Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lenron Kanteer

Childhood 32 BBY - 22 BBY
His childhood not known but for a little about where he was raised he was raised on Coruscant then transfered to tatooine for juvenile hall residence and he was released and lived with a tatooine local bounty hunter that raised him during the clone wars and taught him basic mandalorian and the one who raised him was a Unidentified Human Bounty Hunter but her name was unknown and she raised him. He took a starship to the homeworld of the mandalorians and stayed in a apartment with his grandmother Rattiin Adenn during his years as a 11 year old and then took to the mandalorian mercs and have a eye opening exprience during the clone wars he was in training when order 66 was issued and had something different and it was given to him during training with a great mandalore named Ratiin Adenn and Zel Gret at different times after each time he trianed with both however he did review and got bruised bad and he nursed his wounds afterwards but Ratiin would help him nurse it after a few years he decided to run away and go to tatooine when he went back on a starship tatooine which was a blaster burn on the helmet and went back to tatooine and say hello to his mother that he had the only one to see what happened and he comes to the scene of a charred house and bones from a violent sand people raid meanwhile ever since he didn't speak to anyone but took his mothers bones and took back home and took it back crying to manadlore with his ancestors bones that he was close to his heart he brought it to his house he shared with his grandmother Ratiin Adenn's house and put it in a spot in the house he would give honor to it with his ancestor's helmet in front of it where he let it sit for the rest of his training with his grandmother and Zel Gret. Lenron decided to leave his grandmother's house when she said it was okay to. He left for the outer rim to begin the tests for the life of a Mandalorian Warrior. When he gets to the outer rim he gets his leg badly chewed up from a animal that attacked him and Ratiin followed him and kept out of sight and watched her grandson start the trials he met a bounty hunter named ba'kuri who said he would give him a ship if he help him out with a bounty that is a twi'lek that ba'kuri tagged with a tracking device they tracked her down and she was a force user she pushed Lenron into tree after she was sprayed half way he finished her off he had a a broken left leg that ba'kuri's medic droid named MC-33 that helped him and took care of him with a bacta tank that he was submerged in to heal his bad left leg he got from a previous bounty he hunted while he was on the outer rim. Ba'kuri taken him in as his own until he went to a unknown looking species to Lenron but familiar to ba'kuri a dug saboto and he was almost taken prisoner by the saboto thankfully MC-33 rescued him after making his way back to the ship with the bounty and ba'kuri asked Lenron about becoming a mandalorian warrior. MC-33 and Ba'kuri
taken him to the Outland Station Star System to enter him into a fighting league to prove he is a madanlorian warrior he is to pratice against a borhek and he is given a dark saber by Neco even though Lenron has trophy of the dark saber.
Teenhood and Young Adulthood 21 BBY - 16 BBY
At the age of nineteen years old after he was named Mandalorian Warrior by Mandalore the Uniter after he kills his latest target he finds out from him that a girl is in need a few kilometers from his location and her name is A'den Ca'tra after helping her secure a bounty he sees one of the survivng targets get up and shoots A'den in the back but he jumps in front and shoots him at the same time and takes the blaster bolt ment for her after he turned ninteen. A'den Ca'tra decides to take the wounded ally in and nurse him back to health and helps the gash on his arm he sustained after the bolt hit his arm making it hit him in the chest hard rendering him unconscious. After A'den removes Lenron's helmet she realizes that he could have died from the blaster burn and she could have died if he didn't do it. She nurses him back to health as a life debt and they make a pact and she takes him as a mentee and teaches him the use of bow and arrow and how to be efficient at hand to hand which he and her both bruise each other he becomes a life friend of her's and they become partners both going after the same leads until he becomes desperate for more credits and he turns to look more work and more work then he steals money from his targets before killing them. After word reaches the ears of the Mandalorian Constable that rushes to his location he gets a disciplinary action from his higher uppers and his targets the Mandalorian Constable Vardøger Wraith for stealing credits