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GNN Anchor – Joran Kael
"The Deep Core burns once again. The war between the Dark Empire and the Foundation has reached a boiling point on Prakith, a world long considered an Imperial stronghold. Tonight, The Kael Report brings you the latest on the battle that has erupted across...
“Come on! Come on!” Ko excitedly exclaimed to his uncle, Xojo. The little Kel Dor practically skipped off the hover train after it entered the station within the heart of Dor’Shan, the capital city of Dorin. The older Kel Dor looking after the young apprentice let out a heavy and tired sigh...
GNN Anchor – Joran Kael:
"Blood on the marble. A wedding turned funeral. A nation in mourning, and a monarchy teetering on the edge of chaos. Tonight, the Kael Report brings you the full story behind the tragedy that has shaken the Hapes Consortium to its core."
"What was meant to...
CRYPTOGRAPHY, as understood by the laymen, is the practice of encoding information so that it can only be read by the intended recipient. At the turn of the ninth-century, after the EMPIRE OF THE LOST suffered a political revolution (which saw the KILRAN DYNTASY rise to power in the TION...
I'm sorry I don't mean to worry you. But I can't lie to you. I'm not okay.
There's a lot of things I can't talk to you about but the war has been really difficult. I just don't want you to panic okay. I love you.
I've spoken with Master Noble and we will be able to come to Eshan soon...
Joran Kael, GNN Anchor:
*"For two weeks, the Lilaste Order has traveled across the hyperlanes, their fleet moving with precision and purpose, avoiding major population centers and refusing all attempts at communication. Now, their long journey has brought them here—to the Orinackra System...
Entry 5 - Blade of Wrath
The Blade of Wrath is a swordfighting style that embodies the essence of Darth Imperius' philosophy: a perfect fusion of overwhelming power, calculated precision, and tactical dominance. It is a style that reflects the duality of its creator - brutal yet elegant...
"Truth is a weapon, and tonight, we wield it."
GNN Anchor – Joran Kael:
"A once-thriving world stands on the brink of collapse. Its people scattered, its leadership fractured, and its future uncertain. Tonight, we take you inside Ord Providence—a planet where whispers of conspiracy have turned...
GNN Anchor:
"For weeks, the Lilaste Order's silent march has captivated the galaxy, leaving behind abandoned territories, unanswered questions, and rising tensions in the Mid Rim. Now, their journey has reached its conclusion—or perhaps, its true beginning.
Just hours ago, the entire Lilaste...
Location: The Pillar
Approximate Location: Beyond Wild Space, heading towards Peridea
Exact Location Hidden from the Galaxy.
The Pillar is a rare location in the galaxy, a place for the Wardens of the Sky, those elusive beings, to gather far and few between. To pass teachings, to...
Spark of Rebellion: The Final Push Against the Dark Empire
The Empire took everything. The Foundation rose from nothing. Now, they make their final push.
This is the battle that will decide everything.
They weren’t supposed to make it this far. The odds were stacked against them.
GNN Anchor:
"The Lilaste Order's silent march across the galaxy has reached its latest stop: the Ando System. For the past several rotations, eyewitnesses have confirmed the presence of the entire Lilaste armada, maintaining its methodical formation on the system's outer edge...
-|| Location: UNKNOWN, Netherworld
-|| Theme: Flickering Shadows
When the rift vanished before his eyes, Elias struggled to comprehend what he saw. The portal swirled, shrinking until it was little more than a bright white speck floating before him. Then, it was gone without a trace. No...
“What happens when somebody gets touched by a god? Usually they are smote. But. Sometimes, and very rarely, they…ascend” -The Outlast Trials
It wasn't until the door had slid closed and locked behind Him that Darth Strosius allowed some of the tension in His shoulders to leave with a deep...
This is Galactic News Network, bringing you continuous coverage of the Lilaste Order's unprecedented fleet movement. For nearly a cycle, reports have confirmed that the Order's entire military presence has departed from the Mid Rim, abandoning its former holdings in a deliberate, coordinated...
The stories above cover only events we've launched or participated in during the month of February. With a fun addition of some personal stories that were submitted by individual writers who wanted to showcase something they've worked on!
If you're interested in participating in stories like...
Epilogue – "Triumph at Woostri"
Chapter One - A Return to the Temple
In reference to [X]
Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Jedi Archives, Evening
Ilaria sat in the dim glow of the Temple's archive chamber, the flickering holonews display reflecting in her emerald gaze. The Mors Mon loomed over Woostri's...
Holonet stations across the galaxy would come to life with news of the battle of Woostri. After many weeks, the Galactic Alliance had been pushed off world, leaving nothing but corpses behind them. Images of the destruction caused by the Mors Mon, its monolithic shadow blocking the Sun for...
Epilogue – "Missed Calls"
Chapter One - A Return to the Temple
In Transit, Ship
The door had closed behind her, but the moment lingered. The words still hung in the air, weighty, unspoken, like the last echo of a blaster shot in the void.
Ilaria did not look back.
fa-play fa-pause
"My team didn't succeed in destroying the Penumbra. We were wiped out by Carnifex and another Sith. Get out of here before they come after you!"
"He's already here. Get out, Lily. I'll keep him busy as long as I can. If I don't—"
"They struggle against fate, while...