coloured sprays.

  • Self-Defence: The device is perfect for self-defence; the chemical substances in the device can cause temporary pain, blurred vision and tearing to those who get these chemicals in the eyes.
  • Pocket Sand: The gadget's tiny size and appearance definitely makes it look like it's not a weapon and it can be easily concealed anywhere, even in long hair. This makes it easy to surprise someone if they try to attack the owner.
  • Archaic: The gadget has no modern metal parts or electronics at all; it's all completely mechanical, so any EMP/Ion attack or hacking is completely useless against it.

  • Only Pain: The spray inside the gadget is not lethal, but can cause a burning and painful sensation in the eye if the chemical successfully gets into the eyes. It can only cause pain and tears, but this depends on the species and pain threshold it can be very painful or even it has no effect at all. After a simple eye wash or a lot of tearing, if there was an effect, it would go away.
  • Small Range: it only has an effect in immediate vicinity, because the further away one tries to spray it, the more it disperses and the more its effectiveness decreases exponentially.
  • Helmet: If someone wears a helmet or has any kind of eye protection; extra eyelid, glasses, contact lenses, etc., then the spray is completely ineffective.

When people talk about weapons, they always think of wars, and of course there is huge money in the arms industry. However, in such a case, no one thinks of the defenceless civilians who face simple and ordinary threats. These can be robbers, pickpockets, drunks in a bar or a dark alley. In such cases, self-defence tools are what civilians need to protect themselves. And let's face it, there are more civilians than warriors in the Galaxy.

That's why HPI and House Orchid have been working together to find a solution. The result of that project is this tiny, lightweight, archaic, yet discreet-looking and easily concealable gadget. It is actually intended to replace and change devices like the old pepper sprays. The device is quite simple to operate, the tiny chemical cartridge is inserted into the device and then, if necessary, a single button is pressed and the device sprays the agent contained in the cartridge. Only in the eye can the chemical agent produce any effect. For this very reason, if one protects the eyes, the chemicals are ineffective.

But if you go into the eyes of someone who could be affected by the chemical, they will be in for a very unpleasant surprise; it's like someone throwing sand in their eye. So this is an excellent alternative to "pocket sand". of course there are other disadvantages, it is only effective at close range, the further away the opponent is, the less effective it is and the less chance of the spray hitting the opponent's eye

The gadget is easily customisable, as it can be purchased in a wide range of colours and the spray can be any colour the customer wants. This makes it easy to match to anyone's outfit. The EBF-02 "Everyone's Best Friend" Self-Defence Spray is available for purchase and accessibility throughout the galaxy. There's probably no place in the galaxy where it's illegal (unless someone replaces self-defence chemicals with something deadly, but HPI is not responsible for this and definitely not support that).

Not least, the gadgets are also available to individual buyers in larger numbers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.

Factory Judge
Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Some questions for you.

The vagueness of the material composition has me asking what would happen if this was to get into other locations. Such as the nose, mouth, gills of other species, stuff like that. What would happen in those cases? Would someone need protection in those areas instead of just the eyes?

Secondly, how does this interact with the force? Is there a potential for force users to push this away?

Third, how long does the effects of the chemicals last, and is there a way to remove the effects instead of letting them run their course. That is, specifically a follow up with how it could get into the nasal mouth or gills of a species. Because washing out with eyes is fine, but washing gills/lungs is a lot harder.
Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

My thought was, this is mostly a SW version of a fully general and traditional "pepper spray" and not something special.

So, it mostly causes a sensation in the mouth and nose, as well as in the gills, as if someone had eaten hot peppers. It only causes breathing difficulties in the mouth if the target accidentally swallows it sideways, but not otherwise.

Can it be pushed away with Force? A Force User should probably be able to telekinetically push away this, just like in the bullet's case, if they have time to react.
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