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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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Silver Rest project Feedback and suggestions

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • City Name: Silver Rest
  • Classification: Jedi Metropolis
  • Location: Kashyyyk
  • Affiliation: Silver Jedi
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: Combination of wookiees, humans, twi'leks, zeltrons, mirialians, togruta, nautolans and various humanoids
  • Wealth: High: Fashioned and funded by the jedi themselves using various investment groups. With excess food grown being sold and traded, medical supplies produced sold off and traded where needed. Matsu has worked to make sure that the Rest doesn't rely on funding from the assembly so that the silver jedi themselves are not beholden.
  • Stability: High: Brought back into control after the attacks, the rest has been rebuilt and houses thousands of jedi, support staff who are from the various corps and biot or rangers/paladins. They operate with a high degree of order and precision.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Structured but free, they are the jedi and aside from tenets and some rules there is a high level of freedom allowing them to operate among themselves. The various councils oversee areas of the rest with the head for each council and department assembled into the high council with the grandmaster sitting in with them. THe master of the order ensuring things are handled as needed.
  • Description: Large in its scale and rebuilt after the attack from House Io. The jedi reconstruction project sought to bring stronger defenses and barriers. With sleek silver/white stone walls that are built with the environment allowing them to mold themselves to the ground. Supports for the damaged trees that were burnts partially and still standing as they are braced against the walls. With silver markers and its defenses bukilt into it that allows the newly discovered and cultivate nexus of the Heavenshield to support the rest. With a new entryway that is made for attackers to have to go through if they want to bypass the heavy shielding and defensive nature of it. New hanger and ports as well as a new design that allows the rangers to be within the rest for protection and security. Around the rest statues to the fallen and lost jedi masters within the Silver Jedi are erected and artisans work to design more of the rest itself so that people may live within it and train.
Council Chambers: Several throughout the rest for the smaller councils to oversee the daily operations with the head of each reporting and part of the high council. From there there is the grand council chambers which the Grandmaster and head of the temple oversees where the heads for each jedi temple on various worlds communicate with each other.

Grandmasters Officer: Shifted in its nature and designed to give an otherworldly feel to those who see it. The various connection spanning across to other lightside temples that Matsu has established and key worlds of the jedi. Through her study of the Netherworld of Unbeing the grandmaster has created a network others have never seen.

Heavenlight Nexus: At the heart of the temple a massive Uneti tree that has the amniod flowing from it into the stone of the temple and throughout the entire rest to the outer walls. Giving it almost a living feeling with Midi-chloroxian added into it to connect to the force users themselves.

Ranger's Rest: Incorporated within the rest itself, the massive military base is seeded throughout allowing them to defend and move around the rest with armored trams for quick deployment and armories they can access as needed in the event of an attack.

Entryway of the Silver Jedi: USed as a means to by time and stall attackers trying to enter the rest through without breaking through the multilayered world armor. A chamber with a statue that needs to be assembled perfectly and placed on the proper pedestal within a small handful of minutes otherwise the lock resets.

Clarity Gate: A gate designed at the top of the stairs going into the higher grounds. Designed to be blocked off through advanced shielding technologies controlled by the Rests collected stars... a quasi sentient spirit in the rest that keeps security measures going and works with the jedi. In this case enforcing the required meditation time and reflection that must go into the jedi to calm them down before entry to the upper areas where the masters and grandmaster are.

Kyber Arch: A reconstructed arch from the one on Coruscant that was made from the crystals of fallen jedi. A meditative technique meant to test those who were called to it.

Lecture Hall: A massive lecture hall allowing for classes to be taught by many of the jedi themselves. Those who need it can book it and the ones who want to get a class going quickly will have plenty of space as it is meant to be modular and shift to accommodate several classes at once.

Medical Hall: Advanced combination hospital, research center and lab as well as a healers hall. Able to give the jedi healers and doctors the edge over many institutions in the galaxy.

Confessional: Located in the center of the council chambers and able to be brought out for those who come before them. The confessionals weigh whoever is inside and many are crushed under the weight of their own self.

Force-henge: Built in a central courtyard with each stone connected to a street making a wheel with spokes extending outwards. It concentrates and allows the force to be channeled and called for jedi to meditate and communicate to other worlds with similar type structures.

Jedi Temple Obstacle Course: Reconstructed from the main jedi temple a thing of beauty for shifting and changing. The jedi have made to it test and challenge even the grandmaster in terms of what it can do with various model droids and biot droids able to be used across it all.

Vaults: IN the main temple and hidden away, to secure dangerous artifacts in nullification resin, holocrons and anything else that might prove a danger to the jedi there.

Cold Storage: Designed to hold jedi craft for them to use on missions and store ships recovered from enemy forces within a safer area.


[ Include a description on the city's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this city's history and expansion; and what role it played and still plays. For historical cities, if you so desire, you can include events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I am going to be working upon the history and maybe one or two other parts of it but this is a collaboration effort if anyone here wants to add to it materials, subs to tie into it, suggestions please.

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