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Approved Species Loimisa Seseli

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  • Name: Loimisa Seseli - “Lesser Shadows”
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Extragalactic - Forn Galaxy
  • Average Lifespan: ~2 GSY
  • Healthy Life Expectancy: 4500-5000 GSY
    • 0-1 SW - Hornless Young Adult
    • 1 SW-30 GSY - Young Adult
    • 30-5000 GSY - Prime Adult
    • 5000+ GSY - Elder Adult - “Seniaki”
  • Life Cycle: All Loimisa Seseli are born as hornless young adults, cast into existence from a Spawn Queen who is capable of giving birth to multiple hornless in a single day. However, Seseli are born without horns, which begin developing as soon as they are born and are typically fully grown within a week of their birth, though many do not make it to even this small milestone. In the unlikely event that an individual makes it to 30, they would have reached prime adulthood and are almost always considered to be senior leaders of their tribe or clan by virtue of their age alone. Seniaki are rare to the point of being almost unheard of. Only the very largest and most powerful tribes have them and such individuals are typically afforded the utmost respect and privilege, with their words carrying immense social and political influence.
  • Estimated Population: Common
  • Description: Short in stature, yet characterized as violent, crazy, mischievous, and often feral in temperament, Loimisa Seseli, translated to “Lesser Shadow” in Basic, are a Sithspawn species often found in the company of Sith and other dark side wielders, acting as minions. They serve Sith and powerful dark side practitioners by instinct, to which they are often bound to in some manner as there are more than a few known instances of dark side wielders losing control over their Seseli or being violently killed by them. As such, many rogue clans live freely across the known galaxy, often in Sithspawn gangs and violent cults. In spite of their diminutive frames, they are extremely dangerous in groups, especially when directed by a master.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Male - 1.21 Meters
    • Female - 1.01 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin Color:
    • Common
      • Red
      • Purple
      • Blue
      • Green
      • Orange
      • Yellow
    • Uncommon
      • White
      • Pink
      • Orange
      • Yellow
      • Gray
      • Black
    • Rare
      • Most Natural Human Skin Shades
  • Hair Color:
    • Common
      • White
      • Red
      • Black
    • Uncommon
      • Blue
      • Pink
      • Green
      • Orange
      • Yellow
      • Gray
    • Rare
      • Brown
      • Blonde
      • Brunette
  • Distinctions: The Loimisa Seseli are small-statured humanoids, typically possessing red, light purple, or blue skin, with natural human skin and hair colors being almost unheard of among the species, with the exception of black and vibrant red hair shades. Of all the Seseli’s physical features, the horns situated around their foreheads are arguably their most distinct. These projections vary in size, texture, and location though are nevertheless present in virtually all individuals. In both males and females, they are considered to be marks of beauty, with larger, more prominent horns being seen as more attractive in spite of their impracticality within certain contexts. Naturally, individuals tend to take great care of their horns and are quite conscious of them. Seseli also possess very prominent, pointed ears, which are often adorned with earrings and various types of jewelry, especially as their ears have plenty of space where piercings can be easily applied. These adornments may also extend to their horns, especially for individuals who have especially large ones or who wish to display jewelry as a sign of status.

    In a similarly distinct fashion to their horns, Seseli eyes are very conspicuous, possessing a colorful glowing aura with vibrant sclera and dazzling irises. Their eyes may even possess a distinct smoldering effect, as if fire is emanating from them. This visual distinction may be more prominent in those individuals who are especially strong, developed, or gifted in the Force. Notably, it will fade to varying degrees upon exposure to Force-dampening effects or Force-neutral bubbles. It will also dissipate, along with the luminescence of their eyes, upon death.

    Seseli have four fingers on each hand, which tend to exhibit long, sharp, and claw-like nails in both male and female specimens. In rare cases, individuals may also possess fur or ridged protrusions along their forearms, upper arms, lower legs, and other regions of the body. These are more common in males than females. However, all individuals possess digitigrade legs, which lend them a fast sprinting speed at the cost of having a lower load bearing capacity compared to plantigrades. In healthy individuals, each foot has four toes.

    A tiny percentage of Seseli have wings which are fully capable of flight. However, these individuals tend to be slower on the ground than those without, due to the slight encumbrance these appendages present. Furthermore, flight is an extremely demanding and energy-intensive activity, especially for a species which isn’t fully optimized for it. Many winged individuals will cut their wings off and treat the holes with an anti-regeneration solution, more so if they are part of tribes that look on them with suspicion or hatred.

    Tails are also present in a little less than half of the Seseli population, with some tribes presenting them in almost all members, while others have few or none. These appendages aid in balance and improve the righting reflex.

