Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marru Dobal

Marru Dobal

NAME: Marru Dobal.
FACTION: the sith empire.
RANK: Apprentice.
SPECIES: Chagrian.
AGE: 29
GENDER: Female.
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters.
WEIGHT: 64.8 Kg.
EYES: red.
HAIR: None
SKIN: Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Marru has the ability to use the dark side of the force to seduce her foes and kill them. She can also impale people with her horns. She falls for men really easily and has a fear of Hutts.

SHIP: Marru was given a light imperial interceptor upon entry to the sith academy.

Marru was born on coruscant into a wealthy republic family but decided to become a dancer in the coruscant underworld but was bought by a Hutt on Nar Shaddaa. After years of enduring the torturous Hutt she killed him in his sleep and shuttle hopped until she was caught by imperial forces on balmorra and was accepted in to the sith academy on Korriban by a sith who sensed her ability in the force. She rose through her acolyte class by hiding in the tombs and seducing fellow acolytes and leaving them for dead in the catacombs.

KILLS: None.




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