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Suggestion: Basic Technology Template

Depends, really, it's a very broad template, and they won't necessarily always matter. Plus if one includes it then it will be something that everyone will have to include, as opposed to something one can choose to include.

While you're not wrong, a simple N/A suffices for technology that simply doesnt have a size or weight (networks and what not), but majority of technology using the template for basic things do have some form of size or weight that's relative.

Even then, don't networks need things like servers and or some form of output/input.

Even then, like you said, wont always matter, but majority of the time what's running through basic templates for tech have a decent amount of relative size and weight. Being broad doesn't mean it shouldn't be treated like the rest of the templates with the most basic of information.
The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner

A fair point, certainly, though I would counter that of all the templates, only one only has "Size" and "Weight" in addition to the basics of Production Value as a required balance factor, and that is "Melee Weapons".

Compared to the "Basic Technology" template, the difference is obvious - those two factors will "always" be important for melee weapons, whereas it will vary wildly whether it is relevant or even applicable for basic technologies. I would therefore argue that, if one were to include those two areas, they should be for flavour, not balancing. IMO, adding, say, "Cumbersome" or "Easily Concealable" as a weakness/strength works better for such an abstract template than using the standardised fields of more specific ones.
Factory Judge
The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner AMCO AMCO Thank you both for coming forward with the discussion of the template. However, I feel that it is not necessary.

9 times out of 10, the basic template is used for things such as jewelry, small odds and ins, and in the past, Lightsaber crystals. While cybernetics now has their own template, as well as materials, These items are often small enough that it doesn't warrant a "Height" or "Weight" due to what is being made.

I do see the merit of adding as such. However, the basic template is just supposed to be that. Basic in every form. If we start adding too much, then it will be required for that field to be in the submission. Where as instead, the rules allow for anyone to add or customize the template to their liking. Meaning adding whatever they wish for their OCD needs. Its a catch 22 in this case. Either side is not "Wrong" and there is merit to both. However, I tend to lean towards "If it makes people have to do less work, and make my job easier, then I am for it."

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