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Approved Vehicle Sagittarius Tank Hunter

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  • Killing potential: its main armament is considered a walker-killer. If able to fire a fully-charged shot can obliterate an AT-ST and most medium-shielded vehicles in a single blast. A kill team of these Tank Destroyers is even capable of destroying enemy superheavy walkers if given enough time and targeting the weak areas. It also serves as a secondary role as direct fire support for infantry, blowing away entire fortified buildings in a cloud of superheated plasma.

  • Accuracy: Though much is owed to the skill of the tank crews, much of its famed pin-point accuracy is thanks to the enslaved 88-series mathematical droid installed into the targeting system that calculates millions of variables for the gunner.

  • Crew Survival: standing in contrast with other Chaos Pact tanks, in the event of a penetration or emergency the crew can quickly bail out of the tank. Even a direct hit to the reactor does not cause a detonation but rather a slow-burning yet still lethal radioactive meltdown that gives the crew long enough to escape. This is because Sagittarius crews are considered a worthy investment of resources for such a Galactic-standard measure.

  • Stealth: while in no way invisible the Sagittarius' many camo systems and low profile help to conceal it unless one is actively searching for it with powerful sensors at medium range. Of course, this isn't true stealth but rather a combination of technologies put together to reduce the chance of detection as low as possible, relying heavily on the cunning of crews and the capability of commanders
  • Casemate: the cannon is fixed to the front, requiring the whole tank to reorient if a target appears on its flank or rear.

  • Slow rate of fire: due to the power draw of firing the main cannon at full blast it takes some time for the cannon to charge up again. Though with medium blasts it can fire at a higher rate at a cost of less damage.

  • Cancer: due to the poor shielding between the crew compartment and reactor, the long-term lifespan of users is cut short. Most do not live past 60 which is no problem since the expected life expectancy of crews in combat is far below that. This can serve as a boon if the Sagittarius is surrounded by enemy troops since it can trigger a deliberate critical meltdown that irradiates all attackers.

During the Herodor's Unification Wars, the infant Chaos Pact was forced to deal with the superheavy tanks that the Warlord Guar mobilized to prevent the spread of Father Khaos' words. The Warmaster countered by forming a new and elite unit of his best tankers, christening them as the "Steel Reapers" and blessing the war-forges with his schematics for the Sagittarius Tank Hunter. Kill teams of these Steel Reapers relied on their stealth skills and mobility to set up deadly ambushes to destroy these superheavies, targeting the weak points with volleys of superheated plasma until their interior was filled with molten metal.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Festerruman Sachiel Festerruman Sachiel

Nice sub! I found two problems:
  • The ratings are one point higher than balanced, I would like to ask you to edit this.
  • I have strong concerns about defenses. What you described is much higher than Average. Impervium is one of the most resistant canon materials in the SW universe and Seigurium also has three extreme resistances. Not to mention the other systems. How can you explain or how you can convince me why this is just Average?
MANIAC MANIAC brought it back to balance by reducing its size from average to small. I've replaced Impervium and Seigurium with Duramentium. I'm not sure how some laser-warning systems, smoke grenades, and flares would stand to be more capable than average vehicle protection. In my eyes these seem to be pretty basic combined with what is just rolled durasteel.
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