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LFG The Hoots is Back, Long time no See

Hello everyone, its been a while.

Ive returned and would love to get back into RP, and to that effort I have a few options that would be amazing.

1. Alexandra - My Long time Grey Jedi living on Alderaan is of course the go to when it comes to threads. I would love to get a bunch of scenes with her, both with old and new faces, especially family and friends for her.

2. Edric or Aithne Charr - The Children to one of my longest time characters would be amazing to get some scenes for, get them reintroduced to the world especially regarding the old projects of their Father on Kesh. Edric especially would be nice to see.

3. Solan Charr - Currently a Force Ghost on Kesh, he would be the premier character I want to find a way to bring back to the universe we have created. It would be good to find a way to ground him both on the planet and either be revived or at the least pass on his goals and his home to a new generation.

Speaking of Kesh, I would love anyone to help explain whats happened since ive been gone. Spent so much time on the planet that I look forward to repairing and rebuilding the old passion project of a planet I spent years on way back in the day.
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Hello everyone, its been a while.

Ive returned and would love to get back into RP, and to that effort I have a few options that would be amazing.

1. Alexandra - My Long time Grey Jedi living on Alderaan is of course the go to when it comes to threads. I would love to get a bunch of scenes with her, both with old and new faces, especially family and friends for her.

2. Edric or Aithne Charr - The Children to one of my longest time characters would be amazing to get some scenes for, get them reintroduced to the world especially regarding the old projects of their Father on Kesh. Edric especially would be nice to see.

3. Solan Charr - Currently a Force Ghost on Kesh, he would be the premier character I want to find a way to bring back to the universe we have created. It would be good to find a way to ground him both on the planet and either be revived or at the least pass on his goals and his home to a new generation.

Speaking of Kesh, I would love anyone to help explain whats happened since ive been gone. Spent so much time on the planet that I look forward to repairing and rebuilding the old passion project of a planet I spent years on way back in the day.

tired and also on mobile but I am looking for threads for Elise. A sith knight with a generally rather casual outlook and somewhat different perspective on the dark side that she doesn’t really impose because it’s not worth it.

i have some others, including a shapeshifting jedi Palawan, Anne Krae. Who refuses to use the force as an attack and is very learned in medical science despite his age.
on mobile so can’t go in to depth or link properly right now. Will try to check on this tomorrow with more info or another character, if you don’t get flooded lol. Im a little behind on the broad story myself.
tired and also on mobile but I am looking for threads for Elise. A sith knight with a generally rather casual outlook and somewhat different perspective on the dark side that she doesn’t really impose because it’s not worth it.

i have some others, including a shapeshifting jedi Palawan, Anne Krae. Who refuses to use the force as an attack and is very learned in medical science despite his age.
on mobile so can’t go in to depth or link properly right now. Will try to check on this tomorrow with more info or another character, if you don’t get flooded lol. Im a little behind on the broad story myself.
I would love to have a thread with any of your characters or even multiple. For the ones who would fit for Elise from the sound of it, that would be more down the line of Aithne or Solan. Your Jedi would best work off Aithne or Alexandra I think, so I am happy to give you any number of options for either of the two you mentioned.

Still working on tracking down bios and fixing links, so if you are interested in any of the characters just shout.

I understand the struggles of Mobile for sure though so happy to help out and get you anything you have issue tracking down.
I would love to have a thread with any of your characters or even multiple. For the ones who would fit for Elise from the sound of it, that would be more down the line of Aithne or Solan. Your Jedi would best work off Aithne or Alexandra I think, so I am happy to give you any number of options for either of the two you mentioned.

Still working on tracking down bios and fixing links, so if you are interested in any of the characters just shout.

I understand the struggles of Mobile for sure though so happy to help out and get you anything you have issue tracking down.
Cool! Extra threads for Anen is good.

So I think right now I'm mostly focusing on getting threads for Elise and Anen.

Here's the link to Anen for the record.

