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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Senate Vote: Ultimatum Aftermath

if they're watching anyways
Topic: Issue a formal declaration of war against the Mandalorian Enclave.
Proposed By: Auteme Auteme
IC Information: In the wake of the Enclave's attack on Ryloth, many Senators expressed the necessity of increased mobilization of the GADF and a public statement on the matter. Gathering their concerns, the Chancellor proposed the issuing of a formal declaration of war, and is seeking the approval of the legislature.

This was a short one, so there is no restriction on having written in the thread to vote. Ayes, Nays, and Abstains will be accepted. As usual, voting closes in 48 hours.

In-Character Formal Statement:
I, Raphael Calgar, rise today as the representative of the planet of Anaxes, a world known for its unwavering commitment to military prowess and a proud member of the Galactic Alliance. It is with great solemnity and a heavy heart that I must voice my strong opposition to the proposed Declaration of War against the Mandalorian Enclave in the aftermath of the conflict on Ryloth. While the events on Ryloth are deeply troubling, and we share the Alliance's concern for peace and stability in the galaxy, we must not let our emotions and fears drive us toward hasty and ill-considered actions. War should always be the last resort, undertaken only when all diplomatic avenues have been exhausted.

Anaxes has a long and storied history of military strategy, and we know the true cost of warfare all too well. It is a path paved with the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and the anguish of their families. We have seen firsthand the devastation that conflict can bring, and it is our duty to ensure that we pursue every conceivable peaceful resolution before committing to such a grave course of action.

Furthermore, it is vital for the Galactic Alliance to uphold its principles of diplomacy and cooperation. We were founded on the belief that unity and dialogue can bring about peace and prosperity for all. Rushing into war without exhausting diplomatic options not only jeopardizes the lives of our citizens but also risks the very ideals we hold dear. I implore my esteemed colleagues to consider the consequences of war, not just for our own people but for the galaxy as a whole. Let us seek a negotiated settlement, engage in meaningful dialogue, and explore all avenues for peace before we resort to violence. Anaxes, with its commitment to defense and security, is ready to contribute to these efforts and stand as a beacon of diplomacy within the Galactic Alliance.

In conclusion, while I share the concern for the situation on Ryloth and the safety of our citizens, I firmly believe that a Declaration of War is not the answer at this time. We must be patient, we must be vigilant, and above all, we must be committed to the pursuit of peace through diplomacy and dialogue.

Thank you, and may the wisdom of the Senate guide our decisions in these trying times.

Whilst Concordia condemns the levels of violence that was used by the Mandalorian Enclave one Ryloth, the people of the Galactic Alliance are still counting the costs of war and to enter another potentially costly war on behalf of nations not party to our alliance would be a mistake.

My government reiterates its stance that continued interventionist diplomacy amd non-military relief should be our position until such a time as the Alliance itself comes under threat"

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