    The differences between male and female Seseli mirror that of those found in human and most near-human species. Females tend to be smaller than males, typically possessing broad hips and less muscle mass, in addition to having a distinct fat distribution and a slightly different bone structure. However, with the exception of the fur found in some individuals, body hair is extremely sparse, if not entirely nonexistent, and beards are almost unheard of across both sexes.

    While extremely rare to the point where most individuals will never meet, much less hear of one, aged individuals do exist among the Seseli. Mirroring the marks exhibited by aged human and near-human individuals, aged Seseli exhibit wrinkled skin, graying hair, along with the typical maladies of advanced age.

    Finally, Seseli blood possesses a pink-purple color.
  • Reproduction: All Seseli females are born sterile. As such, reproduction is considered to be a privilege afforded to only the most decorated, senior, and/or highest-ranking male and female members of a given tribe. In order to become fertile, an individual female must undergo an alchemical ritual known as the Evitimas Kutualas, translated roughly as the Ritual of Creation. While the exact customs, potions, and order of this ritual varies immensely from one tribe to another, for reasons unknown, only individuals greater than 100 years of age are known to have survived it. Nevertheless, upon its conclusion, assuming that the subject has survived, the ritual transforms them into a Spawn Queen, giving them a nigh-instant rise in status as they are now considered to be the among most valuable members of almost any given tribe, with the right to pick any mate.

