Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Theft/Stealing In Chaos

Hey everyone, your somewhat-friendly neighbor Jedi here.

I’ve been doing some ready lately in a few different SW Books (this book mainly for the purpose of this suggestion), and I found something quite interesting in it.

Taken straight from the book:

•Rights of Salvage. This usually means you get to keep whatever belonged to the acquisition, including starships, and storage lockers—and all the stuff that’s inside...”

So this got me thinking, what if this could be implemented into Chaos? I know we have strict permission rules, but I possibly have a solution to this.

What if we had a certain amount of subs you could have, while all others were available to be stolen/taken? Let me show you the list below.

Please note these are rough numbers that are not set in stone.

1. Ship
2. Ship
3. Lightsaber
4. Droid
5. Droid
6. Droid
7. Gun
8. Gun
9. Ship
10. Armor

Now these items on this list are Semi-Unique and Unique only. So Limited and below items do not need to be put on this list.

All of your Semi-Unique and Unique items that are not on this list have the ability to be stolen. To steal an item you must make a Private-Thread with a certain amount of posts. That thread will be a solo reply, and you are practically telling the story of you stealing it.

Items that you steal cannot be these listed below:
  • Recent factory subs (approved less than a few weeks ago)
  • Items on the owner’s list
  • Semi-Unique or Unique subs that are under Major Factions ownership, such as SSDs and Space Stations
  • Items that had recently been stolen (elaborated more below)

Once an item has been stolen, the new owner can have ownership of this item for a certain amount of weeks (no hard numbers yet), or if it goes on this new person’s list.

So this is a very rough draft . I realize that this is a huge implementation to Chaos, and I would love to hear everyone’s feedback on it.
Not to be rude, but this seems a... pretty terrible idea.

I'm all for theft, mind you, but only with (OOC) permission - letting people take your stuff with an arbitrary solo thread seems a truly strange choice and something that would absolutely be a salt mine extraordinaire.
Instead of limiting the items to unique or semi, it could just be items that are closed market and above semi unique.

Unique items are meant to be that way, and typically wouldn't be handed out unless sold somewhere.

Secondly, doing a simple solo thread would not be the ideal environment. Better placed as a skirmish, invasion or other threads that allow the owner to prevent said theft.
I feel the community can judge for themselves for what they would want to steal and from who if this would be implemented. The community is ran on respect of one another. Instating rules to determine who gets what, undermines this idea that Chaos has been heading with deregulation.

Honestly, this could already be done with the idea just being thrown out there to a Faction of "Hey, I wanna steal some of this stuff piracy style from you guys. Gonna set up a skirmish and if I walk away with some stuff great, if not had a fun time."

Most writers will agree to these terms, and if they say no, then they have their reasons for not wanting you, or someone else, in having that item/set of items.

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
That's well-within their right, though, as OOC permission is paramount. If you want to steal something, approach the person and talk about it. If they don't want to part with the item - find someone else that's willing, or submit something that's either very similar, or a shameless rip off, of said item that'd be yours to do with at your leisure.
Tefka Tefka

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

On a serious note...There used to be something called "Reverse Engineering" in the Factory but even that had its limitations due to respecting the creations of other writers. I respect the spirit and drive for wanting to shake up the "Piracy/Salvaging" scene because it is rather iconic from several Star Wars novels but it doesn't really translate to the Factory very well. I believe that both Rynn Vizsla Rynn Vizsla and Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest provided solid alternatives that would yield the best possible results for the type of RP and or mechanic you're looking for.

The largest hurdle, but hardly the least to the rough draft presented, is as Rynn stated: OOC permission is paramount.

It's the reason why all of the Factory and Codex Templates have a spot labeled "Permissions" to ensure that submitters were given consent from the OP to utilize their items. I cannot speak for John Locke John Locke but I can tell you that the Codex won't be rescinding that stance anytime soon.

Again - I think some of the previous comments stated it best. Reaching out to members and communicating can sometimes be the best way to approach something like this rather than instituting a site rule/mechanic. Especially, one that seems as if it could force members to involuntarily give up their creations.

In the interim? Keep investigating/thinking it over. There may be some version of it out there that we haven't thought of yet. Or something else new and cool that could work that won't infringe so heavily on other writers.

That's just my two cents though.

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