from another mandalorian merc and has been punished for ten days since the crime and was not aloud to take part in any invasion and due to not complying with any standards due to the fact he stole some extra credits from other mandalorians he can almost sweet talk himself out of anything except for any disciplinary issues with the constable. Lenron has ever since found a foster dad by the name of Akado Tachi who is a private contractor. He recently was employeed by the sith lord named Darth Mayhem after he spared his life and he now has a trophy that he keeps in his quarters as his first trophy sword was from Pre Vizsla a bounty hunter who gave it to him as a token for something that happened to Lenron while hunting with him in hopes he will heal quickly and healed over time. Lenron stands at the ready to be lead by Darth Mayhem. Lenron reunited with his father Ulrik Kanteer when he was sitting down at a bar in tattoine chasing down loose ends and Ulrik told him not to chase down anymore bad leads. At the age of nineteen he had a contract on his head and someone sent a mandalorian space pirate named Dikut'la Gett which a new dug put a contract on my head for me so that Dikut'la Gett would go after Lenron. As Lenron was getting ready for to run away from Dikut'la Gett as Dikut'la was getting ready to board his ship Lenron opened a Containment capsule that Darth Kaiven was going to die when Darth Kaiven was freed he became his friend and helped out during the running away from Dikut'la Gett he fires his Ion canon and he rams the engine to catch him and take him to the high dug drug lord but Lenron runs to hoth and since he didn't have inertial plates he was knocked out during impact and his partner took him to a nearby cave and covered the cave so he they couldn't be found. When Dikut'la Gett landed he called his battle droids up to disembark through the landing hatch and a few pit droids up to scavenge any of Lenron's valuables from the ship and he makes his way down to the Lenrons ship and as he does that Darth Kaiven is watching over his partner Lenron until he regained consciousness then he and Lenron sets out for a Rebel Base and before they left Lenron sets up a trap for anyone else who dared enter and while he was doing that Dikut'la Gett sent four of his driods to clear the craft then join him once it is cleared as he does that Darth Kaiven and Lenron Kanteer starts heading up to the base as he runs with his partner to the second cave and waits to catch his breathe as Dikut'la walks to the first cave he checks it for traps cause Rebel's inhabitted the area at one time but as Dikut'la Gett checks his stun gernade four of his driods blow up from the trip wire mine. As Lenron and Darth Kaiven reaches the base the doors make a loud noise alerting Dikut'la as he gets inside and hides with his Sith Lord friend soon to be Master but as Dikut'la Gett he gets ready to use his stun gernade but Dikut'la Gett might be able to turn in a good amount of money from the two and directs his droid to stack up on the door and Gett has two driods left but as Gett opens the door he and he set off the trap as the door cracks open the explosion rocks him to the core as he shouts SHABLA and he chucks his grenade into the smoking opening where the door was and motions his driods in and rolls in behind them and quickly scans the room and as lenron peeks over he throws a thermal detenator at the feet of driods and as he pops up Gett notices him in his thermal imaging he shoots at Lenron hitting Lenron in the shoulder and as Dikut'la dives to another cover he hears the stun grenade go off and he motions his Sith Lord friend to action surprising his hunter and his hunter sildes sideways in cover trying to get a clear shot on Lenron when he hears the hum of the dual sabers and he utters Fierfek as he swears under his breath as he looks to his right and sees Lenron's partners glowing twin red beams flash and surge towards him and Lenron stands up and stops his partner and points to himself and says Kyr'amur and the twin sabers crash down at Gett's head and gett uses his blaster to parry the saber and rolls to the side and out of the way and draws his DE-10s and raises into a crouching firing stance. Lenron fires at Dikut'la a stun arrow and shouts at Dikut'la Laandur but his opponet takes advantage of Lenron's Sith Lord's brief lapse in concentration and sweeps his legs out from underneath him and quickly pulls him into a standing position and puts one of the DE-10's to his temple and Lenron lets another arrow fly into Dikut'las stomach and Lenron's drawls the bow taunt again and lets another fly this time impacting his opponet's arm and he shouts in english at Dikut'la drop it but Get positions his sith captive between himself and Lenron and tells lenron Not