    The mechanics of their reproduction, while based in biology, are significantly enhanced by alchemy, allowing Spawn Queens to produce large numbers of hornless within extremely short timeframes.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: High
    • ~4% Possess > 8,000 Midi-Chlorians Per Cell
  • Speed in Droves - With their digitigrade legs, Seseli are extremely fast and athletic, especially for such small, expendable creatures. Their ability to move with such alacrity is part of what makes them so dangerous in groups, where they will often take advantage of their speed to confuse and attack enemies from unseen angles. Compared to humans, the average unaugmented Seseli footspeed is roughly four times faster than what the average unaugmented human is capable of. They are also very strong jumpers.
    • Slow Motion - Being so fast, their minds are evolved to keep up with and even exceed the speed of their bodies. As such, they have a blisteringly fast reaction time and mental processing speed, which averages at roughly one to five milliseconds for healthy individuals. Naturally, this lends them a strong capacity for evasion, enhancing their ability to dodge blaster fire far beyond that of an unaugmented human.
  • The Spawning Hive - Spawn Queens are capable of giving birth to many Seseli within extremely short spans of time, tens within hours when strained, Seseli tribes and clans with Spawn Queen(s) are capable of quickly replenishing losses from intertribal conflicts or costly ventures into the known galaxy on account of being called to to fight the various enemies of the dark masters who they might be contracted to. However, this hyper-centralized method of reproduction has its own vulnerabilities. Killing or capturing a given tribe’s Spawn Queen(s) is a surefire way to make that tribe go extinct. As such, a Spawn Queen is almost always under heavy guard and is rarely sent outside of a settlement’s walls. It also goes without saying that females who are being groomed to become Spawn Queens are also considered to be extremely valuable.
  • Passive Sensors - The Seseli’s large ears grant them a powerful auditory perception, enabling them to pick out even slight noises from over two-hundred meters away. With such strong hearing, they are difficult to ambush and often utilize this sense to seize the advantage prior to a fight. They are also capable of filtering out certain noises in order to focus their auditory senses on a specific sound or location.
  • Night Vision - The big, glowing eyes of the Seseli not only glow for aesthetic effect, but also serve a practical purpose. They lend them excellent night vision, allowing their eyes to penetrate darkness with intense clarity. Furthermore, in the complete absence of light, their eyes are capable of generating their own luminescence to seemingly illuminate their environment.
    • Heat Vision - Their eyes are also capable of thermoreception, essentially allowing them to see in the infrared spectrum, as well.
  • The Aroma of Death - Crafted as Sithspawn pack hunters, Seseli have a powerful, yet precise sense of smell, allowing them to track their quarry through scent alone, if needed. They are also capable of sniffing out various types of diseases, explosive substances, and yet more, making their sense of smell not only an offensive tool, but a defensive one as well. Ironically, due to their sense of smell being capable of picking up diseases, they make very good healers.
  • Regeneration - Loimisa Seseli are surprisingly resilient, possessing a strong regenerative healing factor and a powerful immune system, making them very resistant to disease. They are capable of growing back a lost limb or organ within a week, so long as it is not their heart, lungs, and/or brain, though a Seseli who loses their heart or lungs and receives immediate and extensive medical attention might be capable of surviving and regrowing the organ. Brain damage may also be healed, though the outcome might depend on the extent of the damage and the level of care an injured individual receives. However, while this makes them somewhat difficult to outright kill, it does little to mitigate damage in combat. The speed of regeneration is not fast enough for it to be a factor in a typical duel, albeit with the exception of minor scrapes and cuts, which can heal within minutes. Their bodies also have the ability to inhibit blood loss during severe injury, where blood vessels at the affected area will twist, compress, and choke in on themselves.
  • Searing Light - Steeped in darkness far beyond what even some of the most merciful Jedi would consider to be salvageable, the Loimisa Seseli are unmistakably Sithspawn and when away from their home galaxy, they must always contend with being such whether they like it or not. However, most significantly, due to their engineering via the dark side, they are almost universally susceptible to Force Light, even among those who are not sensitive to the Force. The effects of this power against them can range from disintegration or outright death, severe burning, maiming, or simply overwhelming, unexploitable pain. Considering the proliferation of Force Light among the Jedi of the galaxy, it is likely that this power alone is among the most lethal to Seseli, having caused a disproportionate amount of death and severe injury in combat than almost anything else cast against the diminutive creatures.
  • Shoot the Glowy Bits - Glowing eyes are unfortunately, quite visible in dark conditions. While they allow almost unparalleled night vision, they also present easy targets for unaugmented humans who would otherwise struggle to see the diminutive Seseli in the dark. In effect, their night vision capabilities are roughly similar to active sensors, powerful enough to provide immense clarity, albeit at the cost of sending out “pings” (In this case, light) which can be picked up by those being detected.
  • Squat Minimum - While the Seseli’s digitigrade legs significantly enhance their speed, they also negatively affect their load bearing capacity. It is a rare feat for a Seseli to be capable of squatting over 100 pounds, in spite of their powerful legs. As such, Seseli are less suited to carrying especially heavy objects over long distances, especially those that are poorly-balanced or not adhered to their center of mass. It goes without saying that Seseli are abysmal as manual laborers.
  • Hiveless Bees - While able to reproduce extremely quickly within their established tribes and clans, Seseli groups which escape from their masters and go on to live outside of these social groups rarely last long, as the females among them are sterile (Spawn Mothers are almost never found outside of established tribes and clans). Not to mention, these groups almost always lack the knowledge, equipment, and subjects necessary to perform the Evitimas Kutualas. Cut off from their social groups, it is not uncommon for Seseli Sithspawn gangs or cults to die out after only a few raids, due to being deprived of the means to replenish their numbers. However, on very rare occasions, a rogue Seseli group might develop their own version of the Evitimas Kutualas, allowing them to become an established group in their own right.
  • Deafening Howl - While gifted with powerful hearing, their auditory senses are more far susceptible to being “jammed” or overwhelmed than those of an unaugmented human. Excessive infra and/or ultrasonic noise can briefly disrupt their ability to focus in on certain sounds. Furthermore, their hearing also renders them more vulnerable to sonic weapons.
  • The Individual is Weak - Individually weak, the average Seseli minion can be taken down quite easily if isolated and cut off from the group, where their physical disadvantages can be more easily exploited by a taller, stronger enemy who is capable of wielding a higher capacity for destruction. This can be achieved through a variety of means, but ultimately, successfully doing so will put the Seseli at a disadvantage.
  • Diplomacy - Enslaved and/or contracted to serve various Dark Lords and powerful dark side practitioners by nature, the Seseli ultimately respect the language of violence in the context of their engagements with most denizens of the known galaxy. Even when cornered, they will rarely attempt to negotiate, instead preferring to attempt a retreat or more rarely, fighting to the death. Naturally, this mentality can lead to more death among the Seseli than what would otherwise occur.
  • Diet: Omnivore
    • Loimisa Seseli are omnivores, though it bears mentioning that Seseli possess very strong stomachs, accompanied by powerful immune systems. Therefore, they are capable of digesting raw, uncooked meat and flesh. Disturbingly, due in small part to this resilience, cannibalism is quite common among them.
  • Communication: A guttural, often harsh-sounding dialect of ur-Kittât is the most common language spoken by the Loimisa Seseli and is predominant among their tribes and clans. However, those who make frequent ventures to or live in the known galaxy may also speak Basic and other languages, often depending on the language of their masters.
  • Technology Level: Far Below Galactic Standard on settled planets within their home galaxy. However, Seseli individuals who frequently venture into or live in the known galaxy are generally capable of using most forms of common technology, most notably being weapons of various types.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Worship of Sith Lords/Ladies and other dark side masters is very common among the Loimisa Seseli. A tribe contracted to serve a Sith Lord might also venerate them, though there are also tribes who worship multiple Sith Lords/Ladies and dark side masters, who might also represent a large pantheon of deities who each represent different aspects and/or elements of life. However, there are many tribes under Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex who adhere to the doctrine of Eternal Rule or Carnifex Avulsuna, while others are enslaved to to various witches and warlocks of the ancient and terrifying Cult of the Brain Demon, led by The Parliament ( Laertia Io Laertia Io ).
  • General Behavior: The life of a typical Seseli is characterized by violence and struggle, often from serving dark masters who might pay little regard to the lives of their disturbingly expendable minions. Born as hornless adults, Seseli fight almost as soon as they emerge from the spawning pits, initially against other hornless as a brutal, cruel form of training and weeding out. They continue to engage in violence and combat when they are called to the known galaxy, serving as evil minions to various dark masters and Sith who call them from their home galaxy. Those who live longer than five years are considered to be lucky, skilled, or strong while those older than 30 are ultimately recognized for having great strength and skill, as mere luck would not be enough to ensure a Seseli’s survival over such a long period. Naturally, as an individual ages beyond 30, they are almost certain to receive greater authority and privilege within their tribe or clan.

