Dear Diary,

Gosh I haven't written in this thing in ages. I can't even rember when I did so last. Was it after my parents died? After Curtis? After Kaine and everyone else? My mentors are either dead or staying away from me in order to keep their Clans safe. I'm Dar'manda to them all, I guess. My family is all gone. The only constant that I have is Arla...

My arranged marriage is....going okay. There's no closeness between Rex and I yet, but sometimes we get to talk if we're around eachother. And now that he's King he's understandibly a lot busier. Oddly enough it makes him more protective of me too. So maybe in some way he does care...

I hate it that Heath is in a coma. I can't even see him to try to help. Everything's restricted, including from me. I can understand why given the rumours running around about how he got put in there. But he was the only father-figure and mentor that I had left. Who would I turn to now? The Dobsons? Ha! I'd rather kiss a Hutt.

Some group calling themselves the Strategic Terminators of Arms Factories and Facilities destroyed everything that Kaine left me. But I'm defiant by nature and so it's all getting rebuilt, and it'll be better than before. I'm sure Kaine would be smiling if he saw it.

I miss them all. I miss just being a goofball and having a bunch of friends and getting into trouble. Now it's just not really a lot different than flying through space with Arla and avoiding the wars that my family were fighting in. Instead of my little ship I now have an Empire to call home.

Maybe I just need a hobby...