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Duel The Lost Children of Ryloth

Braze Braze

Despite the situation, his icy quip back to her brought a small smirk to her face. The young Jedi was spicy - and she liked that. His attitude reminded her a bit of herself, if she could be honest. She chose not to play into his little game; there really was no point in snipping back and forth with each other.

She noticed the silence that befell his movements, moving forward as if he was light on his feet. It was almost as if he wasn’t there, and not soon after she noticed this, Revna sensed his Force presence encompassing them both. She didn’t comment on this, but continued as she had been, moving with the same care and caution as before - a shadow through the forest.

The young woman was slightly surprised he responded to her probing question about his use of Dark side abilities, though his response brought another small smile to her face.

...what a Sith thing to say.” she replied softly to his comments. Indeed, many dark siders and Sith would say the same thing. How ironic, she thought to herself as she studied him again, a little more closely this time. This young Jedi was certainly not what she thought he was upon first meeting him. There were many layers to him, a unique story under the surface…one she knew she’d probably never learn. His animosity towards her because of what she was, was just too deep - and that was fine. Though she was curious and she wanted to learn more, she wouldn’t force him to tell her anything.

She noticed the braid - and its adornments. She wondered what the purpose was behind them all, their function, their story…but again - she figured it would not be something she would ever learn. The padawan braid was a strange concept to her; Sith acolytes or apprentices didn’t have such things; they employed other symbols or methods, if any at all. She knew of some Sith that marked themselves in the flesh, or even carried brands or scars - be it done by their own hand, or by their master’s or someone else’s. Revna herself did not carry any markings on her skin, other than the various scars she’d obtained through her enslavement. Perhaps, one day, she’d ritually mark herself with the tenets of the Order of Wonosa…but that was something she wanted her Master to do, if it ever happened.

As she studied the youth with her, she noticed and recognized the various symbology of what he wore. Even on his armor, as unique as it was. Such things only deepened her curiosity, her desire to learn more about him. The why, behind everything.

She sighed softly, an almost disappointed sound. But she didn’t speak nor voice all that which was in her head.

Eventually, she did ask her other question - and he responded to it. It was exactly what she would do, and wanted to do: help the children be reunited with their loved ones…or help guide them towards a better future. Her mind drifted to young Veradun, the orphaned boy whom she had saved on Tund, whom she had found a new family for within the cult overseen by her Master.

So we want the same thing.” she replied in a soft voice, glancing at the youth with narrowed eyes. “Must be strange for you to hear that an individual who calls themselves a Sith wants to help innocent children. That a supposedly cruel and evil dark sider would even concern themselves with such things.” the little woman remarked, a touch mockingly.

Ahead of them stood a structure, highlighted by the fading light of Ryloth’s sun. An old hideout, no doubt, worn through time and age. It’s presence loomed before the two unlikely, if only brief, allies in this strange adventure. A Jedi and a Sith, working together towards the same goal.

A rare occurrence, but one not unknown to history. To Revna, it took wisdom for one to set aside their petty ideologically differences to work with their enemy towards a common objective. She wondered if the young yet skilled and daring padawan recognized such a thing. Or if he even cared at all.



TAGS: Revna Revna


"You might believe that our goals align, but at the root fundamentally, they diverge at the core. The aid you offer and the aid I propose lead down vastly different paths. It's ironic, isn't it? The Sith doctrine omits knowledge yet dares to challenge the concept of peace.

Sith lords desire their followers complacent and uninformed, kept in servitude under the guise and the pretense of freedom. You pledge allegiance to those who would keep you enslaved. You are kept in the dark, fed lies to keep you docile for those above you. It's not your fault; your perceptions have been distorted. Kept in the dark and fed falsehoods, you're used by those above you as nothing more than a tool. Jedi do not seek to oppress or rule; they do not fear the power that comes from knowledge. By denying you true understanding, you are kept ignorant. They rob you of the power to see clearly.

I pity those misled to believe in the Sith's promise of help, trapped in a destructive cycle while believing it aids them... It's a tragic fate, worse than death, being so deceived. It would galvanize and radicalize me to learn I was so pervesely trapped in such an endless loop.

By standing with them, you empower those who wish to keep you passive and easily controlled."

As he whispered this, his voice seemed to emanate from behind her, not using his mouth but still distinctly his as he moved towards the entrance. He paused, then darted off into the brush, seemingly searching for a place to hide. It was odd—why wouldn't he charge the building to rescue the children? What was he planning, lurking so close yet seemingly inactive?

Didn't he realize that the longer he waited, the longer they remained in what were likely terrible, abusive conditions? Each moment of hesitation potentially deepened the scars those innocent lives would carry. It was a dire predicament, demanding immediate action, yet here he was, seemingly inactive. His strategy was unclear, adding layers of tension to an already fraught situation. What was he planning, lurking so close, yet holding back at such a critical time?

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