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Osyron Ascendancy

A hegemony dedicated to bringing a balanced order and ultimate stability to the Galaxy, no matter the cost.

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Osyron Ascendancy Information

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The Osyron Ascendancy is a hegemony that rose from the power vacuum caused by the withdrawal of the Mandalorian Enclave's influence in Wild Space. All manner of chaos had crept back into the old Mandalorian territory, causing terror and instability.

The planet Hefi had long stood as a beacon of prosperity and order due to the stalwart influence of its Governor Vemric Keldra and the Tributary Council that stood as the planet's government. When the Enclave left the other systems to fend for themselves, the governing body of Hefi collectively decided to bring stability to Wild Space and even beyond, once and for all.

Subjugating the strategic world of Christophsis, the governing body and its military force immediately took control of the Savareen Sector. It became clear fairly soon that the Upper Caste ruled the daily. The populace enjoyed order, safety and prosperity as long as they knew their place. Nobles and Parliamentarians had right of way.

It was on Christophsis that the ruling body was approached by a religious order of militant worshippers known as Osyronites. Wanting to share the word of the faceless god known as Osyron, they first sought permission to do so instead of demanding outright.

Seeing an order of militants that shared their views, the newly established Parliament of Christophsis brokered a partnership with the Osyronites. The group could continue their work alongside the militant force from Hefi while enjoying its protection, as they both sought the same things - an eternal cycle of balance and order.

It was with this partnership that the new hegemony was established in the Outer Rim.

The Osyron Ascendancy would see order and balance restored to the Galaxy.



The divisions within the Osyron Ascendancy consist of many walks of life. They all work to achieve the same goal - order within the Galaxy. Everyone knows their place, however, and swear full allegiance to the Sovereign and his Parliament.

These are the divisions that can be roleplayed to bring true prosperity and balance within the Galaxy.



The Osyron Marine Corps is the backbone of the Ascendancy. They are the power behind bringing order to the Galaxy.

Originally a non-Mandalorian military division known as the United Enclave Marine Corps. These Marines have, since the Enclave's recession from the territory, sworn full allegiance to the Hefi Government. The Corps has grown considerably and improved greatly in skill since being under full command of the government.

This force protects the systems within the Osyron Ascendancy and convinces those that deny the order and prosperity of the hegemony.
  • Survivors/grateful individuals from Wild Space planets that wish to join the Corps
  • Mercs wanting to belong to something bigger
  • Defectors from other militaries
  • Remnants from the United Enclave Marine Corps
  • Individuals wanting to be heroes



The true class of the Osyron Ascendancy.

With the Sovereign of the Ascendancy having been a Grand Admiral of two different empires, the Osyron Navy is kept to the same standard in terms of discipline and tactics.

The Navy is the nigh impenetrable shield for systems under the protection of the Ascendancy and the ultimate nightmare for those that oppose the hegemony. With a century of tactics to personally draw from, the Osyron Navy is the pinnacle of fleet maneuvering and a force not to be trifled with.

It is the true wonder of the Ascendancy.
  • Remnant fleeters from the non-Mandalorian contingent of the Mandalorian Enclave that used to serve under Verin Oldo and Vemric Keldra.
  • Defectors from other navies
  • New up and coming pilots and fleeters from all walks of life
  • Comms, Navigational and other Officers on the ship
  • Fighter pilots



The Intelligence division of the Ascendancy is divided into two branches - Osyron Military Intelligence and Osyron Law Enforcement.

Osyron Military Intelligence doubles as Special Forces as well as Military Intelligence gathering. These individuals are highly trained in combat, stealth, infiltration and the acquisition of galactic information in order to advance the Ascendancy's goal to bring prosperity to the Galaxy. With a plethora of skills in their repertoire, the Intelligence Officers' abilities enable them to achieve the goals they set out to reach.

The Osyron Investigative Bureau acts as the Law Enforcement branch within the Ascendancy. They would stop at nothing to ensure that the laws brought into effect by the Sovereign and the Parliament are adhered to. This duty often necessitates intelligence gathering of its own by means far more clandestine than Military Intelligence's methods.

Together, these two divisions ensure that the cog of the Ascendancy keeps turning and can strike at the heart of any who oppose the order that the Ascendancy brings to the Galaxy.
  • Snipers, demolition experts, military infiltrators and all-round "Green Beret" characters
  • Guerilla fighters
  • Special Agents
  • Cops
  • Propaganda writers and news journalists
  • Defectors in these disciplines from other nations



The Osyron Sentinels are an order of Force Sensitive Paladins that directly serve the Sovereign and his vision of order and prosperity within the Galaxy.

Much like the Knights of old, the Sentinels' philosophy is that the Force is neither Light nor Dark but depends entirely on the one wielding it. As they seek to eradicate chaos, the Sentinels wield their sabers and the Force merely as a tool to achieve their and the Sovereign's vision. They believe that those that see the Force as only Light or Dark, upset the balance of the Galaxy and allow chaos to reign.

To that end, they would use it only to aid in bringing order and balance to the Galaxy to allow it to truly prosper.
  • Grey Force Users
  • Survivors/Grateful individuals that are Force Sensitive coming from Wild Space planets that were liberated
  • Defectors from other Force Orders
  • Protective Force Sensitives wanting to bring order and prosperity to the Galaxy
  • Young Force Sensitives wishing to be a Sentinel of the Ascendancy



The Osyron Parliament is the governing body of the Ascendancy and run the daily operations of the hegemony, dependent on the final word of the Sovereign.

Consisting of nobles and high ranking individuals, these parliamentarians ensure that order is maintained within Ascendancy territory. These individuals are each granted a sector within the Ascendancy to maintain and represent. Only the Sovereign's word is above theirs.

Unfortunately, as with most governments, Parliament is not without controversy. As a result of their importance within the hegemony, parliamentarians turned into the ruling caste within the Ascendancy. Those not part of Parliament are seen as merely pawns useful in achieving order. If not for the prosperity brought about by their hands, they would have been greatly resented.

Due to Parliament's diligence, poverty and crime was at an all-time low wherever the Ascendancy went.
  • Individuals of noble birth within Ascendancy territory wishing for order in the Galaxy
  • Upper class citizens within Ascendancy territory wishing for a political career
  • Political aides
  • Political journalists



The Osyronites is a religious order that worships a faceless deity known as Osyron. They believe that this embodiment of the Force is the True Balance and that life and death is a continuous cycle that travels through Osyron.

Under the protection of the Ascendancy and sharing its vision in a way, the Osyronites are almost militant in spreading the word of their god and enacting his will of True Balance within the Galaxy. All who believe otherwise and refuse to convert, are seen as heretics and need to be shown the True Way to Osyron and join the next part of the Eternal Cycle which is Life, Death, Rebirth.

Many within the order are highly blessed by visions and other abilities from Osyron, often leading the order to ignorant people and nations to help them in whatever way Osyron wills. Unbeknownst to them, these visions and abilities come from the Force. Used in ways not normally seen with other Force Sensitives, these gifts and abilities believed to be from Osyron are often seen as magical by outsiders. Those blessed by these gifts are often elevated to High Priests within the order.

The partnership between the Osyronites and the Ascendancy was a vital one. The zealous religious order's unwavering militant belief aided the hegemony greatly in its pursuit to achieve order within the Galaxy while the Osyronites enjoyed free reign to spread their religion within the territory. The order's influence has spread in such a way that religious conquests were often a supporting reason to subjugate a nation.
  • Zealous individuals wishing to be part of a militant religious order
  • Newly converted citizens from all walks of life
  • Force Sensitive individuals not wanting to be part of a typical Force Order and who are more zealous

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