Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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Training Roster

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This thread is designed to allow teacher and student characters to connect not simply in the traditional Master/Padawan relationship, but for speciality skills such as various lightsaber combat forms or Force powers. More categories will be listed here as people offer them. If interested in joining the teacher roster here, please post below to be added, along with what your character teaches. Student characters, please private message the teacher you are interested in learning from. Thank you!

Force Powers
Travot Ravenna - (various basic Force Powers - specializing in Telekinetics )
Caltin Vanagor (Most abilities in the Force, specializing in the physical and combat)
Caedyn Arenais
Barrien Siegfried ( trainer of inner peace and the ways of non-violent)
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike (most powers, artisan skills, jedi research and history)

Lightsaber Combat Forms
Travot Ravenna (Shii-Cho, Soresu, Makashi, Ataru, Djem so, Sokan)
Caedyn Arenais
Caltin Vanagor (all forms at least to advanced)
Martial Arts
Hayde Torve (Dulon, Hapan, Jeswandi, Verdanaian)
Travot Ravenna (Broken Gate, Hapan, Jakelian, Echani)
Caltin Vanagor (Broken Gate, Tera Kasi, Rek'dul)
Gir Quee (Fleeting, Starship design and engineering)
Travot Ravenna (piloting small craft; basic starship repair and modifications)
Caedyn Arenais

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