I don't know a lot about Kesh, I feel like it got referenced recently in the house of marr discord so I'll probably ask them. Either of those could probably be fun. I found this part "Current Emotional Status: Mentally damaged with unrestrained Emphatic connections to all beings in the area around her." a pretty interesting piece as well. Fortunately, Elise isn't an off the rocker sith (outside of combat) so at least she probably wouldn't exacerbate that issue. I also think that's just a really cool aspect, I did it once with one of my own telepaths who couldn't use the light side anymore properly because she was connected to an army during war (not rp'd, but just done as a part of her backstory). Elise is friendly enough most of the time, a standard social thread somewhere could work. If she's an enemy of the sith or marrs, could have problems, but if not there could be options. Elise is well off, but would likely still go to lower-class places too so if she's not around fancy casino's or something that isn't an issue. She isn't super likely to go to enemy planets much though, so I definitely need to figure out the standing of Kesh.

Same Kesh issues, but interacting with a spirit would also be interesting for her given how little stock she places into the more spiritual side of the force. Could at least be neat but harder to think of ideas for where to go after they might meet.

For Anen both are probably good as well. He does have his own ship, maybe he solved some medical problem someone was discussing with him but he couldn't fix it remotely and had to arrive to help fix it. It's pretty reasonable to have it be that way. He's not a jedi healer exactly but he knows the science very well. Alexandrea's probably not hard to explain either cause it's Alderaan and seems in a good spot. Could honestly still go with the idea that his trip there is a medical one. Either to learn something or to help with something. Could also be him attempting to travel and learn about animal more locally, or stopping along the way to somewhere to test out his shapeshifting. I've made his shapeshifting a pretty major part of how he functions, and especially how he fights. It is technically a species trait but his father in particular I had made a bit OP, and while I didn't want Anen to nearly match that power, I did want his shapeshifting to reflect it.
Cool! Extra threads for Anen is good.

So I think right now I'm mostly focusing on getting threads for Elise and Anen.

Here's the link to Anen for the record.

I don't know a lot about Kesh, I feel like it got referenced recently in the house of marr discord so I'll probably ask them. Either of those could probably be fun. I found this part "Current Emotional Status: Mentally damaged with unrestrained Emphatic connections to all beings in the area around her." a pretty interesting piece as well. Fortunately, Elise isn't an off the rocker sith (outside of combat) so at least she probably wouldn't exacerbate that issue. I also think that's just a really cool aspect, I did it once with one of my own telepaths who couldn't use the light side anymore properly because she was connected to an army during war (not rp'd, but just done as a part of her backstory). Elise is friendly enough most of the time, a standard social thread somewhere could work. If she's an enemy of the sith or marrs, could have problems, but if not there could be options. Elise is well off, but would likely still go to lower-class places too so if she's not around fancy casino's or something that isn't an issue. She isn't super likely to go to enemy planets much though, so I definitely need to figure out the standing of Kesh.

Same Kesh issues, but interacting with a spirit would also be interesting for her given how little stock she places into the more spiritual side of the force. Could at least be neat but harder to think of ideas for where to go after they might meet.

For Anen both are probably good as well. He does have his own ship, maybe he solved some medical problem someone was discussing with him but he couldn't fix it remotely and had to arrive to help fix it. It's pretty reasonable to have it be that way. He's not a jedi healer exactly but he knows the science very well. Alexandrea's probably not hard to explain either cause it's Alderaan and seems in a good spot. Could honestly still go with the idea that his trip there is a medical one. Either to learn something or to help with something. Could also be him attempting to travel and learn about animal more locally, or stopping along the way to somewhere to test out his shapeshifting. I've made his shapeshifting a pretty major part of how he functions, and especially how he fights. It is technically a species trait but his father in particular I had made a bit OP, and while I didn't want Anen to nearly match that power, I did want his shapeshifting to reflect it.
Alot of interesting options here! I think if you wanted to do something with Anen, Alexandra is definitely the place to go for that. Admittedly though I am still figuring her out a bit more as I need to account for nearly 60 years having passed since the last time I played her IC. So Solan would probably be the better one to RP with. So it might be a bit before im a little more certain of where im going to go with her mindset.

