Rimward Jedi Spectre
Location: Dagobah, deep swamps
Objective: Train a padawan
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Skorvek Euric Shadowwalker
Personal Equipment
- White bladed dual phase light saber
- Electro-whip
- Riftblade
- Viper mk1 skinsuit
- Ashlan Rosary
- Energy Bolas
- throwing shuriken
- Sairenro Shuriken pistol
- Empyrean Gland
- Morðingja-class Personal Cloaking Device
The man was her newest padawan, he was extremely strong and one of the most wonderful duelists she had trained, but he inexperienced and his use of the force was very crude, not that he was close to the dark side, but more that he found it hard to focus. Bringing him here and hunting him would hopefully help him focus, no destractions beyond his own safety, it was a genuinely dangerous place but one that Rhiza had become very familiar with, a favourite training spot of hers. She made another leap and momentarily allowed her force concealment to drop to give him a little chance, she wanted to see if he was paying attention.
"Good boy Shwa'znagge, let's see how you take to this." she raised her gun and send several shuriken through the tree above his head. No response... interesting. A flash of the force came to Rhiza and in a single move she drew her own blade and reflected a couple of blaster shots into a different direction. She laughed, the padawan had managed to change positions and get some free shots off at her without her detecting it. The woman was impressed, she raised her force concealment again and moved quickly though the trees, trying to outflank his position and move in for the "kill"