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The Kingdom of Naboo

The Kingdom of Naboo is an elective constitutional monarchy comprised of the aristocracy and government on the planet Naboo.

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Naboo Royal Families, Information and Roster


The Royal Houses of Naboo
Beneath the slick veneer of cultured liberalism and democracy is a hidden array of sordid debauchery, especially among those in high society. The Royal Houses of Naboo refers to the princely families from which the planets Monarchs and Senators are selected. Some will go through legitimate means to rise to the top while others may use more... unsavory methods, to reach their goals.

This thread is a way to keep track of those trying to scheme and bamboozle their way through the ranks.

To count your family among the aristocracy, please use this template and post the following down below:

Family Name Goes Here

'Some Form of Family Motto'

Current Head of Family:

Notable PC Characters:

Possibility For Expansion:
Open / Closed [is your family open for others to join?]

Temperature in Society:
[Does your family have a stellar reputation, or have there been some scandals? How do others react when someone hears your family name mentioned?]

Familial Assets:
[Houses owned, companies, wealth etc.]

About The Family:
[Historical description, this can be as detailed or brief as you like, but please try to include at least a paragraph to give us a well rounded idea]


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House Ee'everwest

"Ad Astra, Ad Vocationem Shiraya"

Current Head of Family:
Notable PC Characters:
Possibility For Expansion:
Open - PM Teyla Ee'everwest for details

Reception in Society:
Warm - The Ee'verwest family is generally viewed in a positive light amongst the citizenry of Naboo.

Familial Assets:

About The Family:
The Ee'verwests are an aristocratic family of noble lineage who have graced Naboo's soil with their presence for over a millennia, their roots reaching deep into the planet's ancient history. As an esteemed Royal House, their influence and sway over the city of Theed and the entire planet, goes without question. Renowned for their philanthropic endeavors, the Ee'everwests have produced many a distinguished statesman and woman, all while preserving the whispers of their fabled connection to a mythical King.

Throughout the ages, the Ee'verwests' unwavering service to Naboo and her people has been without fault, thus commanding a position of utmost respect and admiration. It is said that those bearing the Ee'verwest name are held to an unattainable standard, one that surpasses even the most stringent societal expectations. From a tender age, members of the family are held in the highest regard, recognized as the moral compass of Naboo's society, and rightfully so.


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In Victory, Grace.


Current Head of Family: Abel Denko

Notable PC Characters:

Possibility For Expansion: Open

Temperature in Society: Warm - House Denko has earned a positive reputation both on Naboo and in the Galaxy proper.

Familial Assets:

  • Skywind Estate - Seat of House Denko
  • Skywind Reserve - Winery, Lake Country

About The Family:

House Denko formally began in 814 ABY as the union between two minor families. Led by a retired Jedi, Wy'lad, the House cultivated an exceptional brand of wine known as Skywind Reserve. Their efforts, coupled with Wy'lad's statesmanship, elevated the family to true nobility over time. By 858 ABY, Wy'lad's twilight years were upon him and a successor was named in Abel Denko. At present, the successor has been formalized. House Denko currently exists as an active participant in Nabooian society. Its members are known for having the temperament of Jedi and the ambition of Dragons.


'The Shield in the Darkness'
Current Head of Family Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Notable Player Characters: Imperia von Sorenn Imperia von Sorenn
Decima von Sorenn Decima von Sorenn
Possibility for Expansion:Open

Public Standing:Cold
The members of House von Sorenn are often seen as secretive and as outsiders compared to some of the other Noble Houses of Naboo. This can be attributed to the head of the family - Amelia von Sorenn - having gone from the most wanted individual of the Confederacy of Independent Systems to one of its highest-ranking members [having somewhat recently resigned her position as the Grand Marshal of Naval Command]. Though the actions of House von Sorenn, as of late, have been turned towards the greater progress of the Confederacy - there are still those Noble Houses of Naboo that keep a watchful and wary eye on the members of House von Sorenn.

SolitudeHouse SeatNaboo
Dustcairn PlantationOuter Rim EstateUkio
Von Sorenn IndustriesHolding Corporation
First Consolidated Confederate ReserveBank
Bri-Tor & Keph CombineMining
Trinity ManufacturingArms, Armaments, and Armor
First Vault SecuritiesNon-Lethal Arms, and Security
Astraeus Naval OrdnanceShipwrights
Titanica AutomaticaDroid Manufacturing
Utinni WorksJawa Constructs
Tatooine ToursLuxury Tours
Corporate Assets
The AstraeusCorporate HeadquartersMobile Deep-Space Station
The Argentum NexusCorporate HeadquartersThe Astraeus
The First VaultRepository of KnowledgeNaboo - Lake Country
Personal Effects
Lightsaber CollectionA collection of various Lightsaber Hilts
Alderaan Officer RevolverAn older firearm from Alderaan
DaggerOrder of the Wolfcat
Crown of AkeldamaRecovered from Akeldama
Helm of the Whispering TyrantA helm denoting her leadership of the Hellknights
Crown of StarsA gift from John Locke John Locke
M44/Mg Thermite RifleAn older firearm from the defunct Templar Order
Life Day Crystal StarA crystal star fashioned from Kyber Crystals
VampirikiteA large blood-red crystal housed in a glass case

House von Sorenn has its beginnings in the ancient Noble House Syrush of Alderaan - at the time - the family was originally known as House Sorenn-Syrush when Amelia von Sorenn had resettled on Alderaan after a lengthy time away from what had been considered her adopted Homeworld. In those early years, she oversaw the reformation of the Knights of Kal'Shebbol into the Templar Order - and over time into the Righteous Order of the Flame; however, at some point, she became disillusioned with the politics and political stance of the ruling Family of Alderaan and sided with the Sith during the Invasion of Alderaan for what she believed to be altruistic reasons. This would ultimately see Amelia von Sorenn and House Sorenn-Syrush have a bounty leveled upon them by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Following those events, and the expulsion and seizure of Sorenn-Syrush Properties on Alderaan, the family relocated to the Planet of Commenor. House Sorenn-Syrush - as it remained - became key members of the fledgling Commenor Systems Alliance where the family would remain for some time, briefly becoming known as House Thrune after the apparent assassination of Amelia von Sorenn while the family remained in hiding on Commenor.

It was not until the Confederacy of Independent Systems took an interest in the planet of Stobar that Amelia von Sorenn emerged from the shadows; beginning to work with her former adversaries. During that time and over the following years, she had established herself as a worthwhile member of the Confederacy - eventually rising to the rank of Grand Marshal of Naval Command - and placing House von Sorenn into the limelight once more as a staunch protector and ally of the Confederacy. With more recent history - specifically, House von Sorenn relocating from the Outer Rim Planet of Ukio back to the Confederacy Capital of Naboo - Amelia has reestablished House von Sorenn and by proxy, Von Sorenn Industries [due in part to the former Confederate First Mandate] as a bulwark for the Confederacy and the Noble Houses of Naboo.

Members of House von Sorenn more often than not belong to the ancient Sanguinius Vampirika species and are known as one of the Hybrid Bloodlines among their species [often mixing with the Epicanthix species]. Individuals of the family are known to be protectors and guardians - either through their service in the military, as members of the Viceroyalty, or through their own paramilitary organizations founded to provide assistance to the Confederate Military.

Maintaining a secretive nature - House von Sorenn is an active participant in Nabooian Society - while its members utilize their wealth and standing to gather information and keep tabs on those that would seek to destabilize the Naboo Government or the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


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