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The Sith Imperium

An Empire ruled by the Sith and managed by a strong regional Governors and a strong military to guard its borders.

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Sith Imperium Military | Navy


The Sith Imperium Navy
The Imperium Navy is based around Power Projection and is primarily based around the fear of orbital bombardment and adopts the Galactic Empires approach to space warfare.

Chain of Command
The Emperor is at the head of the Imperiums Navy and is the Commander-in-Chief of the entire navy while the second-in-command is the primary enforcer Darth Wraith and is answerable only to the Emperor, then there are Grand Admirals; there are 12 in total much like the Galactic Empire had 12 Grand Admirals in its reign over the Galaxy, they are the commanders of the biggest fleets within the Sith Imperium and are responsible for the most projection within the Imperium; then we have the Admirals, these are the commanders of entire fleets and are some of the most common command staff in any fleet, then we have Captain, Captains are commonly the head of command staff on entire starships and are responsible for entire ships even Star Destroyers are their responsibility. If they fail they fail the Imperium; Next, we have Commanders, Commanders are usually the second-in-command of entire ships but sometimes commander can mean the commanding officer among Starfighter units. Next, we have Lieutenant Commander, which is usually the most common command staff you'll find on any ship of the Sith Imperium and would be the first commanders that anyone would have and would be the second-in-command of entire starfighter units, next we have Lieutenant, Lieutenants are the second most common rank in the Navy and run the day-to-day operations of entire ships, finally, within the officers, we have the last and most common rank, the Ensign, the Ensign is most like the crewman on board and are the one's doing all the dirty work on any ship and have fewer privileges on board any ship, and that is the chain of command in the navy.

Day-to-Day Operations of the Navy
The day-to-day Operations within the navy while not at war include patrolling the space around an entire world, taking care of pirates and smugglers, and transporting goods towards entire worlds. While at war, the navy often drills for combat, practice for space battles in the simulator, and prepare for any situation that is required of them.

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