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The Ssi-Ruuvi Leadership

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The Ssi-Ruuvi Leadership
The Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders are ruled by a leadership that may need some time to get used to for some. While it is not a difficult system, it does have unique twists.​

The Shreeftut
The Shreeftut is the supreme leader of the Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders. He is the ruler above the Conclave and the Elders' Council, as well as above every caste's leader. The Shreeftut cannot directly rule over any caste, but can rule over caste leaders.​
The Shreeftut is the main political and diplomatic figure of the faction, responsible for setting goals and managing the whole organisation, as well as having supreme judicial power.​
The Shreeftut is elected by the Elders' Council and the Conclave, usually amongst their own members.​
The current Shreeftut is Shrii'kar.
The Elders' Council
The Elders' Council is the secondary ruling body of the Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders. They have both legislative and judicial powers over the faction and therefore have a lot of control over the way the faction functions.​
The Elders' Council also rules over the Blue Caste.​
The Elders' Council consists of five Blue Caste members, all picked by the Shreeftut himself. Any Blue Caste member can apply to become a member, but the ultimate decision is the Shreeftut's to make.​
The current members of the Elder's Council are:
1. Mneidas (NPC)
2. Krk'aar (NPC)
3. Nkruut (NPC)
4. Nkidmos (NPC)
5. Fkr'faar (NPC)
The Conclave
The Conclave is the secondary ruling body of the Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders, working together with the Elders' Council. Most of their work relies in the religious issues of the faction and the Conclave does lead the Force Users of the faction, but they also have some legislative and judicial power.​
The Conclave also rules over the Gold Caste.​
The Conclave consists of five Master- or Knight-level Gold Caste members, all picked by the Shreeftut himself.​
The current members of the Conclave are:
1. Nkmadias (NPC)
2. Krl'klekk (NPC)
3. Ndkos (NPC)
4. Skritk'rit (NPC)
5. Km'nrida (NPC)

The Technocrat General
The Technocrat General is the ruler of the Yellow Caste. They have the power to organise, maintain and lead the Yellow Caste and its members in order to aid the goal of the Shreeftut.​
The Technocrat General is responsible for the technological and business-related advancement in the Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders.​
The current Technocrat General is Fkrato'k (NPC).
The Commander General
The Commander General is the ruler of the Red Caste. They have the power to organise, maintain and lead the Red Caste and its members in order to aid the goal of the Shreeftut.​
The Commander General works closely with the Shreeftut, the Elders' Council and the Conclave to work out the battle strategies of the faction.​
The Commander General is also responsible for commanding the Ssi-Ruuvi armies and forces, as well as working with the Technocrat General to ensure the high quality of Ssi-Ruuvi Raiders' weaponry, vehicles and vessels.​
The current Commander General is Grid'ikr (NPC).
The Assassin General
The Assassin General is the leader of the Black Caste. They have the power to organise, maintain and lead the Black Caste and its members in order to aid the goal of the Shreeftut.​
The Assassin General's main work lies in commanding the different assassins and spies of the Raiders, as well as working together with the Shreeftut.​
The Assassin General is unknown to the public and even his existence is not known by anybody other than the Shreeftut himself. However, the Assassin General is amongst the most influential and most fearsome people of the Raiders, responsible for ridding the galaxy of disloyalty and rebellion.​
The current Assassin General is Kry'ut (NPC).
The Humanitarian General
The Humanitarian General is the overseer of the Green and Brown Castes. They have some power to influence, organise, maintain and lead the work of the Green Caste, as well as to keep the Brown Caste from rebelling. However, their main responsibility relies in overseeing the two castes.​
The Humanitarian General works closely with the Shreeftut and the Elders' Council to ensure the quality of life of Green Caste members and security from the Brown Caste.​
The Humanitarian General is also responsible for the expansion of the faction.​
The current Humanitarian General is Prktos (NPC).
OOC Leadership
Faction Owner:
Faction Admins:
Faction Moderators:

Faction owner is typically also the Shreeftut.
One faction admin is usually chosen from the Elder's Council and the other from the Conclave. Other members of the two councils are usually advisors to the faction staff.
The Technocrat General, the Commander General, the Assassin General and the Humanitarian General act as faction moderators.
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