Solan meanwhile should actually be in his new body before any RPS with him, that said though he would still give you that Spirit side of things interaction if you want to get that on Elise. Hes a Dark Jedi whos fought beside Jedi and Sith both, including those like Carnifex so could be an interesting person for her to learn from or ask questions for.
Daughter of The Destroyer

Welcome back, been a while champ >D. Welcome back to the fray~​
Alot of interesting options here! I think if you wanted to do something with Anen, Alexandra is definitely the place to go for that. Admittedly though I am still figuring her out a bit more as I need to account for nearly 60 years having passed since the last time I played her IC. So Solan would probably be the better one to RP with. So it might be a bit before im a little more certain of where im going to go with her mindset.

Solan meanwhile should actually be in his new body before any RPS with him, that said though he would still give you that Spirit side of things interaction if you want to get that on Elise. Hes a Dark Jedi whos fought beside Jedi and Sith both, including those like Carnifex so could be an interesting person for her to learn from or ask questions for.
Either way for that. If it's too much trouble to get with the Alexandra stuff soon then we can check that out some other time, or Solan. Not sure what that rp would look like, Anen is firmly in the light by choice. Not quite kenobi level but maybe more Luke style...oh shoot I did just remake luke without the parental redemption or intuition in the force. Powerful very evil father who he knows he could resemble if he isn't careful and so stays firmly light sided. Anen's very picky on his force use though, and his caution of the dark side could make an interaction with Solan either interesting or difficult. Or both.

Ah well then the main spirit things out, but it could still be interesting if it comes up somehow. And might be interesting, I'm not sure how far it would go but I'm ok with shorter threads as well as long as we give it a go.

It doesn't seem like there's anything big about Kesh to note right now and it's WAY away from any major faction, so I probably don't have to worry about her bringing her ships along if she's doing something. Maybe she's just running a sort of preparatory mission so if she ever needs to travel the planets nearby she knows what to expect. She's not a very attentive sith but I'm sure there's times she at least sometimes puts in that effort. Plus if there's local dangerous wildlife it's possible she'd use them to spar with, since her genuinely going all out is completely impossible to do safely in a sparring situation with someone you don't want to die.
Either way for that. If it's too much trouble to get with the Alexandra stuff soon then we can check that out some other time, or Solan. Not sure what that rp would look like, Anen is firmly in the light by choice. Not quite kenobi level but maybe more Luke style...oh shoot I did just remake luke without the parental redemption or intuition in the force. Powerful very evil father who he knows he could resemble if he isn't careful and so stays firmly light sided. Anen's very picky on his force use though, and his caution of the dark side could make an interaction with Solan either interesting or difficult. Or both.

Ah well then the main spirit things out, but it could still be interesting if it comes up somehow. And might be interesting, I'm not sure how far it would go but I'm ok with shorter threads as well as long as we give it a go.

It doesn't seem like there's anything big about Kesh to note right now and it's WAY away from any major faction, so I probably don't have to worry about her bringing her ships along if she's doing something. Maybe she's just running a sort of preparatory mission so if she ever needs to travel the planets nearby she knows what to expect. She's not a very attentive sith but I'm sure there's times she at least sometimes puts in that effort. Plus if there's local dangerous wildlife it's possible she'd use them to spar with, since her genuinely going all out is completely impossible to do safely in a sparring situation with someone you don't want to die.
Alexandra would be a strong example for Anen to look at given he is in the light by choice. She was much in the same way and has about 80 years to develop her choice from turning to the light after being brought up in the dark side. That would be something interesting for him to stumble on and learn about, though it isnt something shes very public about and the two meeting would be more coincidence rather than planned.

As for Solan and the situation on Kesh, thats a long long story.

If shes interested in being there, I would say her looking into the old worlds destroyed by the Brynadul could be a good reason. I would avoid using the canon page for Kesh as Kesh was largely destroyed by the Brynadul, its people wiped out and the planet torn up and its resources taken. There is going to be an effort to fix, rebuild and terraform the planet so that it isn't completely fucked anymore but until then that could be a good reason for her to come.

From that point she finds Solan maybe inside the ruins of what used to be the capital, sitting there thinking?

Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr
Alexandra would be a strong example for Anen to look at given he is in the light by choice. She was much in the same way and has about 80 years to develop her choice from turning to the light after being brought up in the dark side. That would be something interesting for him to stumble on and learn about, though it isnt something shes very public about and the two meeting would be more coincidence rather than planned.

As for Solan and the situation on Kesh, thats a long long story.

If shes interested in being there, I would say her looking into the old worlds destroyed by the Brynadul could be a good reason. I would avoid using the canon page for Kesh as Kesh was largely destroyed by the Brynadul, its people wiped out and the planet torn up and its resources taken. There is going to be an effort to fix, rebuild and terraform the planet so that it isn't completely fucked anymore but until then that could be a good reason for her to come.

From that point she finds Solan maybe inside the ruins of what used to be the capital, sitting there thinking?

Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr
I think I'd enjoy that for him. He's certainly a lot less experienced on it, choosing it only after he got abandoned as a kid cause his mom went a bit nuts due to her connection to his father (telepathy and powerful dark siders are just such a great combination) and then was picked up by jedi. Coincidence is certainly fine, unless she's the one with a medical problem or seeking him out, he's not likely to run into her otherwise. I think him heading to wherever he is on a medical visit is the best way of doing it, maybe it's just a discussion between doctors to avoid any hassle as well.

That's not a bad idea. Even if it's checking out to see if there's any signs of some sneaking around behind or problems they left, or if there's something to learn from the wreckage. I'm not sure Elise is the type to go out of her way to help rebuild though unless she's expected to by the sith. Though that would be interesting if she was essentially sent for the sake of diplomacy.
From the investigating the area portion to finding Solan in the capital could be pretty good. I imagine she would have her guard nearby but she may just send them off if she gets into a discussion or something (they'd be used to that)
I think I'd enjoy that for him. He's certainly a lot less experienced on it, choosing it only after he got abandoned as a kid cause his mom went a bit nuts due to her connection to his father (telepathy and powerful dark siders are just such a great combination) and then was picked up by jedi. Coincidence is certainly fine, unless she's the one with a medical problem or seeking him out, he's not likely to run into her otherwise. I think him heading to wherever he is on a medical visit is the best way of doing it, maybe it's just a discussion between doctors to avoid any hassle as well.

That's not a bad idea. Even if it's checking out to see if there's any signs of some sneaking around behind or problems they left, or if there's something to learn from the wreckage. I'm not sure Elise is the type to go out of her way to help rebuild though unless she's expected to by the sith. Though that would be interesting if she was essentially sent for the sake of diplomacy.
From the investigating the area portion to finding Solan in the capital could be pretty good. I imagine she would have her guard nearby but she may just send them off if she gets into a discussion or something (they'd be used to that)
Ya, for the Solan side of things, he wouldnt be doing any of the rebuilding atm. He has meetings with people he has to do and the terraforming will be step one anyways considering Kesh' entire ecosystem is completely screwed up. But I think that would make for an amazing first meeting to have him sitting in the old throne room, looking at long destroyed glass sculptures if any still exist.

As for Alex, I definitely want to follow up on that one. Right now I am getting her situated into the story and after I get the chance to sit down and fix up her bio it will be alot nicer to look at and cleaner to understand. Id be happy to also talk further on discord if you are on that.
Ya, for the Solan side of things, he wouldnt be doing any of the rebuilding atm. He has meetings with people he has to do and the terraforming will be step one anyways considering Kesh' entire ecosystem is completely screwed up. But I think that would make for an amazing first meeting to have him sitting in the old throne room, looking at long destroyed glass sculptures if any still exist.

As for Alex, I definitely want to follow up on that one. Right now I am getting her situated into the story and after I get the chance to sit down and fix up her bio it will be alot nicer to look at and cleaner to understand. Id be happy to also talk further on discord if you are on that.
Cool! Well we at least have a plan for Elise then. Got anything in particular I should know otherwise? Would you want to start it? This seems it could certainly be fun.

And cool! Let me know if/when you get in a good position for that, I'd love to have Anen meet her.

Also I am, just try "Ragnokar"

that's it, no special characters or numbers or anything.

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