Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Halsia Hewitt | In Print

Professional headshot from her blog, 899 ABY.

Common walking clothes.
Halsia Hewitt
Occupation: Freelance journalist
Species: Human
Young adult
Below average
Weight: Average

Eyes: Brown
Brown, dyed black
Skin: Honey


  • Sharp
  • Deft
  • Keyboard Warrior
  • Pavement Pounder
Born on Coruscant to two GCU professors. Had a moderately affluent upbringing she raged against, a problem child among five. Rebellious streak took her through a brief stint as a spacer, only to return to Coruscant to stay with her grandfather, the legendary journalist Halifax Hewitt. Took up her grandfather's pen and holorecorder after finding a passion for investigative journalism. Currently building a portfolio of incisive analysis and on-the-ground reporting.
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