going to happen Ner'vod, too much money riding on this and I've come to far, you're coming with me. but lenron utters a phrase from a chant every mandalorian should know Mhi ba'juri verde but gett takes it as his tighten's the grip on his sith captive and asks what is in it for me but he thinks he was going to ask for a truce but lenron looks at his friend and has a clear shot at his friend's captur for Dikut'la's lower leg and lets another stun arrow go and it impacts his leg then lenron asks a question to his purser like why is he after him and as Dikut'la feels the stun arrow strike his leg and fires two shots one from each pistol as he falls one striking Lenron's sith friend and one grazing his arm Lenron runs to his companion and helps his half breed Sith Lord up and sees the damage from the mandalorian left from the attack and sees two layors of armor gone and he utters another word Haar'chak and Lenron walks over to finish his pursurer and asks you give and Lenron has a small pouch of his earned credits and he talks to his purser as he says well i might as well give you these and take your ship while i'm at it but Dikut'la says Nice try boy and he jams a stun stick that he bulit onto his left gauntlet knocking his target out cold and lenron falls to the ground and his companion sees the pirate knock him out with the stun stick and uses the force and lifts him up choking him and Darth Kaiven picks up his dual saber's up and ignite's them and as he does Gett raises his hands right out stretched trying to grasp his attacker , left at his throat, vainly trying to loosen the grip and gain his breath but as he did that he ignites the flame thrower on his right gauntlet, hosing Darth Kaiven the siths robes in liquid fire but as he does that his grip tightens as he sheds his robe and he sees armor encasing him and as his gauntlets ignite and shock probes and stabs them into Gett and throws him into a wall of ice and then brings him around and force pushes him out the door into another ice wall as Gett gets to his feet, drawing his bryar pistol and scanning for the unconscious form of his prey, he readies the whipcord launcheron his left gauntlet and nods to the sith and says "It was fun while it lasted saber jockey, but he's the one i'm interested in." gets launches the whipcord around his prey and ignites his jetpack Darth Kaiven watches as his partner is dragged away before him and his future apprentice and there is nothing he can do as the pirate keeps him pinned with his bryar pistol. Gett uses the Ice and his jetpack to slide along the ice comming his driods to let them know to ready the ship for lift off. Lenron later wakes up on the ship with his tracker chip activated and Gett recieves a notification that his prisoner is awake in the brig and walks down to him and engages in conversation Lenron looks at his captur without his armor on but rather a robe on and his armor and anything of value from Lenron's ship and will be selling them to make repairs to his armor and replace his driods Lenron charges Dikut'la and chokes him and kicks him in the thigh and then they start going back and from him and Dikut'la asking for prices on him to help from 30 thousand up to 200 hundred thousand and then Lenron thinks of picking the lock and running for the cargo bay and takes his things then hole up in the cargo bay till his father can come and pick him up. But later on in his young adult life he was sent on a hunt for a bounty that is armed and dangerous on Kamino he susposely killed and he falls into the water with only a piece of sharpnel lodged into his chest and he was taken in by the people of kamino and he is nursed back to health and a few years later he resurfaces and some people tell them on kamino that Thaxos is a arms dealer that gave the arms to the bounties who are now dead and Lenron's fake bones are buried in the graveyard of the Clan Kanteer's graveyard and Lenron swears he will go after thaxos but is held back on kamino for a little while long and scars form from blaster burns and other injuries when he fell into the water of kamino. After five years Lenron comes back to mandalore in disquise of a different bounty hunter and sheds his disquise at thaxos house and he reports back to Thaxos and he is surprised that the hunter is alive after being dead for five years and the headstone is gone and Lenron gets up and fights the arms dealer which he fails to defeat and make him talk about why they wanted the weapons that were powered to kill bounty hunters. Lenron finding out he didn't defeat the arms dealer dons the disquise and runs out of the house and to his old house he owned and then confronted him and he almost gets killed by a thermal denator at the arms dealers own ship.

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