    In excursions to the known galaxy, Seseli are known for being extremely sadistic, often razing and massacring civilian settlements, However, their dark masters can stem these impulses if necessary, but naturally, the vast majority take no issue with the violent tendencies of their minions.

    In their home galaxy, Seseli live in various tribes and clans that may be contracted to serve different dark side witches, warlocks, and Sith. These tribes and clans clash frequently, especially between groups that are contracted to rival Sith or dark side practitioners, conflicts which can be characterized as proxy wars for influence. In terms of leadership, tribes are organized with elders or in the absence of those, Spawn Queens, at the top of the hierarchy. They vary vastly in size, from small, single-settlement clans, to massive, multi-settlement tribes which are contracted to powerful Sith Lords and have large capital cities.

A staple of almost every dark side master, Sith Lord, or wannabe galactic ruler, minions are the primary engine through which a given regent’s power is enacted, as even the most powerful demigod Sith Lords are incapable of being everywhere at once. With this in mind, the ancient Dark Alchemist, Velera Alessie, posited that the ideal minions are numerous, disposable, disgustingly violent, and perhaps most importantly, loyal. While Velera did not crave power of her own, she lived in a period of warring rulers, where alchemists like her, skilled and gifted individuals capable of enhancing the living through the dark side of the Force, were in extremely high demand. As such, she procured multiple streams of funding from various power-hungry warlords, who used her work to enhance their own soldiers. However, Velera utilized much of these funds to pursue her own projects, most notably that of the Loimisa Seseli, a species of Sithspawn that in her view, would be the perfect minions.

To that end, her work began with procuring genetic material from the precursor species of anatomically modern Asa’nyx, a near-human breed which she chose due to their ability to reproduce with frightening speed. From there, Velera initiated the process of manipulating the Asa’nyx genome, transforming the species from timid prey creatures to a race of bloodthirsty, dark side-enhanced pack hunters.

Turning her new creations loose on the Forn galaxy, under the service of King Lastei IV, they proved to be vicious, savage killers, roaming the battlefields of the era in packs to hunt down larger prey. Naturally, Lastei was pleased with the results and sought to add more Loimisa Seseli to his ranks. However, the weaknesses of the Seseli quickly became apparent as they took losses in battle. With the females having been made sterile for a multitude of reasons, unlike their Asa’nyx cousins, the Seseli were unable to independently replenish their numbers. Seeking to amend this issue, Velera devised an alchemical mutation process known as the Evitimas Kutualas, translated as the Ritual of Creation, to transform sterile females into fertile “Spawn Queens”. Unfortunately, while she never got the process to work on females younger than 100 years of age, it proved to be a viable method of reproduction as individual Spawn Queens were shown to be extremely productive, to the point where just one could quite easily sustain a tribe.

Before long, the Seseli spread across various worlds in the Forn galaxy, continuing to propagate long after the end of Lastei IV’s reign and Velera’s death.

The Seseli were identified by the Demiurge, Darth Vornskr during his explorations of the Forn galaxy. Upon the reunification with His mirror aspect, Darth Carnifex, Carnifex-Demiurge set about subjugating many of the largest tribes of Seseli, even as many rival Sith cults moved to do the same.
January 11, 2021:

  • Lowered Force Sensitivity Rates - Removed Corresponding Force of Nature Strength and Demon Slayers Weakness
  • Added Heat Vision Strength
  • Added The Aroma of Death Strength
  • Various Rewordings and Formatting Adjustments
January 9, 2022:
  • Removed mentions of summoning and “variant spell of Dwomutsiqsa”. Seseli contract themselves to serve powerful dark side masters as minions by instinct, rather than via summoning.
  • Edited Regeneration Strength
  • Various Grammar Fixes
  • Minor edits to Distinctions
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