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Approved Planet Kabal IV - Frysk

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Aerial view of Northstar
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"A tree is climbed from its' base" -Norr Proverb.


Cold Arid Steppe Biome of Frysk
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Frysk Alpine Forest Biome
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  • Diameter: 28,930 Kilometres (17,976 Miles)
  • Gravity: 2.3Gs (2.3x Standard)
  • Climate: Varies
    • 23% Alpine.
    • 4% Mediterranean.
    • 8% Ice Cap.
    • 20% Oceanic.
    • 24% Semi-Arid (Cold).
    • 10% Subarctic.
    • 11% Tundra.
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Alpine Forests.
    • Semi-Arid Steppe.
    • Subarctic Mountains.
  • Surface Temperature:
    • Averages:
      • Average High (Summer): 52 Degrees Celsius/125.6 Degrees Fahrenheit.
      • Average Low (Winter): -15 Degrees Celsius/5 Degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Maximums:
      • Max Low: -45 Degrees Celcius/-49 Degrees Fahrenheit.
      • Max High: 60 Degrees Celsius/140 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Atmosphere: Type I
    • Atmospheric Composition:
      • 35% Oxygen.
      • 63% Nitrogen.
      • 1% Water Vapour.
      • 0.9% Argon.
      • 0.03% Carbon Dioxide.
  • Capital City: Northstar
  • Planetary Features:
    • Alpine Forests.
    • Ancient Stone City Ruins.
    • Coastal Cities.
    • Semi-Arid Cold Steppe.
    • Snow-Capped Mountains.
    • Subterranean Hyperloop Network.
  • Major Locations:
    • Cities:
      • Dawncrown (Equatorial Agricultural City).
      • Northstar (De Jure Capital).
      • Westport (Coastal Maritime City).
    • Military:
      • Black Banner (Continuation of Government Bunker System).
      • Iron Convent (Large Army Barracks).
    • Misc Landmarks:
      • Imperial War Memorial.
    • Mountains:
      • Iron Mountains
        • Note: Alpine Mountain range.
      • Mount Fervir
        • Peak: 1,371 metres/4,500 feet.
    • Settlement(s):
      • Icevale (Regional Alpine Town).
  • Force Nexus (Optional): Not Applicable.
    • Intent: Not Applicable.
      Nexus Name: Not Applicable.
    • Nexus Alignment: Not Applicable.
    • Size: Not Applicable.
    • Strength: Not Applicable.
    • Accessibility: Not Applicable.
    • Effects: Not Applicable.

