
STATION: The Chimera.
ENTRY: #3.

The Empire's hold over the Northern Territories has been compromised, yet I have achieved the power and the training that I had set out to obtain. Zeptepi Zambrano remains my Master, and our dealings together will outlive this setback, yet my eyes now look to finish what I started before seeking to undertake anything more. The Disciples of Typhojem must be eliminated. Fortunately, I now also have the name of the leader of the cult, Juhnen Khosso.

Piecing together what little I was told by the Silver Jedi, Caedyn, and what data I have found within the Sith Archives, I believe this rogue Sith Lord to be responsible for my enslavement and the whereabouts of my family. He is the key to the answers that I seek regarding my past, my identity and my origins. The truth will finally be revealed to me, and I shall make him regret what he did. His death will be slow and painful. I have dreamed of this for so long, and now I am this close to making him answer for his crimes.

The outpost on Arcadia-N-30 was only one of several. Small and insignificant, indistinguishable from that of mercenaries or poachers. As I record this, I am en route for Silver Space once more, though not for the Jedi, but to bring Darth Veneer to heel. While he may be a powerful Force User, Zeptepi has exposed the magicks of the Dathomiri Covenant to me throughout my meditation, and from there I have been blessed with a power I still lack a true understanding of. Whatever kind of influence or energy these Witches are able to control, it has amplified my strength and ability to command the darkness around me....-I can still hear their senseless chanting, like whispers in the back of my head.

Either way, the time has come. What blood has been spilled, what more lives must be taken, I have become strong through the fury of open warfare and will cast aside any who choose to stand between me and these traitorous zealots. This cult is a blight on the Galaxy, even by Sith standards. In ending their lives, I'll be doing the Galaxy a favour. What follows after that, after I have found my family once again, I do not care.

Khosso owes me, and that debt will be paid in blood.