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Approved Tech Jorus's Mandalorian Shell Gun

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It's a simple enough thing, but I figured I should make a tech submission for it.

Intent: Jorus Merrill's personal weapon and tool for creative solutions.
Development Thread: Acquired over the course of a craftshop RP. Jorus's trademark weapon.
Hero Unit: N/A
Manufacturer: Unknown Mandalorians
Model: Mandalorian Shell Gun
Affiliation: Jorus Q. Merrill
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar
Description: The Mandalorian Shell Gun, based on the iconic SWFans weapon wielded by Sanis Prent, is a break-action double-barreled shotgun made almost entirely of Mandalorian iron. Its reload time is quite long, usually requiring an entire post without the opportunity to fire. Its durable construction allows it to fire special or overpowered 8-gauge shotgun shells. It is quite heavy and sometimes unwieldy.
Notable custom rounds include:
  • Low-yield concussion
  • Nonlethal riot control (rubber pellets)
  • Lix rounds
  • Incendiary
  • Ablative ceramic flechettes mixed with dampener aerosol

Classification: Scattergun
Size: Handheld
Status: Limited
Length: 1.1m
Weight: 9kg
Ammunition Type: Physical
Ammunition Capacity: 2
Range: 40m with scattershot rounds, 15m with specialty rounds, 150m with slug
This looks fine. Just a specialized shotgun capable of firing specialty rounds.

I'll let another RPJ make the final call since I am on probationary status. @[member="Ashin Varanin"]
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