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Approved Tech Light Hawk Drone Shield

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Lightsaber resistant casing
  • Multi Weapon Drone System: Designed with skilled engineers to become a muti platform shield. With different modes that are able to be used.
    • Physical Shielding: Creates a physical shield at the forearm allowing weapons to be held with it or in the other hand. Operating like an advanced riot shield with powerful protection.
      • Ablative Design: Able to adjust its size as a physical shield. GOing from a smaller forearm shield for parrying to a massive tower riot shield that can enclose and wrap around a soldier.
    • Energy SHielding: Designed with a multi layered energy shield that is able to be projected.
    • Drone SHielding: Using the Vatta the shield can be used to project an incredibly powerful planetary bubble shield built within the unit channeling the huge power output of the power cell and projecting it over a several dozen kilometer area.
    • Unidirectional Acceleration SHielding: Designed as a one way shield which is standard... what isn't completely is the rapid repulsion once an object passes through. Accelerating it to speeds near seventy five kilometers a second making most energy and physical objects into ballistic weapons.
    • Miniaturized Hyperspace Generators: Designed as a mixture of proof of concept and to see if she could do it. The shielding unit is a series of omnidirectional hyperspace generators able to warp around the shield.
  • Molecular Disruption: Designed two fold with ablative molecular disruption and materia. This allows it to become much larger when it is needed to be used and improves transportation capabilities. THe disruption allows the rifle to look simple and much more basic while internally it is a lor more complex.
  • Conversion Bubble: Experimental and designed to convert matter in the air quickly within several meters. Breaking down into raw matter and energy into power that is able to be used to fire.
  • Universal Field Kit: Designed with a universal field attachment, allowing it to breakdown and incorporate other technologies and weapons into itself to repair its own casing or internal parts. Upgrrading and attachments can be done with the materia incorporating more advanced technologies safely.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time, maintain itself long after its user is gone and be passed down through families or militaries.
  • High Quality: Designed with the materia from Sasori and able to withstand blows from a lightsaber as well as slice through materials from across the galaxy.
  • Internal Reactor: Designed with its own reactor to provide power to the shots themselves.
  • Can be fired Underwater, in vacuum and near anywhere else environmentally.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Engineering: The design is highly situational but it is able to shift itself adding mass and components as it gets larger to become infinitely more complex.
  • Sleg: A powerful energy enhancer, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the power cell. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode if the heat sink is damaged.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a the ability but depending on the amount of damage done it can take moments like with stresses from use or weeks if highly damaged.
Designed as a long lasting weapon from Sasori. Based on a combination of their multi-spectrral unit, heavy shielding and light hawk drones... The Light Hawk Shielding unit creates with several drones a deployable shield that is able to adjust in size as the drones combine together. Giving soldiers a benefit as the heavier shield can be broken down and move on its own... and when not in use hover around them allowing the soldier to have aerial protection from snipers. The continued refinement and work on many of the aspects of their offensive and deffensive products. WIth an attack based and now defensive based model of the light hawk drone system. With continued work and their improvements to weapon platforms for offensive and defensive means Sasori's next generation weapons continue to push battlefield capabilities.
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