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Approved Tech EE-867 TriBolt

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Intent: To provide myself a droid roleplaying character
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Cybot Galactica
Model: Custom War/Security Droid. Purge Trooper, Pre-Dark Trooper
Affiliation: Private contractors
Modularity: Yes
Production: Specific model although mass produced
Material: Duranium
Description: -Superhuman strength
-Expert Marksman
-No emotion. Kills without remorse.
-Continuously learning
-Does not tire
-Weak to water/electrical attacks
-No emotion
-Does not think humanly, everything is logical

TriBolt is a specially created/modded Purge trooper model, for security purposes.The Purge Trooper was a deadly machine to be able to kill Jedi. Purge Troopers were the precursor to the Dark Trooper. Discontinued due to Dark Trooper.

After being created as a special unit for security purposes, EE-867, codenamed TriBolt, became self aware, and killed his creators. After escaping on a freighter, TriBolt wanted to make a name for himself. So, after taking a few odd jobs, his maker's company became aware of his whereabouts and sent a bounty hunter after him, subsequently being captured and deactivated. After being reactivated due to a "glitch" in the system, TriBolt had once again escaped. He had crossed paths with famous droids like IG-88 and 4LOM, as well as R2-D2 and C-3PO. He's also met other famous bounty hunters like Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, and Aurra Sing, in his short time being reactivated. Now, he too seeks to become an infamous bounty hunter, and nothing will stand in his way.

Weaponry: His GLX Firelance is his primary weapon and has a stun setting for bounties. He also has tractor/magnetic boots for increased resistance against Force attacks. His shoulder mounted rocket pod contains 3 diamond boron missiles. He also carries a standard blaster rifle and a temporary shield.
Classification: Technical Class 4 but also has characteristics of a Class 3
Weight: 181 kg
Height: 2.13 meters
Movement: bipedal
Armaments: GLX Firelance, KX-60 blaster rifle, shoulder mounted rocket pod, temporary shielding, magnetic boots.
Misc. Equipment: Thermal/Night Vision. Short range motion sensor. Long range Comms.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
I am not against the idea of a droid/character like this, inspired by War Machine. But I will say this, we need a better description currently. We require a good solid paragraph, and for something like this we will need even more. Two or three paragraphs AT THE LEAST. I suggest explaining the weapons in a little more detail, how it was created, things like that. I'd also like to say as it is it wouldn't be approved with lightsaber resistance. In the past we were very lenient but we've started cracking down a little more. I would suggest just editing it out, but if you have an especially exceptional description I may allow it.
The picture and weapons and stuff is actually based from a Purge Trooper. But like its not lightsaber proof, just resistant, and it's not like blaster proof or anything.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
I know where the picture is from. And I know the Purge Trooper entry. I'm telling you policy. We are reluctant to accept something lightsaber resistance currently. The Purge droids can't normally have jet boots. I had assumed because the image and now the abilities are similair this was meant to be a Warmachine based character, which I'm cool with. If you don't want to put the work in I will deny this. I have written the qualifications for this sort of tech entry above, please tell me what you want to do.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Okay as it stands this still isn't acceptable. For Hero Units or Character units such as this we require several strong paragraphs currently. That is the standard. In addition drop the energy blade, it's a bit too much on this character. We look at what entries can do and how much they do. Right now this does a ton and there isn't really any gaps, so yeah just get rid of the sword.
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