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Approved Planet Serpena

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In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Serpena

Region: Unknown Regions
System: Serpena
Suns: 1(ZX 432, red giant star)
Orbital Position: Inner rim of habitable zone, third planet in the system(2 past it are gas giants, and 2 nearer than it are dead worlds, said planets are unexplored and unnamed)
Moons: Pythia(moon, asteroid), Anaca(moon, asteroid), Archivus Yards(satellite, artificial station/shipyard)
Coordinates: F16, approximately the middle of the upper-left side of the quadrant
Rotational Period: 18 hours
Orbital Period: 360 days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 15,000km
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Predominantly warm and humid, except in deforested areas, where the climate is temperate and mild.
Gravity: 1.5x Standard
Primary Terrain: Jungle, some flatland(due to deforestation)

Native species: N/A
Immigrated species: Humans, various alien species(Duros, Twi'leks, etc)
Primary languages: Basic
Government: Council-based
Population: 10 million
Demonym: Serpentan
Major cities: Krayt City
Major imports: Salvage, old starships
Major exports: Raw materials, wood and organic fibers, metals and minerals
Affiliation: Fringe

Culture: Standard galactic colony's culture, no real differences between it and your other typical city-scape. Architecture does admittedly resemble that of Felucia, Kashyyyk, or other jungle planets.
Technology: Hyperspace-capable
History: The planet was discovered by Pandeima during one of her first excursions to the Unknown Regions. A lifeless, heavily forested planet with plenty of raw materials to be used in the event that one was able to actually construct facilities on the world, Pandeima realized that the system's setup seemed rather unnatural. Many theories abounded on why the Serpenta system had only one habitable planet, the other worlds lifeless or unformed. Some suggested the system's accretion went awry. Others believe that artificial engineering played a part in the planet's overgrown ecosystem. Regardless the situation, parts of the forest have been cleared away, and settlements(along with research facilities and factories) have been constructed in order to make use of the planetary facilities.

A unique feature about the planet is its shipyards. A multitude of various space stations were, by someone, clustered together to form rudimentary yards that starships could be docked in for repair and refitting. Oddly enough, said conglomeration of stations does not seem to be designed to manufacture starships - only repair and refit them. It is believed, from digs on the surface, that an ancient alien race once called Serpena home, and likely used the shipyards as a foundry for their empire's fleet Regardless of such beliefs, there is no current prominent evidence an alien civilization once called this home, nor have the shipyards been found to contain the technology to create new ships. As such, the yards have proven to be an excellent storage and refit facility for ships Pandeima has captured on behalf of the Fringe, and her other partners.
Notable PC's: @Pandeima

Intent: To serve as a place for research and development, as well as a storage facility for starships captured by the Fringe and by Pandeima's fleet. It may later be used as a defensive outpost once ships stored at the shipyards have been ICly refitted and repaired.
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