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Approved Starship The Initium (Refit)

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The Initium (Refit)



  • Cloaking Device: The Initium was built with a standard cloaking device. Powered by Stygium this device will turn the ship physically invisible.
  • Eligor Cloaking Device: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey traded Darth Revan's Sith Holocron for an Eligor Cloaking Device with Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . This serves as a back-up cloaking device to the standard one installed into the ship, and when active, functions in the same capacity. However, unlike the standard cloak, the Eligor will prevent Force-sensitives from being able to feel or sense anyone or anything on board the ship.
  • Armed: The Initium is armed with laser cannons; a Proton torpedo launcher; and a Minelayer system. This makes it a capable fighter when engaging with other Starfighters or craft in numerous battle situations.
  • Invulnerable to Detection: In conjunction with the other technologies stipulated in 'advanced systems' the Initium can be rendered completely invulnerable to detection except in two very extreme circumstances stipulated in the 'weaknesses'. This is because if the ship is cloaked by it's standard or Eligor Cloaking Device, it cannot be physically seen, or Force Sensed; if the Cone of Silence is activated, there are no sounds to be heard; and if the Portable Dampening Field is engaged, there is nothing to scan.
  • Average Speed: A ship with a 'Maneuverability rating' faster than 'Average' will be faster than the Initium and therefore makes them impossible to outmanoeuvre in a fight, or chase.
  • I'm Bigger Than You: A Capital ship, such as a Star Destroyer, would likely destroy the Initium in one hit if they were able to successfully land one on the ship.
  • Squadron Gonna Get Ya: The Initium was designed and meant to be used in a single capacity. Therefore, if it was found in a battle, it would likely be a prime target for a squadron of Starfighters to have at it.
  • Crystal Gravfield Trap: The only sensor, or piece of technology, capable of piercing this ships 'Invulnerable to Detection' strength is the Crystal Gravfield Trap. There are no technologies on board this ship which prevent it's gravitational pull from being scanned or sensed by this rare piece of technology.
  • Hyperspace Orbiting Scanner: If a HOS is in deployment in a star system it would still detect the hyperspace shadows left behind by the technology on board the Initium.

The Initium is the personal modified Star Courier of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . It is an extremely rare ship, both in it's design and model. This is because the design of the ship is based on an extremely old one which stems from the Clone Wars era. Combined with the rare technologies and inventions that it's owner has accumulated makes this ship extremely hard to recognise, detect or read. This, of course, was done by design as it's owner engaged in many compartmentalized, clandestine and covert acts all based on the pathology of the dark side of the Force. Indeed, Alicia Drey wanted the Initium to look and be completely alien to any who gained a rare physical glimpse of it, especially on the computer scanner and sensors of her competitors across the Galaxy.

It is equipped with standard features you would find in any small craft. A pair of ion engines at the back provide it with it's speed, and manoeuvrability. It is equipped with a Navigation computer for it's pilot to plan and conduct interstellar journeys across the stars. This technology is capable of allowing the Initium to plan flight paths which takes it away from interstellar phenomena, such as a black hole, from destroying the ship as it traverses hyperspace. It's other standard features include a hyperdrive (class 2.0) and a Distress beacon for emergency situations where the pilot requires help.

It's advanced systems are based on rare technologies, and inventions that it's creator made or accumulated over the course of her life. The Initium is equipped with a computer that has access to the databanks of the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats program. Across all the planets of the Empire of the Lost there are outposts conducting surveillance operations on nearby ecumenopolis, cities, towns, spaceports, establishments, organisations, spaceports, vehicles and starships. The information and intelligence churned by these places are delivered to the Initium frequently providing the pilot with a ready stream of knowledge of what is happening within the Empire. Consequentially the Initium also serves as a respiratory for the information and intelligence stored on board it's databank. Even if the DSDT were to be destroyed, or shut down, the years of data gathering by the program is saved on board this ship.

Although not integrated directly into the ship, as it can be installed or removed at will by the pilot, the Initium possesses a Portable Dampening Field on board. Please click this link to read a full synopsis of what this technology does.

A Cone of Silence is also located on board this vessel. Please click this link for a full synopsis of what this technology does.

