After Action Report
Mission: Secure Sith Artifact
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Operatives Assigned: Warden Isabsel, Warden Mordea, Warden Iyandaya, Warden Serale
Outcome: Success
Debrief Provided By: Warden Isabsel

Operatives were given the mission to secure a Sith artifact that had came into the hands of a crime lord on Nar Shadaa, information was provided by another operative working as an informant on the planet. Warden Isabsel and her team were to pose as servants of to a party hosted by the local Hutt in that section of Nar Shadaa. Most if all the more prominent criminal organizations would be in attendance as they all do pay tithes to the Hutts, and do not wish to run the risk of angering them. From there, they were to gather information from the gangsters once they had enough drink in their system and their lips loosened. Information would then be used to devise a plan to steal the Sith artifact. Accordng to Warden Isabsel, they inserted into Nar Shadaa without incident and were able to merge with the populations.

She reports that many sentients have given them odd looks, but that is to be expected. No one entirely knows of our race and even if we do look like Echani. Warden Isbasel stated that they were given fake identifications to help with their cover, provided by the 5th operative before they embedded themselves in the event's staff. For days, they played their part, assisting with setting everything up and earning trust from the actual employees at the venue. Once the party came, no one questioned where Warden Isabsel and her other operatives came from. After spending hours, playing their parts, they would come across some crucial information. The gang who held the Sith Artifact in their poession, had pawned it off to an unknown client for quite the sum of credits. When pressed for more details, all that was said is that the buyer was a hooded figur.

The plan quickly changed. Command was informed of this update by Warden Serale. From here, the operatives began the search once more for information regarding the buyer, This lead to a raid on a warehouse where many gangsters were interrogated about it. Little to no new information was revealed by this tactic, as it turns out many gangsters knew next to nothing. The trail was turning cold quickly, but the operatives maintained cohesion and worked tiressly to secure a new lead. Days went by without so much as a whisper of the wherabouts about the buyer or the Sith artifact. Yet a lead would come through when a deal went wrong and ended in a shootout. Many witness say that there was a hooded figure as well, blocking blaster bolts with a lightsaber.

The operatives reacted swiftly, tracking down the hooded figure to a rooftop. There the hooded figure revealed himself to be a Jedi Investigator, charged with going undercover in the criminal underworld. Warden Isabsel noted the slight apphrension and uneasiness in the man's face when he realized he couldn't sense them. That did not phase the Jedi Invesitgator for long however, as he ignited his saber calling Warden Isabsel and the other operatives Sithspawn. The operatives drew their weapons and engaged the Jedi. Isabsel reports that despite being outnumbereed four to one, the Jedi managed to hold his own, often using misdirection and agility to his benefit.

The duel continued from rooftop to roofstop, with the operatives only knicking the Jedi here and there with their cortosis weaved weapons. But despite the Jedi's impressive defensive skill, the operatives were able to pin him down to a dead end. They moved in for the kill, but the Jedi managed to force push them back. Even though the effect wasn't as strong as it normally would be, it was enough for the Jedi to seize the advantage at impale his saber through Warden Serale's chest. She died immediately as the saber pierced cleanly through her heart. Warden Isabsel and the two others immediately went to stab their weapons through the legs and shoulder of the Jedi. Wounded, the Jedi did surrender. It should be noted that the operatives were tempted to kill the Jedi, but elected to capture him to bring him back for interrogation. His knowledge could be useful to us. Extraction went well without an issue.

Warden Serale's body will be buried and a properly send off will be conducted. As for the first mission for Warden Isabsel, her performance was satisfactory. Recommended for more in depth training and possible officer training once she gets more experience. At the moment, she is assisting in the interrogation of the Jedi Investigator. The Sith Artifact was recovered and is now in the process of being properly disposed of.