Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Faction Owner Vote

Who would you like as the future Sith Empire faction owner?

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The nominees for the Sith Empire's next Faction Owner will be voted on here it will last until there is a clear victor emerges. You are able to nominate any TSE member but they must accept the nomination in order to be included.

The nominated individuals will be listed here:

Nominees may withdraw at any point from the race.
Absolute Knowledge Corrupts Absolutely
Faction owner vote:

But. . . there's only one candidate


The Inexhaustible
I have thought about this for a while, but after careful consideration I am throwing my name in the ring.

We have many opportunities available for ourselves and I believe as Major Faction Owner I can begin the steps to begin a new narritive involving the schism and ongoing Civil War without backing ourselves into a corner.
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