The Initium was built with a cloaking device. When this technology is activated it will turn the ship physically invisible. The Stygium crystals used to power this device are stolen pieces of paraphernalia purchased by Alicia Drey on the black markets. As a criminal Alicia has a vast array of contacts who sell this rare material to her. It is also equipped with a second Eligor Cloaking Device that Alicia Drey traded for with Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf during the Convocation of Sojourn. Please click this link for a full synopsis of what this technology does.

If this ship has it's Eligor activated, in conjunction with the Cone of Silence, and Portable Dampening Field, it will become invulnerable to detection from any sensors or scanners. This is because if you can't hear, see or scan for something then you don't know it's there. Conversely, even if you knew the Initium was there, you can't find or shoot at it if you don't know where to point. For example, if the ship cloaked in front of you, then you wouldn't be able to physically see it anymore. If you are Force-sensitive, and it activates the Eligor cloak, then you cannot Force Sense it anymore. If you tried to listen too it, and it has the Cone of Silence activated, then you cannot hear it anymore. If you try to use a sensor, or scanner to look for it, and it has a Portable Dampening Field activated, then you cannot sense or scan it with technology.

The only way the Initium can be found (without fail) is if a Crystal Gravfield Trap is used in trying to locate it. This is because there is no way to hide it's gravitational pull. A Hyperspace Orbiting Scanner would also be able to detect if and where the Initium has been if a user can recognise the particles left behind by it's on board computers. Obviously, the pilot must have these technologies activated in order to be invulnerable to detection. It is possible that the pilot can be tricked or deceived resulting in one or more of these technologies not being active at the time. As with anything technological it is prone to Human (or Alien) error

The Initium is the same ship as this submission and shares the same common history as it. In 902 ABY Alicia Drey used Mecetti Nationalized Industries to refit the ship with the brand new technologies that she either invented or traded for as well as bring it's standard systems to modern specifications. The MNI's involvement in this refit was obfuscated from record although there is likely a paper trail that could be followed by a talented investigator if they wanted to look into it. If this were to happen it is possible to discover that the Initium's refit occurred on Obulette.

This ship is outfitted with a small bridge that contains two seats. Here a pilot and co-pilot can control the ship to use it to traverse the Galaxy or navigate their way through star systems, planets or landmarks. A flight of stairs leads down into the middle of a ship where living quarters can be located. In the centre of this room you can find a Holoprojector that can display a wide variety of maps, transmissions or play back audio recordings if inserted by the relevant technologies. Conversely the same compartment that holds the Holoprojector also contains a Cone of Silence. It possesses landing gears that allows the Initium to land in a multitude of terrains or places if the landing zone is acceptable to the pilot. It's landing ramp opens like a mouth on the left aft of the ship and leads downwards. This piece of the ship is controlled by hydraulics, and white gas is exposed when the landing ramp is lowered or closed.

A small cargo bay is located on the right aft of the ship. This area contains a wide array of consumables, foodstuffs, fuel, other technology, or paraphernalia that the pilot might be smuggling, and, of course, the Portable Dampening Field. It's Cloaking device and Eligor Cloaking Device were built into the ship. If they were fired upon by an enemy and damaged it would disabled the ship's ability to cloak.

The Initium was inspired by the Scimitar: the heavily modified Star Courier of Darth Maul.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Nice ship with a cool design!
  • You don't have to put your own subs into the permission, you can use them any time.
  • However you have to link this there about the Eligor Cloaking Device.
  • And you have to link a permission from Casteban Mecetti where they are give you a permission to use their company as Manufacturer.
  • Your ratings are very underpowered (-7), if you want to edit this, you can do it.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

About the production scale. Mass-product means 0 point, Minor is -1 point, Limitied is -2 points, Semi-unqiue is -3 points, and Unique is -4 points.
In the rating section ratings and their points are (except the hyperdrive, that is not part of tha ratings): [Base: -3 points | Very Low: -2 points | Low: -1 point | Average: 0 point | High: +1point | Very High: +2 points | Extreme: +3 points ]
In your case: Production is -4 points, you have 4 Average ratings which are 0 point, and a Base which is -3 points: -4+0+0+0+0-3 = -7.
This can be helpful to the future. You can copy this Spreadseet to your drive and you can use it to see when you reach the balanced rating.

I'm still lost even after reading that ngl lmao. I put the Production as Unique because there is only one ship, so does that mean I can increase the Maneuverability Rating, Speed Rating and Defenses? If so where can I move them too, and which ones?
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