Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Myhaem Dec


Myhaem Dec

MusicBrain Damage - Pink Floyd
Personality TraitsPlayful
Education TraitsN/A
Lifestyle TraitsFanatic
VoiceLoki (Tom Hiddleston)
ReligionThe Majestic Flame of Manda
LanguagesGalactic Basic (English)
Force SensitiveY
Character AlignmentChaotic Evil
Height5'6" (168 cm)
Weight132 lbs (60 kg)

  • Born into the cult, Myhaem's father had instilled in him the doctrines of The Majestic Flame of Manda from a young age. Raised amidst teachings of warfare, Myhaem became fervently devoted to the cause, embracing the limited scriptures available to him. However, when his latent force abilities began to manifest, he feared the cult's reaction, unaware of their indifference to the methods of warfare as long as it prevailed.

    Despite the risk, Myhaem practiced his force talents in secret, thinking discovery could mean death. When his father caught him manipulating rocks with the force, instead of punishment, he was encouraged to develop his abilities as a formidable weapon. This earned him recognition within the cult, advancing him to the rank of a full monk, with expectations to employ his force powers in battle.

    Motivated to excel, Myhaem delved into scripture and honed his force skills, but he became enamored with the art of deception and manipulation. Shifting his focus, he mastered the art of psychological warfare, using mind games to outwit his adversaries.

    In skirmishes, Myhaem ruthlessly dispatched his peers, displaying a glimpse of his growing madness. Unmatched in combat by his fellow monks, he sought greater challenges, facing multiple opponents and eventually defeating a high-ranking monk. His victory earned him acclaim and favor among the leadership of his sect of the cult.

    After years of training, Myhaem ascended to the rank of high monk, tasked with indoctrinating new recruits. He would lure children from their homes, indoctrinating them to follow his teachings as he burned their villages in his wake.


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    Trickster's Robe

    Daggers (WIP Codex)
    Rapier (WIP Codex)
    Hidden Blade

    Miscellaneous Equipment:
    Thermal Detonator
    M880 Sonic Grenades
    Dioxis Gas Grenade
    Flash Grenade
    FEX-M3 Nerve Gas Grenade
    Flex-5 Detonite Tape

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    Fanatic: Some say he is not driven to do work, others say driven to madness. Myhaem is a very devout and driven man who will follow his teachings until the bitter end.

    Blades: While relying on his force and tricks to win fights, in hand to hand combat, Myhaem is exceptional with daggers and other blades. His personal favorites are daggers and rapiers, though he dabbles in other swords.

    Movement: Due to his love of throwing off the enemy, Myhaem has mastered movement. He has learned to calculate each of his steps to further his goals even if they seem pointless.

    Force Master: Myhaem is an artful and powerful user in the force, though if he stopped using it for only tricks and deception, he'd probably be more feared.


    Talkative: Especially while fighting, Myhaem loves his own voice, he will talk your ears off. Though during battle, this can be used to distract his opponents from what he's doing. Others may find it annoying.


    Guns: The man hates guns, Myhaem thinks they take the fun out of fighting, going so far as refusing to touch them. This loses his range advantage against most of the galaxy.

    Insane: Though he may be charismatic and very outgoing, he is insane. Myhaem is driven to his religious cause and will stop at nothing until it is accomplished.

    Fanatic (Bad part): A pious man can lose himself in the search for what's holy, this will cause Myhaem to make poor decisions every now-and-then in the name of his religion.

  • Summon Fear

    Memory Walk



    Force Healing

    Force Drain

    Force Jump/Leap

    Force Kick

    Force Blast

    Force Dash




    Force Choke

    Force Push

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