Frysk Tundra Biome
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  • Native Species:
  • Immigrated Species:
  • Population: 14,000,000 (Heavy)
  • Demographics:
  • Primary Languages:
    • Galactic Basic (officially recognised minority language).
    • Norr (Official).
  • Culture: The Nór of Frysk best represents the Homo Sapiens Augeus species; they are incredibly warlike people who have adapted to the extreme selection pressures of their "homeworld" Frysk, which has tested the limits of their resilient physiology. Their defining characteristics are their ferocity and iron discipline cultivated by the natural savagery of Frysk; their societies are hierarchical without exception. Frysk values the ideal of the "survival of the fittest, those most capable of adapting and overcoming their environment, their religious and societal philosophy involves ritualistic combat and endurance tests.
  • Government: Constitutional Autocracy
  • Affiliation: The Empire
  • Wealth: Low.
    • GDP (Nominal): 270,000,000 Credits.
    • Median Income: 7,140 Credits.
  • Stability: High
    • Corruption: Low.
    • Economic Growth: ~2.2% Per Annum.
    • Inflation: 1.9% Per Standard Year.
    • Police-to-Citizen Ratio: 1:153.
    • Population Growth: ~1.87% Per Annum.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Men and women of all ages are afforded the same political and civil entitlements at law. All civil and political rights are limited and exclusively reserved by Citizens according to the ruling government's constitution. Generally speaking, the open carriage of personal weapons is considered a civil right on the planet. On paper, persons are entitled to freedom of political and civil speech as long as it does not amount to "Sedition", which is defined as calling for the defiance or overthrow of the lawful government. Frysk has a Gendarmerie Service with one Security Officer for every one-hundred and fifty residents roughly, allowing them to leverage a severe law enforcement response where appropriate. In their urban and metropolitan areas, a significant surveillance net is assisted by droid intelligence. Essentially, within urban or metropolitan settings, critical services will not work unless connected to the Grid where the "Grid" functions, for example, hospital treatment, automatic sliding doors and financial transactions, will not work or be supported unless the user is connected to the grid. However, it has significant benefits for emergency services staff can rapidly geo-locate persons calling for aid and track offenders more readily.
  • Military:
    • Bases:
    • Conscription: Yes.
      • Military Age: 16 (Male), 18 (Female).
      • Sexes: Male, Female
      • Reaching Military Age Annually: ~160,000
        • Fit for Military Service: ~134,000
    • Personnel:
      • Active Personnel: ~251,573
        • Army: ~110,448.
        • Security Force/Gendarmerie: ~91,503
        • Navy: ~49,621.
      • Active Reserve Personnel (Partial Mobilisation): ~1,000,000.
        • Military Obligation: 100 Standard Days per Standard Year.
      • Inactive Reserve Personnel (Full Mobilisation): ~5,100,000.
        • Military Obligation: 75 Standard Days per Standard Year.
    • Static Defences:
  • Technology: The Norr are known for developing sophisticated military equipment, given it features at the centre of their civilisation. Standard-issue equipment for a rifleman on Frysk is: A Powersuit exoskeleton equipped with a personal deflector shield; they are typically armed with mag rifles firing magnetically-accelerated quarrels coated in an epoxy powder that ignites at high velocity creating a plasma-encased quarrel. In terms of vehicles, the local military demonstrates a clear preference for repulsor craft punctuated by the appearance of Quadrupedal Super-Heavy Siegeworks walkers. Their vehicles broadly feature active protection systems such as: Energy Shields that dramatically increase their survivability. Their warships generally feature massive proton beam cannons, hypervelocity cannons or gargantuan torpedo tubes as the main armament. Their Navy build and fields Corvette, Frigate and Cruiser-sized warships. Frysk fields a very small handful of light Star-Destroyers with a carrier focus in their local fleet and reserves their use as capital ships.
  • 100,000 BBY: The population of Homo Sapiens Augeus arrives on Frysk, deposited on the planet's surface by an intelligent third party. The Homo Sapiens Augeus rapidly split into different tribes along language lines.
  • 97,000 BBY: A dominant ethnic group from among the Homo Sapiens Augeus emerges called the "Norrmen" or simply "Norr". The Norr has a series of iron age wars, fighting ceaselessly for millennia over the precious little arable land available on Frysk's hostile surface.
  • 1 BBY: The Norr of Frysk are politically, socially and culturally united in their present-day Dominion. Frysk is bombarded from orbit by the Galactic Empire, subduing Frysk after an extraordinarily long terrestrial campaign. The local government swears loyalty to the Galactic Empire and Sheev Palpatine and his lawful successors in perpetuity.
  • 4 ABY: The Galactic Empire collapses and the Dominion of Frysk resumes the function of normal government, self-imposing a newfound period of isolation to cultivate their local system. The New Republic's attempts to contact the Norrmen of Frysk are repulsed violently.
  • 863 ABY: A New Imperial Navy exploration task force arrives in the Kabal system; they are engaged by the Dominion Navy in Frysk's high orbit where the task force is destroyed by a pair of Dominion Light Carriers and their fighter craft.
  • 864 ABY: The New Imperial Order dispatches a quick-reaction force to the loss of their exploration fleet consisting of a single-star destroyer called the Triumphant staffed with the 1st Stormtrooper Legion. Shortly after that, they arrive in the Kabal System and win a decisive engagement against a Dominion Cruiser escorted by two Torpedo Corvettes.
  • 865 ABY: The New Imperial Order attempts to occupy Frysk using the Triumphant and its' Stormtrooper complement. The Dominion permitted the Triumphant to land and begin disgorging hardware and equipment. The Dominion used its unconventional forces to board the Star Destroyer and disable its' radar systems period to launch a decisive assault.
  • 866 ABY: After the loss of the Triumphant and its' crew, the New Imperial Order allocates several Stormtrooper Legions and a Naval Taskforce to seize control of the entire Kabal system. Leading to a protracted medium-intensity conflict with the Dominion of Frysk.
  • 874 ABY: Frustrated with their ability to break the Dominion's will to fight, the Empire bombards Frysk's barren surface and then threatens to destroy the agricultural lands of Frysk and leave its' population to starve unless they agree to negotiate. The Dominion of Frysk signs an unfavourable treaty with the Empire, acknowledging its' last Imperator, Rurik Fel as the Empire's lawful successor. Frysk, after that, became a client state of the Interstellar Empire. Following Imperator Rurik Fel's passing, the Northstar treaty was assented to by his successor Lord-Regent Erskine Barran and the Dominion's Archon.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Hansen Hansen

I love the added details and greatly appreciate the sources placed with the images themselves! A very well thought out and detailed submission altogether, I'm eager to see how you develop it in the future!

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