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Approved Tech Mobile Turret Vehicle

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Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."

Intent: To create a mobile recon turret for Omega Pyre
Development Thread: If necessary
Hero Unit: No.
Manufacturer: Fondor (pre-Clockwork)
Model: CRAAB (Combination Recon/Attack Armored Breaker) tank
Affiliation: Omega Pyre
Modularity: Turret barrel can be switched for mortar, artillery, or other weaponry
Production: Fairly mass-produced
Material: Pressed durasteel (3/4")
Description: The CRAAB tank is a combination vehicle: it can be a tank, or it can deploy to be a heavy turret. The legs extend onto the ground for extra height, and to give a better vantage point for the turret; i.e. it allows the turret to fire over taller obstructions more accurately. The legs move when deployed to infuriate enemy infantry/air units. The transformation takes about 6 seconds.
  • Very mobile
  • Fairly durable
  • Easily mass-produced
  • Can get into areas most other tanks can't (i.e. rough terrain)
  • Best if used in groups
  • Minimal armor
  • Needs support in order to hold any important position
  • Easily immobilized by grenades or swampy terrain.
  • Can't withstand any major artillery
  • Needs space to deploy.
Role: Recon Tank/Turret
Height: 2.5 m (5 m deployed)
Length: 8 m (7.5 m deployed)
Width: 3 m (4 m deployed)
Weight: 4 tonnes
Crew: 1 commander, 1 gunner, 1 driver, 1 spotter/communicator
Propulsion: Tracks, quadruped
Top Speed: 30 km/h, 4 km/h deployed (walking)
Armaments: Smoke grenade launcher, 1 heavy blaster cannon (max. tilt 15 degrees) The cannon has a greater range when deployed, as it can increase initial maximum trajectory angle to 45 degrees. The cannon also lengthens torsionally, creating a longer range, more accurate barrel
Passenger Capacity: 2 (max.), or 0 with cargo
Cargo Capacity: 2.5 cu. metres
Misc. Equipment: None
Stepping in for Sirella.

There are some details here that need addressing. One is the confusing design here. It's name suggests a fast recon unit that can also shift into an artillery piece, but your description lends itself to the idea that it's also a front-line tank. The description needs to be cleaned up some to highlight the role the submission is designed for. As well, I can't see this thing being able to go places other vehicles would have a hard time reaching. As a track vehicle rather than say a walker or a repulsor craft, it's range of deployment is actually rather limited in point of fact.

Another detail is we need a better description for its armament. "Main turret" isn't really an acceptable descriptor for what the submission is supposed to be using to fight with. Some other details I'm curious about; why have the submission try and move at all after deployment? Why not increase the speed as a recon unit and cut mobility off when it deploys? Is there a difference in it's main weapon between when it's moving vs when it's deployed?

The design here is conceptually sound. We just need to work on cleaning up the legwork and bringing that concept to life.
You sure you don't want to put a heavier gun that operates only when deployed? Only other minor note: 2 tons is a bit light for a vehicle like this. Fix the latter, consider the former, and regardless of the former, I'll approve.
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