To Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren , Of the Jetii

The battlefield, in all its chaos and fury, can reveal the true soul of a warrior, and in you, Caelan, I have witnessed a steadfastness that deserves both respect and reflection. Like the oak that stands tall amidst the tempest, you do not bend to mere impulse, but root yourself in purpose. It is rare to find a warrior who not only seeks victory but knows the deeper truth of protection—the strength that nurtures as much as it destroys. In this, you have earned my admiration.

Yet, in the shadow of triumph, a bitter taste lingers. The death of the Queen—so swift, so final—leaves a wound in more than just flesh. There was no true hunt, no earned glory in her fall. She was not met with the honor of a battle fought, but rather a life snuffed like a candle in the wind. To take life without the weight of its consequence strips the moment of sport, of meaning, reducing it to mere slaughter. Even as enemies, I cannot rejoice in such an end.

Let it be known that I offer no praise for the ease of her passing, only a quiet recognition of her lost spark. Though her fate was sealed by the dance of war, I offer my voice in mourning—not for her power, but for the spirit that flickered in her eyes. She deserved better than a death without dignity, and for that, Caelan, I extend my condolences.

I hope the winds carry your soul with the same care that your hands have offered to others. For in the end, it is not just our victories that define us, but the lives we choose to honor—friend, foe, and fallen alike.

-Ninurta, Beastmaster of Clan Mudhorn

P.S ~
Yes, I know of your name now and Its with great pleasure and hope I am able to meet you again and learn more about you on the field of battle.