Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raiden Mariell


NAME: Raiden Mariell
FACTION: Jedi Order
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 6’ 2”
WEIGHT: 189 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White


Strengths: Due to constant threats of fierce creature attacks while living on Korriban, Raiden had always been forced to remain at the highest levels of fitness. Trained by his father in hand to hand combat, the young man is no stranger to a fight, wither it be with a hungry beast or another settler. Having trained with a virboblade since his 14th birthday, he’s more than capable of using it in battle.

Weaknesses: Raiden may be able to use a Vibroblade in battle, but he’s still only self-taught. He makes mistakes every once and away, leaving himself open. Because of Raiden’s extreme force sensitivity, he has trouble controlling it at times and seems to be more vulnerable to force attacks than most others. Another weakness of his is his youth. He’s often brash and arrogant; charging into fights without a plan.

The Rising Star is a medium sized ship shaped in a large circle. It is powered by an ion engine with enough power to allow the ship to reach hyperspace. Four laser cannons are equipped on the top of the machine, each able to turn 360 degrees for optimal performance. It’s not the greatest ship in the universe, but because it was his fathers’, Raiden treats it as if it were the fasted vessel to be created.

Raiden is the offspring of two fallen Jedi. His mother, Rika Maru, and father, Kal Mariell, hide their child from the rest of the Jedi Council for as long as possible, but their secret was soon found out. The two Jedi were labeled as traitors for going against the Jedi code and going through with their union. Banished from the Jedi temple, the two Jedi decided it would be best to go somewhere they wouldn’t be found, fearing a past enemy’s attack against them or their new born son. The couple decided on settling on Korriban, figuring with the planets history with the Sith it would be the perfect place for them. Settling on the planet, Rika and Kal began their new lives.

Growing up, Raiden was unaware of his parents past. For all he knew, his mother and father grew up on Korriban as he did. From a young age the boy showed an adventurous spirit. Even though his parents disapproved of it, Raiden would wander through the environment in hopes of finding adventure, but most of the time he only found wild hungry animals he’d have to run from. Kal followed his son on one of his “adventures” on the day of his 14th birthday. His father continued to watch over Raiden as the boy found his way into the Valley of the Dark lords. It was there a small pack of Tuk’ata attacked Raiden. Kal jumped into save his son, showing him for the first time his true fighting abilities. Raiden watched in wonder as his father fought the animals back with his sword, easily defeating the beasts.

When questioned by his father as to why he’d venture so close to the tombs of Sith lords, the boy explained to his father that it was because he could hear voices calling to him. Kal was startled by this news. He pondered on the thought of his son being able to channel the force with no training. The entire trip back to their home, the man decided with a choice he’d been wrestling with for a little while now. As soon as they returned home, Kal gave a Vibroblade to his son and began to train him, wanting to both observe his son’s sensitivity with the force and prepare him for another attack.

The years seemed to fly by after that. Raiden continued to train with his father in hand to hand combat, Kal still keeping his past a secret. The boy trained with his Vibroblade during the evening, honing his skills the best he could. Raiden went from a boy into a man before his parent’s eyes, and their lives seemed perfect. Little did the family know, their happiness would soon be shattered.

Furthering his research and fascination with the Valley of the Dark Lords, Raiden had managed to actually make it inside one of them. Almost immediately, he felt a strange power that seemed to be calling to him. He continued to venture deeper in the tomb, almost as if he was in a trance, but a sudden feeling of dread brought him back to reality. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt a sense of dread over his parents. He turned from the tomb and ran home as fast as his feet could carry him. The scene her arrived to was something out of his worst nightmares. His home had been set ablaze, his mother’s body covered in blood laying on the ground, and his father held a lightsaber, dueling against a man cloaked in black with a red lightsaber of his own.

Raiden ran towards the battle between the man and his father. He swung his Vibroblade in hopes of trying to strike down his mother’s killer, but was met with a burst of lightning to his face. The blast sent the boy flying back. Just as the mysterious man was about to make the killing blow on the boy, Kal tried to interfere, but met his fate. The man turned and slashed Raiden’s father with his saber, killing him. The man turned back to the fallen boy and merely smirked. “Your father took my family, and I took yours,” the man spoke. “Find me if you can, Jedi,” he finished before walking away from the fallen boy.

Raiden tried to get back to his feet and give chase to the man, but the force lightning attack was enough to keep the young man down. The only thing that could force Raiden to move was the faint sound of his mother’s dying voice. The son crawled to his mother to hear her final words. The woman revealed to Raiden the mystery of his parents past. The man who’d found Rika and Kal was a dark Jedi the two elders had met in their missions of Jedi, but before she could give her son a name, Rika passed on.

A few other settlers found the Raiden’s unconscious body next to his parents and took him to be healed. Weeks passed and Raiden began to heal. The lighting that struck his face left a scar over the right side of his face, but that didn’t seem to matter. The only thing Raiden seemed to care about was what he’d been told. Could his parents being Jedi the reason he could hear voices from the tombs? And what of the mysterious man who’d attacked him, how was he connected in all of this? There was only one place he was going to find answers and that was going to the Jedi Academy himself. He dressed himself in a black cloak, just as the mystery man had when he attacked, dawned a bird like mask to cover the scar over his face, and set off to discover his destiny in his father’s ship, the Rising Star.

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