Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 New Month, New Feedback

Aww yeah it's that time again. I think I forgot to post one last month, but who can blame me. Covid is ruthless.

Gonna focus in on Iris here specifically! She's been through a lot since the last time I put one of these threads out. She's learned a lot, lost a lot, gained a lot, and so on. What do ya'll think about where her stories going? Anything you don't like? Anything you think I could do better? Wanna just give me a pat on the back that I'll shamelessly throw a love react on? Post something below! Truly though, lemmi know if there's something I can improve on. There are some things I don't notice, so having someone who does tell me is the main reason I make these kinds of threads.
From what I have seen your story seems to be going great as well as your character development. Even though the posts are small, (Which is not bad by any means) you always put everything you need to know in terms of emotions and actions into the posts, which is perfect for the other writer to get a good feel of what's going on.

Keep it up. In my eyes, you're doing nothing wrong.


I give you 8/8 Pizza Slices :)
In all seriousness, I'm thoroughly enjoying what snippets of her story I'm catching, and I really have loved the slice of life threads we've had ongoing. It's nice to have just some quiet time amidst all the chaos and drama regular threads can bring, so thank you for that.

I can't wait to see where you take her next :)


purveyor of fine hado business yes
u could have more fine hado brand product. hado item make u much more the cool yes.

(All hado jokes aside, I've been reading your stuff and it's pretty good. You got a good character and narrative going on here and it's been pretty interesting to read. Your activity can be spotty but other than that you've really got something good here. Keep up the good work!)
u could have more fine hado brand product. hado item make u much more the cool yes.

(All hado jokes aside, I've been reading your stuff and it's pretty good. You got a good character and narrative going on here and it's been pretty interesting to read. Your activity can be spotty but other than that you've really got something good here. Keep up the good work!)

I know I'm not the top poster this month. I've been terrible with my activity D:
I know I'm late to this thread, but I actually think often of your writing!

The less is more approach is highly underrated, and I'm trying to learn this lesson myself.

The last story I've read from you from start to finish went down between Iris and Iseri Tanaka Iseri Tanaka at Kuat and it was a blast to read. She is very human, and I believe that's one of the most interesting things a made-up character can be.

Cheers! :)

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