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Hapes Consortium

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Hapan Royal Navy Arsenal

Royal High Commander, Ducha of Charubah
Here is a listing of all ships added to the Royal Navy's fleet. It will be edited as new submission come in to be listed. Two ships from canon exist, but we aren't told what it has and can do, so I am going to run with fan-canon data and my own best judgement as a Naval RPer for Hapes for many years.

Nova-Class battle Cruiser

Beta Cruiser (This will be a smaller ship than the Nova, faster, but armed with Missiles, more point defense lasers, and heavy ion cannons, fewer turbolasers and smaller hangar bay)

Battle Dragon

Miytil Starfighter

Miy'til Assault Bomber

Hetrinar Bomber (Same stats as Miy'til Assault Bomber, but with proton bombs instead of concussion Missiles)

Mist-Class Carrier

Pulsar-Class Battle Cruiser

Baidam Corvette

Miy'til Int/T "Terminus" Starfighter

Stella-Class Frigate

Charubah-Class Destroyer

Hapan Stinger (Same stats are a Skipray Blastboat, but with more an emphasis on missiles and no tractor beam projector)
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